:IsObject :IsArray :Calculate new basic functions with DEMO
Posted: 20 Sep 2023 02:24
I just made a few more functions
First :IsObject
Use it like this
Call :IsObject NotAnObject myoutput
Call :IsObject NotAnObject && echo NotAnObject is an object || echo NotAnObject is not object
In my world, an object is a variable name which has other defined variable with the same root name plus a "." and some other text
Here is what I mean
Here's an example use
Here' s the output for that
Here's the function itself
There's also a slower, stricter version which looks for the "."
And here is the entire DEMO file
Next :IsArray
In my world an array is fundamentally a variable which includes numbers between [brackets]
so myarray is an array if there exists myarray[42]
Also if myarray.ubound myarray.lbound or myarray.datatype=array are defined
You use it like this
Here is the code of that function
And here is the full DEMO file
Lastly, the function :Arithmetic, which is a simple function of the "set /a" command
You can use it byval, byref and byref array
Call :Calculate 2+2 myresult
set myarray[0]=2+2
Call :Calculate myarray[0] myresult
Call :Calculate myarray myresults
I have not yet made a version which can detection operations that start with an operator to chain multiple operations together
Here is the DEMO function
Here is the console output for that
Here is the function itself
And here is the DEMO file
Oh this function is aliased to two names :Arithmetic and :Calculate
I like to call it :Calculate, but :Arithmetic would be the bare set /a capabilities , while :Calculate might grow to become more clever overtime. Maybe a version of :Calculate could implement some of "bc"
I just made a few more functions
First :IsObject
Use it like this
Call :IsObject NotAnObject myoutput
Call :IsObject NotAnObject && echo NotAnObject is an object || echo NotAnObject is not object
In my world, an object is a variable name which has other defined variable with the same root name plus a "." and some other text
Here is what I mean
Code: Select all
set NotAnObject=test
set IsAnObject=test
set IsAnObject.suffixA=test
set IsAnObject.suffixB=test
set IsAnObject.suffixC=test
set IsAnotherObject.suffixA=test
set IsAnotherObject.suffixB=test
set IsAnotherObject.suffixC=test
Code: Select all
Call :IsObject NotAnObject myoutput
echo IsObject NotAnObject ? %myoutput%
Call :IsObject IsAnObject myoutput
echo IsObject IsAnObject ? %myoutput%
Call :IsObject IsAnotherObject myoutput
echo IsObject IsAnotherObject ? %myoutput%
Call :IsObject NotAnObject && echo NotAnObject is an object || echo NotAnObject is not object
Call :IsObject IsAnObject && echo IsAnObject is an object || echo IsAnObject is not object
Call :IsObject IsAnotherObject && echo IsAnotherObject is an object || echo IsAnotherObject is not object
Code: Select all
IsObject NotAnObject ? false
IsObject IsAnObject ? true
IsObject IsAnotherObject ? true
NotAnObject is not object
IsAnObject is an object
IsAnotherObject is an object
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :IsObject ObjectName optional Output
set /a "_IsObject=1"
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%a in ('set %~1 2^>nul') do (
if "[%%a]" NEQ "[%~1]" ( set /a "_IsObject=0" & GoTo :IsObject-for-exit )
if "[%~2]" NEQ "[]" if "[%_IsObject%]" EQU "[0]" ( set "%~2=true" ) else ( set "%~2=false" )
set "_IsObject=" & exit /b %_IsObject%
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :IsObjectStrict ObjectName optional Output
set /a "_IsObjectStrict=1"
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%a in ('set %~1 2^>nul') do (
if "[%%a]" NEQ "[%~1]" (
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set _IsObjectStrict_buffer=%%a
set _IsObjectStrict_buffer=!_IsObjectStrict_buffer:%~1=!
set _IsObjectStrict_buffer=!_IsObjectStrict_buffer:~,1!
if "[!_IsObjectStrict_buffer!]" EQU "[.]" ( endlocal & set /a "_IsObjectStrict=0" & GoTo :IsObjectStrict-for-exit )
if "[%~2]" NEQ "[]" if "[%_IsObjectStrict%]" EQU "[0]" ( set "%~2=true" ) else ( set "%~2=false" )
set "_IsObjectStrict=" & exit /b %_IsObjectStrict%
In my world an array is fundamentally a variable which includes numbers between [brackets]
so myarray is an array if there exists myarray[42]
Also if myarray.ubound myarray.lbound or myarray.datatype=array are defined
You use it like this
Code: Select all
Call :IsArray IsAnArray1 myoutput
echo IsArray IsAnArray1 ? %myoutput%
Call :IsArray IsAnArray1 && echo IsAnArray1 is an array || echo IsAnArray1 is not array
Code: Select all
::Usage :IsArray ArrayName optional output
set /a "_IsArray=1"
if defined %~1.lbound ( set /a "_IsArray=0" & GoTo :IsArray-end )
if defined %~1.ubound ( set /a "_IsArray=0" & GoTo :IsArray-end )
if defined %~1.datatype call set "_IsArray_datatype=%%%~1.datatype%%"
if "[%_IsArray_datatype%]" EQU "[array]" ( set /a "_IsArray=0" & GoTo :IsArray-end )
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%a in ('set %~1 2^>nul') do (
if "[%%a]" NEQ "[%~1]" (
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set _IsArray_buffer=%%a
set _IsArray_buffer=!_IsArray_buffer:%~1=!
set _IsArray_buffer=!_IsArray_buffer:~,1!
if "[!_IsArray_buffer!]" EQU "[[]" ( endlocal & set /a "_IsArray=0" & GoTo :IsArray-end )
if "[%~2]" NEQ "[]" if "[%_IsArray%]" EQU "[0]" ( set "%~2=true" ) else ( set "%~2=false" )
set "IsArray=" & set "_IsArray_datatype=" & exit /b %_IsArray%
Lastly, the function :Arithmetic, which is a simple function of the "set /a" command
You can use it byval, byref and byref array
Call :Calculate 2+2 myresult
set myarray[0]=2+2
Call :Calculate myarray[0] myresult
Call :Calculate myarray myresults
I have not yet made a version which can detection operations that start with an operator to chain multiple operations together
Here is the DEMO function
Code: Select all
echo.&echo Performing calculations byval&echo.
set myresult=
Call :Calculate 2+2 myresult
echo 2+2 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate 2+2+5465+1 myresult
echo 2+2+5465+1 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate 100-25-25+50 myresult
echo 100-25-25+50 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate 25/5 myresult
echo 25/5 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate 10*10 myresult
echo 10*10 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate 99%%%%20 myresult
echo 99%%20 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate 10+10/2 myresult
echo 10+10/2 is %myresult%
Call :Calculate (10+10)/2 myresult
echo (10+10)/2 is %myresult%
set myarray[0]=2+2
set myarray[1]=2+2+5465+1
set myarray[2]=100-25-25+50
set myarray[3]=25/5
set myarray[4]=10*10
set myarray[5]=99%%20
set myarray[6]=10+10/2
set myarray[7]=(10+10)/2
echo.&echo Performing calculations byref&echo.
set myresult=
Call :Calculate myarray[0] myresult
echo %myarray[0]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[1] myresult
echo %myarray[1]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[2] myresult
echo %myarray[2]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[3] myresult
echo %myarray[3]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[4] myresult
echo %myarray[4]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[5] myresult
echo %myarray[5]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[6] myresult
echo %myarray[6]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
Call :Calculate myarray[7] myresult
echo %myarray[7]% is %myresult%, errorlevel is %errorlevel%
set myarray.ubound=7
echo.&echo Performing calculations from array byref&echo.
Call :Calculate myarray myresults
call :echoarray myresults
Code: Select all
Performing calculations byval
2+2 is 4
2+2+5465+1 is 5470
100-25-25+50 is 100
25/5 is 5
10*10 is 100
99%20 is 19
10+10/2 is 15
(10+10)/2 is 10
Performing calculations byref
2+2 is 4, errorlevel is 4
2+2+5465+1 is 5470, errorlevel is 5470
100-25-25+50 is 100, errorlevel is 100
25/5 is 5, errorlevel is 5
10*10 is 100, errorlevel is 100
99%20 is 19, errorlevel is 19
10+10/2 is 15, errorlevel is 15
(10+10)/2 is 10, errorlevel is 10
Performing calculations from array byref
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :Calculate operations result operations2 result2 operationsN resultN
set "_Arithmetic_operation=%~1"
set "_Arithmetic_output=%~2"
if defined %~1.ubound GoTo :Arithmetic-loop-setup
if defined %_Arithmetic_operation% call set "_Arithmetic_operation=%%%_Arithmetic_operation%%%"
set /a "_Arithmetic_result=%_Arithmetic_operation%"
set /a "%_Arithmetic_output%=%_Arithmetic_result%" & GoTo :Arithmetic-end
if defined %_Arithmetic_output%.ubound ( call set /a "_Arithmetic_output_ubound=%%%_Arithmetic_output%.ubound%%" ) else ( set /a "_Arithmetic_output_ubound=-1" )
if defined %_Arithmetic_operation%.lbound ( call set /a "_Arithmetic_operation_lbound=%%%_Arithmetic_operation%.lbound%%" ) else ( set /a "_Arithmetic_operation_lbound=0" )
call set /a "_Arithmetic_operation_ubound=%%%_Arithmetic_operation%.ubound%%"
set /a "_Arithmetic_operation_index=%_Arithmetic_operation_lbound%"
set /a "_Arithmetic_output_ubound+=1"
call set /a "_Arithmetic_result=%%%_Arithmetic_operation%[%_Arithmetic_operation_index%]%%"
set /a "%_Arithmetic_output%[%_Arithmetic_output_ubound%]=%_Arithmetic_result%"
set /a "_Arithmetic_operation_index+=1"
if %_Arithmetic_operation_index% LEQ %_Arithmetic_operation_ubound% GoTo :Arithmetic-loop
set /a "%_Arithmetic_output%.ubound=%_Arithmetic_output_ubound%"
REM I think I'm missing some stuff here, at least clear local variables !
REM if %~3 %~4 clear and goto start to chain multiple operations like Call :Calculate 2+2 myresult 3+3 myresult2, this function isn't done ! also need to test all the operators, especially the bitwise , also make boolean logic with the bitwide operators!
exit /b %_Arithmetic_result%
Oh this function is aliased to two names :Arithmetic and :Calculate
I like to call it :Calculate, but :Arithmetic would be the bare set /a capabilities , while :Calculate might grow to become more clever overtime. Maybe a version of :Calculate could implement some of "bc"