Oh jee ! bakker ! You must have made a mess of the oven contents ! (hahaha)
Starting with the simplest instructions (right at the end) ..... I created a batch file from Batcher's code and ran it.
Of course a DOS window opened - and stayed open without seeming to achieve anything, so I just closed it.
'Your use of the term 'manually' is ambiguous.' I mean doing it by mouse and keyboard rather than by code in batchfile : select the file and press DEL key.
'Using Gui (windows explorer) or command prompt (cmd) are entirely different beasts' - I understand that using CMD follows the rules initially laid down in DOS.
'A delete from command prompt will respect the read only attribute and will only allow Delete using a special force delete flag.'
Well that seems to explain why a batch file fails where GUI succeeds.
I pasted the code into a command prompt and am reproducing the entire DOS window contents in the attachment - I hope tat is what you mean by 'the log file'.
I can not interpret the results to decide whether or not 'your problem file is shown in the logfile'
When I clicked on what I took to be the 'insert attachment tool' an unexpected response was the addition of '
' at the bottom of this post.
Trying to paste the image between the brackets failed. I will try to reproduce the text : there appear to be many 'spelling' errors, and I will correct them if you ask me to.
or provide the attachment some other way.
"set "dir=C:\Data\Firefox\Bookmarks'
set 'pattern=bookmarks‘.jsonlzd'
set 'DirPattern=%dir%\%pattern%'
rem create dummy bookmarks file
if not exist ‘Xdir%\BookmarksDummy==.jsonlzd' copy nul 'Xdir%\BookmarksDummy==q
1 file(s) copied.
More? echo location of file dummy.log: XTEMPX
More? echo .
More? if exist 'XdirX' ((echo Dir found, attributes precede dir name, attribute:
for XdirX) s (attrib Xdir%))
More? if exist "XDirPatternX" ((echo Files Found, attributes precede filename)!
(attrib 'XDirPatternX")) else (echo No Files with pattern XDirPatternX)
More? echo .
More? if exist "XdirX" ((echo Permissions for dir XdirX) & (icacls Xdir%))
More? if exist 'XDirPatternX' ((echo Permissions for file) s (icacls 'XDirPattel
nX')) else (echo No Files with pattern XDirPatternX)
More? ) > XTEMP%\dummy.log
rem cleanup variables
for %A in (dir pattern DirPattern) do set '%A='
@echo on
C:\NINDONS\5ystem32>type XTEMP%\dummy.log"
I will attempt to 'collect the info for attributes and permissions from windows explorer'
I can't because the files that used to be in the bookmarks folder are all gone and have been replaced by YOUR creation : "BookmarksDummy==.jsonlz4"