Parsing exclamation marks in filenames of %%i
Posted: 11 Dec 2023 06:54
Hiya! Got a bit of a question. Been trying to figure out how to parse exclamation marks in filenames when using a variable, as the subject head says.
Currently, I have a batch file that will do what I want it to do (FFMPEG audio extraction as MP3 from MP4 into separate folder). However, I'm stumbling over getting it to recognize exclamation marks in the filename. Please see below:
As you can see, I have EnableDelayedExpansion since I'm using the !! variables in the loop. My understanding is that this completely locks me out of using exclamation marks in my filenames, but I have to use the !! variables due to the loop. Is this correct? Still very much a newbie! Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
Currently, I have a batch file that will do what I want it to do (FFMPEG audio extraction as MP3 from MP4 into separate folder). However, I'm stumbling over getting it to recognize exclamation marks in the filename. Please see below:
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "inputDirectory=X:\Media\YouTube\music_videos\"
set "bitrate=192k"
REM Loop through all MP4 files in the input directory and its subfolders
for /r "%inputDirectory%" %%i in (*.mp4) do (
set "inputFile=%%i"
set "outputPath=%%~dpi"
set "outputFile=!outputPath:_videos=!%%~nxi.mp3"
REM Ensure the output directory for the current file exists
if not exist "!outputPath:_videos=!\.." mkdir "!outputPath:_videos=!\.."
REM Check if the output file already exists
if not exist "!outputFile!" (
REM Execute FFMPEG command to convert MP4 to MP3 with specified quality
ffmpeg -i "!inputFile!" -vn -acodec mp3 -ab !bitrate! "!outputFile!"
) else (
echo Output file for "!inputFile!" already exists. Skipping.
echo Conversion completed.