info.bat stickied post gone?

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Posts: 609
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 03:46

info.bat stickied post gone?

#1 Post by miskox » 15 Jun 2024 14:13

Here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7420&p=49133#p49133 is a link to ... 091#p49091 that does not exist anymore.

I miss the 'info.bat' link at the top of the forum.

What happened?

In the post viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11285 I wanted to link to the 'info.bat' post to get that info.


Posts: 4483
Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: info.bat stickied post gone?

#2 Post by Squashman » 15 Jun 2024 18:52

Moderator error. When we were having so many issues with spam accounts and spam posts for several months this year, I accidentally deleted it. I had posted about it in the moderator forum. Wasn't sure if Peter could restore the topic from backup but he has been pretty busy with his own life and trying to get the forum more secure so I am sure it is probably a lost cause now.

In the moderator forum, penpen had suggested we could restore some of it from the WayBack machine. But I don't think it has the full code from the batch file.

My apologies.

Posts: 4483
Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: info.bat stickied post gone?

#3 Post by Squashman » 15 Jun 2024 18:57

Wayback Machine did have the code but I don't know if this is the most up to date.

Code: Select all

:: INFO.BAT version 1.5
:: source
:: Bugs and suggestions can be reported in thread
:: Release History:
::  2018-05-03 v1.5: More reliable OEM codepage determination (
::  2017-01-05 v1.4: Bugfix for trailing backslashes in PATH
::  2016-09-24 v1.3: RunAs check simplified
::  2016-09-20 v1.2: Version added to the output
::  2016-09-19 v1.1: Faulty percent sign in the "dirs" variable corrected
::  2016-09-10 v1.0: Initial release

@echo off
set ex_noreg=Disabled
2>nul set "ex_noreg=Enabled "
set de_noreg=Disabled
if "!!"=="" (set de_noreg=Enabled )

setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
cd /d "%~dp0"
set /p "v="<"%~fs0"
>"%temp%\info.txt" echo [code^]%v:~2%

:: prepare some variables to shorten lines in the script
set "International=Control Panel\International"
set "CurrentVersion=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
set "CodePage=SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage"
set "CMDproc=Software\Microsoft\Command Processor"
set /a "HKCU=80000001, HKLM=80000002, HKU=80000003"

:: try to assign variables for used tools in order to make the script run even if the path or pathext variables are corrupted
if exist "" (set "") else (set "chcp=echo" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo not found.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%find.exe" (set "find=%__APPDIR__%find.exe") else (set "find=echo" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo find.exe not found.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%findstr.exe" (set "findstr=%__APPDIR__%findstr.exe") else (set "findstr=echo" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo findstr.exe not found.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%gpresult.exe" (set "gpresult=%__APPDIR__%gpresult.exe") else (set "gpresult=" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo gpresult.exe not found.)
if defined gpresult >nul 2>nul %gpresult% /? || (set "gpresult=" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo gpresult.exe not accessible.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%net.exe" (set "net=%__APPDIR__%net.exe") else (set "net=echo" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo net.exe not found.)
if exist "%SystemRoot%\notepad.exe" (set "notepad=%SystemRoot%\notepad.exe") else if exist "%__APPDIR__%notepad.exe" (
  set "notepad=%__APPDIR__%notepad.exe"
) else (set "notepad=%__APPDIR__%cmd.exe /k type" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo notepad.exe not found.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%ping.exe" (set "ping=%__APPDIR__%ping.exe") else (set "ping=(for /l %%i in (0 1 10000) do echo %%i>nul)&echo" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo ping.exe not found.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%reg.exe" (set "reg=%__APPDIR__%reg.exe") else (set "reg=foo?.exe" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo reg.exe not found.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%whoami.exe" (set "whoami=%__APPDIR__%whoami.exe") else (set "whoami=" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo whoami.exe not found.)
if defined whoami >nul 2>nul %whoami% /? || (set "whoami=" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo whoami.exe not acessible.)
if exist "%__APPDIR__%wbem\WMIC.exe" (set "wmic=%__APPDIR__%wbem\WMIC.exe") else (set "wmic=" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo wmic.exe not found.)
if defined wmic >nul 2>nul %wmic% /? || (set "wmic=" &>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo wmic.exe not accessible.)
>>"%temp%\info.txt" echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

:: shorten WMI StdRegProv command lines
set "RegHead=set "dat="&for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%i in ('2^>nul %wmic% /NameSpace:\\root\default Class StdRegProv Call"
set "RegTail=^|%findstr% /rc:"\^<[su]Value = "') do for %%k in (%%j) do set "dat=%%~k""

:: list of directories to check if missing in the path variable
set dirs="%SystemRoot%","%SystemRoot%\System32","%__APPDIR__%wbem","%__APPDIR__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0"

:: list of tools to check if missing in the path environment
set tools=certutil,choice,clip,debug,forfiles,gpresult,icacls,openfiles,powershell,robocopy,timeout,whoami,wmic

:: check reg access
%reg% query "HKCU\%International%" >nul 2>&1 && (set "RegUserInternational=1") || (set "RegUserInternational=0")
%reg% query "HKU\.DEFAULT\%International%" >nul 2>&1 && (set "RegDefInternational=1") || (set "RegDefInternational=0")
%reg% query "HKLM\%CurrentVersion%" >nul 2>&1 && (set "RegSysCurrentVersion=1") || (set "RegSysCurrentVersion=0")
%reg% query "HKLM\%CodePage%" >nul 2>&1 && (set "RegSysCodePage=1") || (set "RegSysCodePage=0")
%reg% query "HKCU\%CMDproc%" >nul 2>&1 && (set "RegUserCMDproc=1") || (set "RegUserCMDproc=0")
%reg% query "HKLM\%CMDproc%" >nul 2>&1 && (set "RegSysCMDproc=1") || (set "RegSysCMDproc=0")

:: check AutoRun settings
set "AutoRunUser="
>"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" type nul
if %RegUserCMDproc%==1 (
  2>nul %reg% query "HKCU\%CMDproc%" /v AutoRun |>"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" %find% "REG_"
) else if defined wmic (
  2>nul %wmic% /NameSpace:\\root\default Class StdRegProv Call GetExpandedStringValue hDefKey="&H%HKCU%" sSubKeyName="%CMDproc%" sValueName="AutoRun" |>"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" %findstr% /rc:"\<[su]Value = "
<"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" set /p "AutoRunUser="
set "AutoRunSys="
>"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" type nul
if %RegSysCMDproc%==1 (
  2>nul %reg% query "HKLM\%CMDproc%" /v AutoRun |>"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" %find% "REG_"
) else if defined wmic (
  2>nul %wmic% /NameSpace:\\root\default Class StdRegProv Call GetExpandedStringValue hDefKey="&H%HKLM%" sSubKeyName="%CMDproc%" sValueName="AutoRun" |>"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" %findstr% /rc:"\<[su]Value = "
<"%temp%\autorun.tmp~" set /p "AutoRunSys="
del "%temp%\autorun.tmp~"

:: check elevation and Admin membership
set "RunAs="
%net% session >nul 2>&1 && (set "RunAs=Yes") || (set "RunAs=No")
set "LocalAdmin="
if defined whoami 2>nul %whoami% /groups|>nul %findstr% /i "\<S-1-5-32-544\>" && set "LocalAdmin=Yes" || set "LocalAdmin=No"
if not defined LocalAdmin if defined wmic (
  for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%i in (
    '%wmic% path Win32_Group WHERE "LocalAccount='TRUE' AND SID='S-1-5-32-544'" GET Name /value'
  ) do for /f "delims=" %%k in ("%%j") do (
    for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%l in ('2^>nul %gpresult% /r /scope user ^| %findstr% /n /c:"--------" /c:"%%k"') do (
      set "check="
      for /f "delims=- " %%n in ("%%m") do set "check=1"
      if not defined check (
        set "n=%%l"
        set "LocalAdmin=No"
      ) else for /f %%n in ('set /a n') do if %%n lss %%l set "LocalAdmin=Yes"
) else set "LocalAdmin=Not found"

:: International
for %%a in ("iDate" "LocaleName") do set "%%~a="
if %RegUserInternational%==1 (call :RegInternational) else if defined wmic call :WmiInternational
if not defined iDate set "iDate=0"
if not defined LocaleName call :MUI
if "%iDate%"=="0" (set "format=mm/dd/yy") else if "%iDate%"=="1" (set "format=dd/mm/yy") else if "%iDate%"=="2" (set "format=yy/mm/dd")

:: ProductName
set "ProductName="
if %RegSysCurrentVersion%==1 (call :RegProductName) else if defined wmic call :WmiProductName
if not defined ProductName for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%i in ('2^>nul %wmic% os get Caption /value') do set "ProductName=%%j"

:: Extensions and DelayedExpansion
for %%a in (es eu ds du) do set "%%a=Disabled"
if %RegUserCMDproc%==1 (call :RegUserProc) else if defined wmic call :WmiUserProc
if %RegSysCMDproc%==1 (call :RegSysProc) else if defined wmic call :WmiSysProc
if not defined eu set "eu=%ex_noreg%"
if not defined du set "du=%de_noreg%"

:: Code Pages
set "OEMCP=" &set "ACP="
if %RegSysCodePage%==1 (call :RegCodePage) else if defined wmic call :WmiCodePage
if not defined OEMCP for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('%chcp%') do for %%j in (%%j) do set "OEMCP=%%~nj"
if not defined ACP (
  if defined wmic (
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('%wmic% os get CodeSet /value') do set /a "ACP=%%i"

:: checks path
:: removes random double quotes, adds double quotes, removes trailing slash
set "p=%path:"=""%"
set "p=%p:^=^^%"
set "p=%p:&=^&%"
set "p=%p:|=^|%"
set "p=%p:<=^<%"
set "p=%p:>=^>%"
set "p=%p:;=^;^;%"
set p=%p:""="%
set "p=%p:"=""%"
set "p=%p:;;="";""%"
set "p=%p:^;^;=;%"
set "p=%p:""="%"
set "p=%p:"=""%"
set "p=%p:"";""=";"%"
set "p=%p:"""="%"
set p="%p%"
set p=%p:\"="%

:: Check for 64 bit windows.
set "bit="
if defined wmic (
  for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%i in ('2^>nul %wmic% os GET OSArchitecture /value') do for /f "delims=" %%k in ("%%j") do set "bit=%%k"
if defined bit (echo "%bit%"|%find% "64" >nul && set "bit=64" || set "bit=32") else (
  echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"|%find% "86" >nul && set "bit=32" || (
    if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (set "bit=64") else set "bit=32"

:: RAM space
set "ram="
if defined wmic (
  for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%i in ('2^>nul %wmic% os GET TotalVisibleMemorySize /value') do for /f "delims=" %%k in ("%%j") do set "ram=%%k"

:: get Windows version and the DIR command format to display
if "%notepad:~-3%"=="exe" (
  >nul %chcp% %ACP%
  for /f "delims=" %%a in ('^>nul %chcp% %ACP% ^&ver') do set "WinVer=%%a"
  if exist "%SystemDrive%\pagefile.sys" (
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('^>nul %chcp% %ACP% ^&dir "%SystemDrive%\pagefile.sys" /a ^|%find% ":"') do set "DirFormat=%%a"
  ) else for /f "delims=" %%a in ('^>nul %chcp% %ACP% ^&dir "%__APPDIR__%ntoskrnl.exe" /a ^|%find% ":"') do set "DirFormat=%%a"
  >nul %chcp% %OEMCP%
) else (
  for /f "delims=" %%a in ('ver') do set "WinVer=%%a"
  if exist "%SystemDrive%\pagefile.sys" (
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%SystemDrive%\pagefile.sys" /a ^|%find% ":"') do set "DirFormat=%%a"
  ) else for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%__APPDIR__%ntoskrnl.exe" /a ^|%find% ":"') do set "DirFormat=%%a"

set "pad=                          "
:: create the information file and send the information to the clipboard if clip is available
>>"%temp%\info.txt" (
  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  echo Windows version        :  !WinVer!
  echo Product name           :  !ProductName!, !bit! bit
  echo Performance indicators :  Processor Cores: !NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS!      Visible RAM: !ram! kilobytes&echo(

  echo Date/Time format       :  (!format!^)  !date!  !time!
  echo __APPDIR__             :  !__APPDIR__!
  echo ComSpec                :  !comspec!
  echo PathExt                :  !PathExt!
  echo Extensions             :  system: !es!  user: !eu!
  echo Delayed expansion      :  system: !ds!  user: !du!
  echo Locale name            :  !LocaleName!       Code Pages: OEM  !OEMCP!    ANSI !ACP!
  echo DIR  format            :  !DirFormat!
  echo Permissions            :  Elevated Admin=!RunAs!, Admin group=!LocalAdmin!
  if defined AutoRunSys echo System  Autorun found  :  !AutoRunSys!
  if defined AutoRunUser echo User    AutoRun found  :  !AutoRunUser!

  rem report if path elements are missing
  for %%i in (%dirs%) do (
    set "found="
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    for %%j in (!p!) do (
      if /i "%%~i"==%%j set "found=1"
      setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    if not defined found echo(%pad%Missing from the PATH environment: %%~i

  rem report if tools are missing
  for %%i in (%tools%) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=?" %%j in ("%%~i.exe?") do if "%%~$PATH:j%%~$PATH:k"=="" (
    echo(%pad%Missing from the tool collection:  %%i
  echo [/code^]

:: load the information into Notepad where it can also be copied to the clipboard
start "" %notepad% "%temp%\info.txt" & %ping% -n 2 >nul & del "%temp%\info.txt"

goto :eof

:: ~~~~~~~~~ Sub Routines ~~~~~~~~~
for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('%reg% query "HKCU\%International%" /v "iDate" 2^>nul ^| %find% "REG_"') do set "%%~a=%%~c"
if %RegDefInternational%==1 for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('%reg% query "HKU\.DEFAULT\%International%" /v "iDate" 2^>nul ^| %find% "REG_"') do if not defined %%~a set "%%~a=%%~c"
for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('%reg% query "HKCU\%International%" /v "LocaleName" 2^>nul ^| %find% "REG_"') do set "%%~a=%%~c"
goto :eof

%RegHead% GetStringValue hDefKey^="&H%HKCU%" sSubKeyName^="%international%" sValueName^="iDate" %RegTail%
if not defined dat %RegHead% GetStringValue hDefKey^="&H%HKU%" sSubKeyName^=".DEFAULT\%international%" sValueName^="iDate" %RegTail%
if defined dat (set "iDate=%dat%") else set "iDate=0"
%RegHead% GetStringValue hDefKey^="&H%HKCU%" sSubKeyName^="%international%" sValueName^="LocaleName" %RegTail%
if defined dat (set "LocaleName=%dat%") else set "LocaleName="
goto :eof

for /f "tokens=2 delims=={}" %%i in ('2^>nul %wmic% os get MUILanguages /value') do set "LocaleName=%%i"
if defined LocaleName (
  set "LocaleName=%LocaleName:"=%"
) else (
  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  for /f %%i in ('dir /ad /b "%__APPDIR__%??-??"^|%findstr% /x "[a-z][a-z]-[a-z][a-z]"') do (
    if exist "%__APPDIR__%%%i\ulib.dll.mui" set "LocaleName=!LocaleName!,%%i"
  if defined LocaleName (for /f %%j in ("!LocaleName:~1!") do (endlocal &set "LocaleName=%%j")) else endlocal
goto :eof

for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('%reg% query "HKLM\%CurrentVersion%"^|%find% /i "ProductName"') do set "ProductName=%%b"
goto :eof

%RegHead% GetStringValue hDefKey^="&H%HKLM%" sSubKeyName^="%CurrentVersion%" sValueName^="ProductName" %RegTail%
if defined dat (set "ProductName=%dat%") else set "ProductName="
goto :eof

%reg% query "HKCU\%CMDproc%" /v "EnableExtensions" 2>nul|%find% "0x1">nul && set "eu=Enabled "
%reg% query "HKCU\%CMDproc%" /v "DelayedExpansion" 2>nul|%find% "0x1">nul && set "du=Enabled "
goto :eof

%RegHead% GetDWORDValue hDefKey^="&H%HKCU%" sSubKeyName^="%CMDproc%" sValueName^="EnableExtensions" %RegTail%
if "%dat%"=="1" set "eu=Enabled "
%RegHead% GetDWORDValue hDefKey^="&H%HKCU%" sSubKeyName^="%CMDproc%" sValueName^="DelayedExpansion" %RegTail%
if "%dat%"=="1" set "du=Enabled "
goto :eof

%reg% query "HKLM\%CMDproc%" /v "EnableExtensions" 2>nul|%find% "0x1">nul && set "es=Enabled "
%reg% query "HKLM\%CMDproc%" /v "DelayedExpansion" 2>nul|%find% "0x1">nul && set "ds=Enabled "
goto :eof

%RegHead% GetDWORDValue hDefKey^="&H%HKLM%" sSubKeyName^="%CMDproc%" sValueName^="EnableExtensions" %RegTail%
if "%dat%"=="1" set "es=Enabled "
%RegHead% GetDWORDValue hDefKey^="&H%HKLM%" sSubKeyName^="%CMDproc%" sValueName^="DelayedExpansion" %RegTail%
if "%dat%"=="1" set "ds=Enabled "
goto :eof

for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('%reg% query "HKLM\%CodePage%" /v "OEMCP"') do set /a "OEMCP=%%a"
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('%reg% query "HKLM\%CodePage%" /v "ACP"') do set /a "ACP=%%a"
goto :eof

%RegHead% GetStringValue hDefKey^="&H%HKLM%" sSubKeyName^="%CodePage%" sValueName^="OEMCP" %RegTail%
if defined dat (set "OEMCP=%dat%") else set "OEMCP="
%RegHead% GetStringValue hDefKey^="&H%HKLM%" sSubKeyName^="%CodePage%" sValueName^="ACP" %RegTail%
if defined dat (set "ACP=%dat%") else set "ACP="
goto :eof

Posts: 609
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 03:46

Re: info.bat stickied post gone?

#4 Post by miskox » 16 Jun 2024 10:50

Thanks for the information what has happened.

First link has version 1.6 in it.

We need all that 'how to get help...' text too.


Post Reply