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Safemode with networking
Posted: 03 Jul 2010 07:19
by newguy2forum
I am looking for help in creating a batch file that would allow on click to go into safemode with networking?
In addition with help in a second batch file that would run a program X meaning the code would change based on the program i needed to run id change the name just need to know how to run a program.
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 03 Jul 2010 08:08
by aGerman

using batch???
this and tell us how you would do this by hand.
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 03 Jul 2010 09:20
by newguy2forum
im little lost safemode with networking isnt something done by hand. I am attempting to get the computer to restart in safemode but within safemode there is an option to add networking which allows you to get on the internet
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 03 Jul 2010 10:30
by aGerman
If you're on NT/2000/XP there's probably a way to append/delete the line
to section [operating systems] in C:\boot.ini.
But I don't have any idea if you would work on Vista/Win7.
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 03 Jul 2010 15:22
by newguy2forum
is there way to make a file that gets you into safemode with networking?
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 03 Jul 2010 16:21
by aGerman
Not without reboot AND it depends on your OS (but nobody knows your OS!).
The SHUTDOWN command has no option to restart into save mode. Read my previous post. Changing boot.ini is doable using batch. But on Vista/Win7 exists no boot.ini!
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 04 Jul 2010 07:46
by newguy2forum
ok i understand much better what you were saying. The question is not specific to any OS because the idea is to be able to get a windows XP, Vista or windows 7 computer into safemode with networking by having the customer download a batch file. Are you aware of any work around where id be able to do this even if its not a batch file? Im trying to create a system where customers can download or do something simple to get into safemode with networking and on restart activate a program to run a scan on their computers(those customers may have windows xp , vista, or 7)
Re: Safemode with networking
Posted: 04 Jul 2010 08:01
by aGerman
No, sorry.