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how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 03 Feb 2025 20:36
by nnnmmm
SET "RR1=HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"
SET "RR2=%~dp0dunedynasty.exe"
reg query "%RR1%" /v "%RR2%"
Code: Select all
W:\\Dune 2 - Remake\\dunedynasty.exe REG_SZ WINXPSP3
1 2 3 4 5 6
FOR /F "TOKENS=6" %%V in ('reg query "%RR1%" /v "%RR2%"') DO (SET DUNE2dyn=%%V)
ECHO "%DUNE2dyn%"(WINXPSP3 is the string answer i need)
the problem with the TOKENS method i currently know is that getting the string which i need depends on the directory name, that is how many spaces are in there
another example - TOKENS=3 in this case
1>nul 2>nul reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "ScreenSaveActive"
FOR /F "TOKENS=3" %%%%V in ('reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "ScreenSaveActive"') DO (SET ScnSaverData=%%%%V)
is there a command or a way to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
aaa bbb ccc d e f 123 REG_DWORD x01
the answer is x01
Re: how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 05 Feb 2025 01:34
by miskox
Here are two methods: string replacement or FOR.
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo method 1
echo # should not be in the folder name or file name. Should be changed otherwise.
set value1=W:\\Dune 2 - Remake\\dunedynasty.exe REG_SZ WINXPSP3
echo value1=%value1%
set value2=%value1: REG_SZ =#%
set value2=%value1: REG_DWORD =#%
echo value2=%value2%
for /f "tokens=2 delims=#" %%f in ("%value2%") do set value3=%%f
echo value3=%value3%
echo method 2
set value1=W:\\Dune 2 - Remake\\dunedynasty.exe REG_SZ WINXPSP3
for %%d in (%value1%) do set value3=%%d
echo value3=%value3%
Code: Select all
method 1
# should not be in the folder name or file name. Should be changed otherwise.
value1=W:\\Dune 2 - Remake\\dunedynasty.exe REG_SZ WINXPSP3
value2=W:\\Dune 2 - Remake\\dunedynasty.exe#WINXPSP3
method 2
Update: added REG_DWORD replacement line.
Re: how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 14 Feb 2025 03:36
by nnnmmm
set "CompLayer=WINXPSP3"
SET "RR1=HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"
SET "RR2=%~dp0dunedynasty.exe"
RR2 is a random game EXE file, it can have many different strings like WINXPSP3 or Win98 or Win8 ~WinXPSP2 ....
1st process
FOR /F "Delims=" %%V in ('reg query "%RR1%" /v "%RR2%"') DO (SET DUNE2dyn=%%V)
%DUNE2dyn% could return W:\Dune 2 - Remake\dunedynasty.exe REG_SZ WINXPSP3 or Win98 or Win7 or ~winxp......
2nd process(i keep forgetting the simplest FOR DO, it takes the last read as the variable)
FOR %%V IN (%DUNE2dyn%) DO SET AA=%%V
IF %AA%==%CompLayer% GOTO :dothis
IF NOT %AA%==%CompLayer% GOTO :dothat
thanks for method 2, letting me see it gave me the instant answer
Re: how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 19 Feb 2025 09:23
by nnnmmm
reg query "%WallReg%" /v "Wallspaper"
" (1) Wallpaper (2) REG_SZ (3) m:\GRAN (4) D (5) D001.BMP"
i thought i got this by reading the last string but when the last was broken, it went back to the drawing board
how would i universally get the string "m:\GRAN D D001.BMP" with spaces
when the reg could look all broken like below
wa ll paper REG_SZ m:\GRAN D D001.BMP
Re: how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 20 Feb 2025 02:12
by nnnmmm
i got it working after searching 4 hours all day on the internet, none worked or too long and not worked at the same time except for one from this forum, which i didnt understand swapping but i am getting there
REM -------luckily left trim was not needed but.... string swapping REG_SZ with ~
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=~" %%A in ("%WallP1:REG_SZ=~%") DO (SET Word1=%%A &SET Word2=%%B)
Re: how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 20 Feb 2025 12:52
by miskox
I don't know if parenthesis ( "(" and ")" ) are part of the string. So if they are not then maybe you could just remove strings 'wallpaper' and 'reg_szs' and you have a result. Or maybe take a colon (:) as a delimiter. Take the first argument and take the last character and then add the second argument.
If parenthesis are part of the string then you can use them as delimiters - if there is a fixed number of them.
You don't provide enough info to give a better answer.
Re: how to get the string after "REG_SZ" or "REG_DWORD"?
Posted: 22 Feb 2025 22:45
by nnnmmm
>I don't know if parenthesis ( "(" and ")" ) are part of the string.
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=~" %%A in (%WallP1:REG_SZ=~%) DO (SET Word1=%%A &SET Word2=%%B)
i tried and it caused an error that said, system can not find wallpaper
reg query "HKCU\some program\name" /v "wallpaper in this case" could produce a result
(some strings with spaces ) REG_SZ (some strings with spaces )
W:\some future fullname with spaces REG_SZ m:\GRAN D D001.BMP
i understood swapping "REG_SZ" with "~" so that tokens could work on ~ and read the rest of the string as a whole