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Sequence of Programs with parameter

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 08:53
by pollardhimself
Basically i need a 2 programs to run, one first and once it finishes the next needs to run. However I need to pass a Command Line Parameter like it does in the shortcut the program created.

Here's the Shortcut with Command Line Parameter
C:\Honeywell\WEBStation-AX-3.4.43\bin\plat.exe installdaemon
Then it needs to run
C:\Honeywell\WEBStation-AX-3.4.43\bin\ wb_w.exe

Here is what I have so far for the batch however the Command Line Parameter didn't work

Code: Select all

start /wait /b plat.exe installdaemon
start /wait /b wb_w.exe

Re: Sequence of Programs with parameter

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:13
by amel27
try this:

Code: Select all

start "" /wait "C:\Honeywell\WEBStation-AX-3.4.43\bin\plat.exe" installdaemon
start "" /wait "C:\Honeywell\WEBStation-AX-3.4.43\bin\wb_w.exe"

Re: Sequence of Programs with parameter

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 13:01
by pollardhimself

This did the trick

Code: Select all

start "" /wait "plat.exe" installdaemon
start wb_w.exe