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Batch files to convert files

Posted: 22 Dec 2010 13:19
by BatMaster
I didnt know where to put this so i made this topic.
You con download some picture converters(jpeg/gif/png/bmp).
I know there very basic im only new to the world of batch files.

Re: Batch files to convert files

Posted: 22 Dec 2010 16:55
by rfpd
looll this is not converting it's just renaming but i explane you the code.

Code: Select all

@echo off
title Bmp Converter
goto Start

ECHO Make a choice...[lower case]
ECHO converts BMP files only
ECHO GIF = Convert to *.Gif
ECHO PNG = Convert to *.Png
echo JPG = Convert to *.Jpg
SET /P INPUT=gif/png/jpg:
if "%input%" =="" GOTO Start
if "%input%" =="gif" GOTO gif
if "%input%" =="png" GOTO png
if "%input%" =="jpg" GOTO jpg

ECHO Converting
rename *.bmp *.gif
ECHO progress 100%
ECHO done

ECHO Converting
rename *.bmp *.png
ECHO progress 100%
ECHO done

ECHO Converting
rename *.bmp *.jpg
ECHO progress 100%
ECHO done

Echo is a command that makes appears output text (ex: Echo Hey - output Hey)
rename it's a command that changes the name of the files or their extension but it for changing extension works very bad.
goto it's a command that is used with the :, ( example you put goto p and lines above you put :p, and when you open your batch file that go to the part of the code where is the :p)
Pause it's just for pause the code but if you press any button it will go on
set /p it's a code that defines variables (example you put set /p k= hey and later you put echo %k% it will say hey)
exit it's to leave batch program
if it's a command to compare variables ex if %l%=="5" goto x

Regards, rfpd

Re: Batch files to convert files

Posted: 30 Dec 2010 09:21
by BatMaster
hey i all i did was download a .bat file that "renames" files and changed it a
little bit.ok.

Re: Batch files to convert files

Posted: 30 Dec 2010 09:54
by aGerman
Changing the extension of a file has absolutely nothing to do with converting. It doesn't affect the contents of the file itself. The only reason why you can open the renamed files at all is that your Picture Viewer/Editor is "intelligent" enough to observe this deception.

aGerman (BatTrainee :wink: ).