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help on send mail batch script

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 04:01
by nancy_ghawanmeh
hi allll,
please i need help to write batch script ,
i need to send mail from batch script to some another mail , i want to read txt file and the content of this file will be in the body of this email.

the file contain information about server but in every line of this file i have the date so i want to read just the information of the date i have, for example :
if i have on the file 20/9/2011 server1 has:" ...." etc ://idont want to send this just i want to send the line which have the date of the date i have now..

please i need help about this

Re: help on send mail batch script

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:15
by aGerman
Batch is not made for sending emails.
Have a look at blat. If you get it run we could look forward to solve your "date" problem. Good luck.
