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finding similar file names, run monarch
Posted: 11 Feb 2011 10:17
by dssrun
I need help on a For statement that looks for similarly named files in one folder and for each file runs a monarch command line on it. I am new to this so I am using what I learned from the For /?. I am using a wildcard because all these files are similar in name except where the * is. Any guidance will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. And am I able to pass this variable to the command in my monarch command line?
Code: Select all
FOR /D %%a IN (C:\Documents\%DATE:~-2%%DATE:~-2%\Reports\ /b report1.eom.*.000) DO (monarch commands with %%a as my file to import)
Re: finding similar file names, run monarch
Posted: 11 Feb 2011 13:25
by aGerman
No idea what monarch is. But first we should try to find the right files by ECHOing.
My first question is why do you use %DATE:~-2% twice? This is expanded to the last two digits of the value in %date%.
to display the result.
How ever. If you need to get the files I would process the output of DIR.
Code: Select all
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a-d /b "C:\Documents\%DATE:~-2%%DATE:~-2%\Reports\report1.eom.*.000"') do echo %%a
If this line returns the right files then we could look forward to solve your 2nd question.
Re: finding similar file names, run monarch
Posted: 12 Feb 2011 22:20
by dssrun
Thanks, I will try this on Monday and let you know the results. Monarch is a program that takes a text file with a report and allows you to create traps to get the information you want in a table format. I use the date format that way because that was the only way I figured out how to get the date like 020111 (that is how are new folders are named monthly).
Re: finding similar file names, run monarch
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:07
by aGerman
dssrun wrote:I use the date format that way because that was the only way I figured out how to get the date like 020111 (that is how are new folders are named monthly).
Hmm, then %DATE:~-2%%DATE:~-2% is definitely wrong.
What means "monthly"? IMHO 020111 has nothing to do with monthly
Looks like DDMMYY or MMDDYY, not sure.
And the second issue is how does the date looks like for your settings?
echo %date% displays DD.MM.YYYY with my German settings, but it could be MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD or ... as well.
Come back with informations about the name formatting of your folder and the formatting of %date%.
Re: finding similar file names, run monarch
Posted: 14 Feb 2011 09:52
by dssrun
Thanks for the reply,
This code results in 11:
The name of the folders I am trying to access are setup as MMDDYY (they are created daily) and when I do my date echo line below I get MMDDYY
Code: Select all
echo %date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~-2%
When I do the code below I get DDD MM/DD/YYYY
BTW your FOR statement worked and after I inserted my monarch command line after DO it worked as well. Thanks for the help!