Do Together Code
Posted: 21 Mar 2011 18:46
I am working on a code as a practical joke on my annoying sister. Is there a "do together" command?
heres what i have so far:
heres what i have so far:
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo This will log off the computer:
echo Are you sure you would like to do this???
echo paused
ping -n 1.5 localhost>nul
echo This will log off the computer:
echo Are you sure you would like to do this???
echo paused.
ping -n 1.5 localhost>nul
echo This will log off the computer:
echo Are you sure you would like to do this???
echo paused..
ping -n 1.5 localhost>nul
echo This will log off the computer:
echo Are you sure you would like to do this???
echo paused...
ping -n 1.5 localhost>nul
del "%~f0"