Remembering last entry
Posted: 20 Apr 2011 10:19
Hi, I want to create a batch file, in this batch file I want to be able to type delete, then a message pops up saying Enter File Path:, now ths is where im stuck, when the person puts in c:/users/docs/myfile.txt, I want it to be deleted, the code I have is
@echo off
title Command Prompt
color a
set input=
set /p input=input:
if %input%==delete goto b
set input=
set /p input=Enter File Path:
goto A
but I need it to be able to rememeber what has being typed in before so I can add the code del *********** /f, with the ********* as what ever the file path typed in was
Thanks for reading
@echo off
title Command Prompt
color a
set input=
set /p input=input:
if %input%==delete goto b
set input=
set /p input=Enter File Path:
goto A
but I need it to be able to rememeber what has being typed in before so I can add the code del *********** /f, with the ********* as what ever the file path typed in was
Thanks for reading