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Check wmic is available
Posted: 03 Jun 2011 13:02
by Cleptography
What is a good way to check if wmic is available on a machine
Does this work...
Code: Select all
wmic /?
if errorlevel 1 echo.Not available
Re: Check wmic is available
Posted: 03 Jun 2011 21:38
by orange_batch
WMIC is found in a static directory.
Code: Select all
if exist "%systemroot%\system32\wbem\wmic.exe" (echo:WMIC is installed.) else echo:WMIC is not installed.
AFAIK, WMIC should be installed in every Windows OS since XP (except for XP Home).
Re: Check wmic is available
Posted: 03 Jun 2011 22:28
by dbenham
orange_batch wrote:WMIC is found in a static directory.
As long as the file is in your PATH, you don't even need to know the directory to look for it efficiently. You just need to know the file name:
Code: Select all
C:\>for %a in (wmic.exe) do @echo %~$path:a
If not found in the PATH, the modified for variable will expand to the empty string.
So a test in batch could be:
Code: Select all
for %%a in (wmic.exe) do set wmicPath=%%~$path:a
if defined wmicPath (echo WMIC is installed) else echo WMIC is not installed
Dave Benham
Re: Check wmic is available
Posted: 03 Jun 2011 23:13
by Cleptography
@Dave & Orange
Thank you.
Re: Check wmic is available
Posted: 04 Jun 2011 01:57
by Ed Dyreen
What is a good way to check if wmic is available on a machine
It's not because WMIC is present that it is also working &installed correctly!for example a batch command for WMIC will fail in this situation
Code: Select all
Please wait while WMIC compiles updated MOF files.
Next, some code I use trying to figure out if it'll work;
Code: Select all
:ERR.Get.WMIC ( /Alias: "STRING" /ToWorkFile /Int_ERR )
:: SJAB v1.142c beta
:: Checks wheter WMIC can process @Alias
:: @Alias STRING Required; Alias to check
:: @ToWorkFile STRING Optional; Save querry results to WorkFile
:: @Int_ERR STRING Optional; Halt on error
:: @WorkFile_Succes BYVAL Return if @ToWorkFile; Handle to WorkFile
:: @FullPathFile.WorkFile_Succes BYVAL Return if @ToWorkFile; @FullPathFile to WorkFile
:: @ERR BYVAL Return; 0 for succes, 1 for error
::set "Debug.Sub=!Sub.%Sub.Depth%.Name!"
::%Debug% "" "inside !Sub.%Sub.Depth%.Name! Sub.!Sub.Depth!.Par.AsIS:" &echo.!Sub.%Sub.Depth%.Par.AsIS!_
set "Sub.!Sub.Depth!.Use=:ERR.Get.WMIC ( /Alias: "STRING" /Int_ERR )"
::%Debug% "PROC PAR"
set "PAR.FIX=Alias"
set "PAR.OPT=ToWorkFile Int_ERR"
::%Debug.Equals% for %%! in ( Alias ToWorkFile Int_ERR ) do echo. %%~!=!%%~!!_
::%Debug% "VALID"
for %%! in ( Alias ) do %ERR.Chk.IsDefined.TokenSTR% %()% >nul
for %%! in (
) do (
%OpenWorkFile% "()"
set "%%~!=!WorkFile!"
::%Debug.Equals% for %%! in ( WorkFile_Succes WorkFile_Error WorkFile_Int_WMIC ) do echo. %%~!=!%%~!!_
::%Debug% "Perform"
::%Debug% " WinWaitClose: 'INT_WMIC'"
%WinWaitClose% /Title: "INT_WMIC" /File: "CMD.EXE"
::%Debug% " Intercept 'WMIC.EXE' error: 'lockup'"
for %%! in (
) do > "%%~!" (
echo.@echo off ^&SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
echo.:INIT ^(^)
echo. :: 120 secs * 18 = 2160 ticks
echo. "!FullPathFile.STACKEY.COM!" {WAIT=2160}
echo.:MAIN ^(^)
echo. taskKill.EXE /t /f /im "WMIC.EXE"
echo. ::
echo. 2^>nul tasklist /nh ^|^>nul findstr.EXE /i /c:"WMIC.EXE" ^&^&goto :MAIN "^(^)"
echo.:EXIT ^(^)
echo.goto :eof ^(^)
start "INT_WMIC" /low /min /D "!SystemROOT!" "%comspec%" /c "!FullPath.WorkFile!\WorkFile.!WorkFile_Int_WMIC!.CMD"
::%Debug% " Querry 'WMIC.EXE' service: '!Alias!'"
::%Debug.Equals% WMIC.EXE !Alias!
::%Debug.Equals% pause
set /a ERR.MEM = 1
for %%? in (
) do for %%! in (
) do (
2> "%%~?" 1> "%%~!" WMIC.EXE !Alias!
for /f "tokens=*" %%! in (
'type "%%~!"'
) do set /a ERR.MEM = 0
for /f "tokens=*" %%! in (
'type "%%~?"'
) do set /a ERR.MEM = 1
if !ERR.MEM! equ 0 (
set "?="
set /p ?=< "!FullPath.WorkFile!\WorkFile.!WorkFile_Succes!.TMP"
set "MEM=!?!"
set "?=!?:Please wait while WMIC compiles updated MOF files.=!"
if /i ["!?!"] neq ["!MEM!"] (
1> "%%~!" WMIC.EXE !Alias!
::%Debug.Equals% echo. WorkFile_Error &type "!FullPath.WorkFile!\WorkFile.!WorkFile_Error!.TMP"
::%Debug.Equals% echo. WorkFile_Succes &type "!FullPath.WorkFile!\WorkFile.!WorkFile_Succes!.TMP"
::%Debug% " ERR.MEM=!ERR.MEM!_"
for %%! in (
) do (
set "WorkFile=!%%~!!"
%CloseWorkFile% %()% >nul
for %%! in (
) do (
set "WorkFile=!%%~!!"
if not defined ToWorkFile (
::%Debug% " Closing WorkFile_Succes"
%CloseWorkFile% %()% >nul
::%Debug% " Terminate intercept: 'lockup'"
%WinWaitOpen% /Title: "INT_WMIC" /File: "CMD.EXE" /Timeout: "30"
if !ERR! equ 0 %ProcessClose% /Title: "INT_WMIC" /File: "CMD.EXE"
set /a ERR = !ERR.MEM!
if !ERR! neq 0 if defined Int_ERR (
%ERR.Set.THIS% "'WMIC.EXE' service error:" "Alias:!Alias!_ ^!"
::%Debug% /Pause " WorkFile_Succes=!WorkFile!_" " ERR=!ERR!_" "outside !Sub.%Sub.Depth%.Name!"
set "WorkFile_Succes=%WorkFile_Succes%"
set "FullPathFile.WorkFile_Succes=!FullPath.WorkFile!\WorkFile.!WorkFile_Succes!.TMP"
set /a ERR = %ERR%
goto :eof ()