%verbose% usage
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 08:50
got some code here, im struggling as i dont know batch files too well, what does the %verbose% part of the code do? bearing in mind that the file is called from another bat file like so
Thanks in advance
Code: Select all
call ld50.bat "bass_boost_p8_47048_01_01_rc0.uld" exitonerror
Code: Select all
REM CS49500 DSP boot batch file
REM call with file to be dowloaded as command line argument
REM $Id: ld50.bat,v 1.1 2009/07/28 18:01:42 jhilbert Exp $
if exist "%1" goto LOAD
echo Error: the '%1' file does not exist
goto error
if "%verbose%"=="1" echo Initiate Slave Boot
ucmd 80000000
if "%verbose%"=="1" echo Reading Boot Start
urd -e"00 00 00 01"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
echo sending overlay %1
ucmd -f%1
if "%verbose%"=="1" echo Reading Boot Success
urd -e"00 00 00 02"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
rem Normal return (no error)
exit /b 0
rem Return error
if "%2" == "" pause
exit /b 1
Thanks in advance