So I added function HexToString for AutoCom which does exactly what it states. For instance if I do AutoCom HexToString 0x07 it makes a beep sound. Anyone know what the hex value to open the CD tray is?
I figure this function will probably be used to convert colors for the text.
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Re: HexToString
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; this utilitie opens/closes the CD door. It doesn't print anything
; to the screen so that it can be 'cleanly' used in a batch file.
; util to open/close the CD door.
; CDDOOR +D (or -D)
; where + denotes open and - denotes close
; where D is the drive letter (A - Z) (upper case)
; assembled with NBASM
.model tiny
mov al,[0082h] ; get first char on command line
cmp al,'+' ; + opens the door
jne short NotOpenIt
mov byte Job,00h ; open the door
jmp short GetDrive
NotOpenIt: cmp al,'-' ; - closes the door
jne short NotBuzyo ; invalid job
mov byte Job,05h ; close the door
jmp short GetDrive
GetDrive: mov al,[0083h] ; get second char on command line
cmp al,'A' ; if it is 'D' or less then
jb short JustDoIt ; just assume 'D'
cmp al,'Z' ; if it is 'Z' or more then
ja short JustDoIt ; just assume 'D'
sub al,'A' ; D = 3, E = 4, ...
xor ah,ah ;
mov device,ax ; put in device
JustDoIt: mov bx,offset ioctlo ; Do the I/O
mov [bx+16],ds ; data seg
mov cx,device ;
mov ax,1510h ;
int 2Fh ;
mov bx,offset ioctlo ;
mov dx,[bx+3] ; status
xor ax,ax ; assume no error
test dx,8000h ;
jz short NoRetErr ;
mov al,02h ; other error
NoRetErr: test dx,20h ;
jz short NotBuzyo ;
mov al,01h ; busy error
NotBuzyo: mov ah,4Ch ; Exit program, close files
int 21h ; and return to DOS
device dw 03h ; 3 = D:, 4 = E:, etc.
Job db 0 ; cc (00 = Open it, 05 = close it)
ioctlo db 13,0,12 ; rhlen,subu,comc
dw 00h ; status
dup 8,0 ; reserved
db 0 ; mdb
dw offset Job ; *trandad (off)
dw 00h ; *trandad (seg)
dw 01h,00h ; tranct,ssn
dw 00h,00h ; *volid
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Re: HexToString
Sorry Ed it was a question which had no correct answer as the characters were nothing more than ASCII control characters, and open CD tray is not one of them. You would have to use a combination of 0x11-0x14. This is a bad thread.