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Skip lines inside nested for loop

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 18:04
by rkp1
I am trying do the following -

I have to parse multiple files (numbers can vary from 1 to 50+), and in each file, I need to find a segment of lines that start with a specific entry and process all lines below that entry. The number of lines above that varies (anywhere from a 50 to 50000 lines). Here is what I tried -

@echo off

setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /F %%A in (%file_list%) do (
SET file_name=%%A

:: -----Check if file is missing-----
if not exist !file_name! (
SET SuccessFlg=P
goto End

:: ----Check for Statistics----
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ('find /c "Summary" !file_name!') do SET var1=%%B
if !var1! equ 0 goto End

for /F "tokens=1,* delims=[]," %%i in ('find /n "Summary" !file_name!') do SET LineNoSrc=%%i

for /F "skip=%LineNoSrc% tokens=1-13* delims=[],:()> " %%a in (!file_name!) do (
some commands)

goto End
@echo on

I tried both %LineNoSrc% as well as !LineNoSrc!. Neither of them seem to work.

How do I fix this?


Re: Skip lines inside nested for loop

Posted: 02 Jul 2011 08:36
by Acy Forsythe
Try this:


Just remove the exit/b in the forloop. And if you want to stop searching the file when you are done parsing the bottom lines, put the exit/b inside the top loop.

You're on the right track though...