Code: Select all
@echo off
set url=
set file=debug.bat
echo set fso = createobject^("scripting.filesystemobject"^)
echo set file = fso.createtextfile^("%file%"^)
echo set http = createobject^("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1"^)
echo x =^("get","%url%"^)
echo http.send
echo for i = 1 to lenb^(http.responsebody^)
echo file.write^(chr^(ascb^(midb^(http.responsebody,i,1^)^)^)^)
echo next
)>download.vbs & download & del download.vbs
So basically it just uses an VBScript file. This takes a while to write out, so I wouldn't consider it very easy, but still is simple. This can't download like videos, mp3's, or any other binary files. But it can download any ASCII based file, such as webpages, text files, batch files, etc...
I want this to be something universal that would work on all computers, meaning I don't want to have to download any software/executables that will do this for me. I want to do this with the stuff that's already built-in to the computer.