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why it doesn't work?

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 13:37
by Mohammad_Dos
it doesn't work correctly

echo echo Msgbox"update restore is finished",12,"it's OK">%systemroot%\message22.vbs>>"C:\jay gozini update.bat"
echo start %systemroot%\message22.vbs>>"C:\jay gozini update.bat"
echo exit%systemroot%\message22.vbs>>"C:\jay gozini update.bat

echo Msgbox"update restore is finished",12,"it's OK"
start %systemroot%\message22.vbs>>"C:\jay gozini update.bat"
exit%systemroot%\message22.vbs>>"C:\jay gozini update.bat

but the fisrt line of putput must be:
echo Msgbox"update restore is finished",12,"it's OK">%systemroot%\message22.vbs

is there a way to solve this problem?

Re: why it doesn't work?

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 14:29
by Acy Forsythe
Escape that > sign like so ^>

Re: why it doesn't work?

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 23:22
by Mohammad_Dos
thanks a lot