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Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 25 Oct 2011 07:56
by darioit
Hello everybody,
I have a new milestone for you
On my server I have a lot of Zip file (all pdf and txt file inside), and I like to recompress using 7zip algorithm
For example 654 MB txt becomes 108 MB with zip (16,51%) and 10,9 MB with 7zip (only 0,016% amazing)
Who can help me to write this script:
Forfiles find D:\ /s *.zip (unzip) and compress again using same name with 7zip software
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 04 Nov 2011 13:26
by djangofan
Here is a script i use for 7-zipping
Code: Select all
TITLE Backup "reports" Directory
@echo off
echo Run this from within the reports directory.
echo For xmlfile.xml just edit this batch file
@echo on
:: this next line would backup all data, including .jpg files
:: "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r -tzip -y -xr!?*.jpg xmlfile.*.xml
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r -tzip -y xmlfile.xml
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 05 Nov 2011 02:18
by Ed Dyreen
Once upon a time I wrote a batch that would compress a folder with several different compressors, and then select the winner based upon filesize. The winner is usually 7zip and occasionally UHA.
.rar, .ace, .zip, .cab score terrible on compression but are still usefull.
Thanx Linux for exporting 7zip to us

Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 08 Nov 2011 03:17
by darioit
This is my script, any suggestion?
Code: Select all
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ('DIR /b *.zip') DO wzunzip %%~dpnxi %%~dpni & call Routine_Backup_7z.bat %%~dpi%%i.7z %%~dpni & rmdir /s /q %%~ni
Code: Select all
SET SevenZip=7za a -t7z -m0=LZMA -mx9
%SevenZip% %1 %2
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 08 Nov 2011 07:36
by darioit
This is the last version full running, including delete directory and old zip file
Code: Select all
@Echo off
SET SevenZip=7za a -t7z -m0=LZMA -mx9 -mmt=2
For /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.zip') DO wzunzip %%~dpnxi %%~dpni & %SevenZip% %%~dpni.7z %%~dpni\* & rmdir /s /q %%~ni & del /q %%~nxi
Any suggestion to improve?
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 08 Nov 2011 08:14
by darioit
This script works only if is execute in the same zip directory
I like to run like this "go.bat path", but takes some error
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 01:31
by darioit
Script update, now check also the error code
Code: Select all
@Echo off
SET SevenZip=7za a -t7z -m0=LZMA -mx9 -mmt=2
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ('DIR /b *.zip') DO wzunzip %%~dpnxi %%~dpni > nul && %SevenZip% %%~dpni.7z %%~dpni\* && rmdir /s /q %%~ni && del /q %%~nxi & echo %errorlevel% || Echo ERROR FILE %%~dpnxi >> ERROR_LOG.TXT
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 01:53
by Ed Dyreen
you are wrong, that code does not check the errorlevel, it checks whether echo fails displaying it, and echo doesn't fail !
Code: Select all
& echo %errorlevel% || Echo ERROR FILE %%~dpnxi >> ERROR_LOG.TXT
What you want is this:
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%? in (
'DIR /b *.zip'
) do (
set /a $error = 0
>nul wzunzip "%%~dpnx?" "%%~dpn?" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.wzunzip !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxi'
if !$error! equ 0 %SevenZip% "%%~dpn?.7z" "%%~dpn?\*" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.%SevenZip% !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxi'
if !$error! equ 0 rd /s /q "%%~n?" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.rd !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxi'
if !$error! equ 0 del /q "%%~nx?" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.del !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxi'
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 04:08
by darioit
Wow this is a serious script, I'll check asap on all my zip file.
I see it fails "my script" when a name is with blank inside like this : "file"
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 04:18
by darioit
something is wrong the error is "is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file."
Re: Decompress from Zip and recompress with 7Zip
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 04:28
by darioit
Now is perfect, and works also with space in zip name file
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
SET SevenZip=7za a -t7z -m0=LZMA -mx9 -mmt=2
for /f "delims=" %%p in (
'DIR /b *.zip'
) do (
set /a $error = 0
>nul wzunzip "%%~dpnxp" "%%~dpnp" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.wzunzip !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxp'
if !$error! equ 0 %SevenZip% "%%~dpnp.7z" "%%~dpnp\*" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.%SevenZip% !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxp'
if !$error! equ 0 rd /s /q "%%~np" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.rd !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxp'
if !$error! equ 0 del /q "%%~nxp" ||(
set /a $error = !errorlevel!
>&2 echo.del !$error! FILE '%%~dpnxp'