batches excluding multiple directory in xcopy
Posted: 31 Dec 2011 03:29
my exclude.tmp is as follows:
C:\WINDOWS;c:\Program files
but when i try batch:
echo %windir%;c:\Program files>exclude.tmp
for %%a in (xls ppt ) do (
xcopy "*.%%a" "%destination%" /c /s /exclude:exclude.tmp
system still copy files from "program files" directory to destination, what should i do?
C:\WINDOWS;c:\Program files
but when i try batch:
echo %windir%;c:\Program files>exclude.tmp
for %%a in (xls ppt ) do (
xcopy "*.%%a" "%destination%" /c /s /exclude:exclude.tmp
system still copy files from "program files" directory to destination, what should i do?