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parallel process with batch

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 07:39
by colargol
Hello guys and happy new year :D

I need help again with parallel processing, I hope you'll understand my english :oops:

I use batch scripts for video and audio encoding.
My small application generates all batch commands for my encoding jobs.

It can also work with a queue list which is stored in a text file like this:
Each line is the path of a .bat that contains script for an encoding job.
%queue_list% wrote:D:\HD\Tests HD\queue tests\Pub 01.avs
D:\HD\Tests HD\queue tests\Pub 02.avs
D:\HD\Tests HD\queue tests\6canaux.ts.avs
(for each line, there is a corresponding batch file)

Code: Select all

for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%a in (`type "%queue_list%"`) do (
   set "bat_file=%%~dpna.bat"
   setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
   call "%%bat_file%%"
   :: some code...

>"%queue_list%" type nul

Now, I'd like to run several jobs simultaneously (2 is enough for now) because sometimes, encoding jobs uses less than half cpu.
So I had a menu item to my app: "run a new worker" which calls the same batch script.

The 2 process have to share a counter %bat_cnt% which represent the last line number that is being processed.
Each time a job is finished, the process calls the counter and increments its value.

I only know 2 solutions for this: using environnement variables or using a temporary counter.bat
I choose the second one because I think it is faster:

Code: Select all

:: read counter
call "%queue_cnt_path%"

:: update counter
>"%queue_cnt_path%" echo set bat_cnt=!num_bat!

Now the problem:
I don't know how many chance I have it happens, but 2 process can read the value of the counter exactly at the same time (especially with fast tasks) and I don't know how to avoid this.
If this happens, the 2 process will do the same encoding job at the same time :?

I know batch is not the best for multitask but if you have ideas that could help, please share.
Thanks you very much!

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 12:33
by dbenham
You are correct, you have a problem if both processes read your counter at the same time because any number of processes can read the same file simultaneously.

But only one process can have the file open for write access at a time. You can use this to make sure only one process accesses the counter at a time.

You should be able to start as many processes as you want to execute this batch script:

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion

set queue="%~1"
set lock="%~dpn1.lock"
set counter="%~dpn1.counter.bat"
set "cnt="
set "skip="

call :NextFile
if not defined bat_file exit /b
call "%bat_file%"
:: some code...
goto loop

2>nul (
  >%lock% call :NextFile2 || goto :NextFile
exit /b

set "file="
set "bat_file="
if exist %counter% call %counter%
if defined cnt set "skip=skip=%cnt%"
set /a cnt+=1
>%counter% echo set cnt=%cnt%
for /f "usebackq %skip% eol=: delims=" %%F in (%queue%) do (
  set file="%%~fF"
  set bat_file="%%~dpnF.bat"
  goto :break
if not defined bat_file (
  >%queue% type nul
  del %counter%
exit /b 0

You should even be able to have one or more processes appending work to the queue while others are processing the queue as long as the appenders also use the lock:

Code: Select all

2>nul (
  >%lock% (
    >>%queue% echo "%~1"
  ) || goto :append

Dave Benham

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 16:00
by colargol
Fantastic ! :D

I'll try tomorrow

Thank you Dave :wink:

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 16:34
by !k

Code: Select all

@echo off &setlocal enableextensions

set /a num = 2

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "list.txt"') do (
   call :loop
   start /min cmd.exe /c my_batch.cmd %%a
goto :eof

for /f %%p in (
'"tasklist /nh /fi "windowtitle eq My batch" 2>nul |find /c "cmd.exe""'
) do set /a proc = %%p
if .%proc% geq .%num% (ping -n 5 localhost >nul &goto :loop)
goto :eof

my_batch.cmd sample

Code: Select all

@echo off &title My batch

echo Parameters = %*
echo Processing... ;)
ping -n 120 localhost >nul

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 07:56
by colargol
!k, thanks for help :D
My first attempts were quite similar, unfortunately I can't do like this because many encoders CLI change windows title.
For exemple, x264.exe use the title to display work progress and other infos: x264 [40%]...
2 other reasons: it requires an additional batch windows and a encoding process could by executed separately which can create confusions with queue processes.

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 09:49
by colargol
Dave, the file.lock is a very clever solution.
Just made some tests and it works perfectly :D
Nothing to say! Thx for your help.

And you are right, files can even be added to the queue during queue processing. But I'm not sure it is necessary to use the lock for this.

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 11:35
by dbenham
Glad it worked :D

You need the lock to append because the append might happen while a processor is determining that the queue is empty. The appender could append the file and the processor could then wipe out the queue before it is processed.

Also, the lock enables multiple processes to safely append to the queue.

Dave Benham

Re: parallel process with batch

Posted: 06 Jan 2012 03:09
by colargol
I just had a power outage and I lost my queue.bat :(
All chars has been replaced by NUL. I didn't made a copy since 3 days.

Is my file really dead?

edit: I rewrite the file - I'm not lucky these days
Thank again to Dave.