A novel method to right trim spaces (and/or periods)
Posted: 14 Jan 2012 10:14
I think aGerman's Macro $RTrim (trim trailing spaces) / also $LTrim and $Trim algorithm for right trimming spaces is the ultimate batch solution.
But I've come up with an interesting alternative: It uses the fact that %~nx1 and %%~nxA trim trailing periods and spaces from file names. This is because Windows does not allow a file name to end with a <space> or a <period>.
Complications for implementing right trim of spaces with this technique are:
1) Trailing periods need to be protected by temporary replacement.
2) The entire string must be interpreted as a file name without any path info by temporary replacement of \ and /.
3) Wildcard characters * and ? will be expanded if the path is valid, and * cannot be easily replaced. The wildcards are protected by temporarily prefixing the string with : which makes it impossible to be a valid filename. This also protects against any drive letter from being removed, and also prevents enclosing quotes from being stripped.
I've implemented RTrimSpaces as a function that cannot be called while delayed expansion is enabled. It can easily be adapted to support delayed expansion calls, and can also be converted into a macro. I did not bother because I still prefer aGerman's algorithm since it can be adapted to trim any character.
Dave Benham
But I've come up with an interesting alternative: It uses the fact that %~nx1 and %%~nxA trim trailing periods and spaces from file names. This is because Windows does not allow a file name to end with a <space> or a <period>.
Complications for implementing right trim of spaces with this technique are:
1) Trailing periods need to be protected by temporary replacement.
2) The entire string must be interpreted as a file name without any path info by temporary replacement of \ and /.
3) Wildcard characters * and ? will be expanded if the path is valid, and * cannot be easily replaced. The wildcards are protected by temporarily prefixing the string with : which makes it impossible to be a valid filename. This also protects against any drive letter from being removed, and also prevents enclosing quotes from being stripped.
I've implemented RTrimSpaces as a function that cannot be called while delayed expansion is enabled. It can easily be adapted to support delayed expansion calls, and can also be converted into a macro. I did not bother because I still prefer aGerman's algorithm since it can be adapted to trim any character.
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set LF=^
set "s1=A Simple test. "
set "s2=;Another simple test! "
set "s3=d:\some path with * wildcards ?\some file.some ext "
set "s4=d:/some path with * wildcards ?/some file.some ext "
set "s5="nasty quoted chars ^<^&^^^|^>" and unquoted chars <&^|> "
set "s6="simple quoted text." "
set "s7=internal "quoted" text. "
set s8="nothing to do "
set "s9=nothing to do"
set "s10= "
set "s11="
set "s12=\/."[ [b[f[d[e "
for /l %%n in (1 1 12) do call :test s%%n
exit /b
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo before %~1=[!%~1!]
call :RTrimSpaces %1
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo after %~1=[!%~1!]
exit /b
:RTrimSpaces strVar --Trims tailing spaces from contents of variable strVar
if not defined %~1 exit /b
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "%~1=!%~1:[=[e!"
set "%~1=!%~1:\=[b!"
set "%~1=!%~1:/=[f!"
set "%~1=!%~1:.=[d!"
for /f "delims=" %%A in (":!%~1!") do endlocal&set "%~1=%%~nxA"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "%~1=!%~1:~1!"
if not defined %~1 endlocal&set "%~1="&exit /b
set "%~1=!%~1:[d=.!"
set "%~1=!%~1:[f=/!"
set "%~1=!%~1:[b=\!"
set "%~1=!%~1:[e=[!"
for /f eol^=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^ delims^= %%A in ("!%~1!") do endlocal&set "%~1=%%A"
exit /b
Dave Benham