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A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 02 Jun 2012 14:20
by neorobin

The attachment for the special chars version(not compatible with WIN7): code below (normal chars) tested under XP (compatible with WIN7, but can't FullScreen).
Code: Select all
@echo off & title The Matrix & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%a in ('ver') do for /f "tokens=2 delims=. " %%a in ("%%a") do set /a "FullScreen=-((%%a-6)>>31)"
if "%1"=="" (
for %%a in (FontSize:00080008 FontFamily:00000030 WindowSize:00320050 ScreenColors:0000000a CodePage:000001b5 ScreenBufferSize:00320050 FullScreen:!FullScreen!
) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%b in ("%%a") do (
>nul reg add HKCU\Console\TheMatrix /v %%b /t reg_dword /d 0x%%c /f
start "TheMatrix" /max "%ComSpec%" /c "%~f0" 1 & exit
) else ( >nul reg delete HKCU\Console\TheMatrix /f )
set "Matrix="
set /a "wid=80,hei=50,iMax=wid*hei, sumOfStream=wid*2/2"
for /l %%i in (1 1 !iMax!) do set "Matrix= !Matrix!"
set "bss=!Matrix: =!"
set "dic=~@#$&*()_+{}|<>?`[]\;',./1234567890"
set "dicLen=35"
for /l %%# in (1 1 !wid!) do set "s%%#=0"
for /l %%* in (0 0 0) do (
for /l %%# in (1 1 !sumOfStream!) do (
if !s%%#! leq 1 (
set /a "h%%#=!random!%%(hei-1)+2,p0%%#=!random!%%(wid*(hei+1-h%%#))+1,l%%#=h%%#+!random!%%hei+1,s%%#=l%%#+h%%#,h%%#+=1,p%%#=p0%%#"
set /a "s%%#-=1,l%%#-=1,h%%#-=1,old=(l%%#-1)>>31,grow=-h%%#>>31,act=grow|old,old0=-^!l%%#,p%%#=(old0&p0%%#)|(~old0&p%%#)"
if !act! neq 0 (
set /a "lL=p%%#-1, lR=iMax-p%%#, r=!random! %% dicLen"
if !old! neq 0 (set "chr= ") else for %%r in (!r!) do set "chr=!dic:~%%r,1!"
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ("!lL! !p%%#! !lR!") do (set "Matrix=!Matrix:~0,%%a!!chr!!Matrix:~%%b,%%c!")
set /a "p%%#+=wid"
cls & <nul set /p "=!Matrix:~0,-1!!bss!"
Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 03 Jun 2012 17:07
by abc0502

nice code
Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 01:20
by Ed Dyreen
Hi Neorobin,
I rewrote it with a much simpler and less obfuscated algo.
I would have to take the set/a part apart because I don't think it's "good style".
Try to avoid the backSpace can cause flicker
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal enableDelayedExpansion &title %~n0 &color 0A
set /a $cols = 80
set /a $lines = 50
set "$dictionary=~@#$&*()_+{}|<>?`[]\;',./1234567890"
set "$dictionary.length=35"
mode.COM con cols=!$cols! lines=!$lines! 2>nul
cmdow.EXE /fs 2>nul
set /a $cols -= 2
set /a $lines -= 1
for /l %%? in () do (
if !$stringsActive! lss !$cols! (
set /a $activateString = !random! %% !$cols!
for %%? in (
) do if !$string[%%?]! lss 1 (
set /a $string[%%?] = !random! %% !$lines! + 1
set /a $stringsActive += 1
set /a $ = !$lines! &for /l %%§ in (
!$lines!, -1, 2
) do set /a $ -= 1 &for %%? in (
) do set "$line[%%§]=!$line[%%?]!"
set "$line[1]=" &for /l %%? in (
1, 1, !$cols!
) do if !$string[%%?]! gtr 0 (
set /a $string[%%?] -= 1 &if !$string[%%?]! lss 1 (
set /a $stringsActive -= 1
set /a $char = !random! %% $dictionary.length &for %%? in (
) do set "$line[1]=!$line[1]!!$dictionary:~%%?,1!"
) else set "$line[1]=!$line[1]! "
set "$raster=" &for /l %%? in (
1, 1, !$lines!
) do set "$raster=!$raster! !$line[%%?]! "
echo. $stringsActive=!$stringsActive!_
<nul set /p "=!$raster:~0,-1!"
Just for fun I used QBFCompiler and renamed TheMatrix.EXE to TheMatrix.SCR. We have a real screensaver LoL

Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 03:17
by Ed Dyreen
This one hovers a text of choice hehe
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal enableDelayedExpansion &title %~n0 &color 0A
set /a $cols = 80
set /a $lines = 25
set "$dictionary=~@#$&*()_+{}|<>?`[]\;',./1234567890"
set "$dictionary.length=35"
for /l %%? in ( 1, 1, !$cols! ) do set "$spacer=!$spacer! "
for /l %%? in ( 1, 1, !$lines! ) do set "$line[%%?]=!$spacer!"
mode.COM con cols=!$cols! lines=!$lines! 2>nul
::cmdow.EXE /fs 2>nul
set /a $cols -= 2
set /a $lines -= 1
set "$ed[1]=!$spacer! # # # EEEEE DDD DDD Y Y RRRR EEEEE EEEEE N N # # # "
set "$ed[2]=!$spacer! # # # E D D D D Y Y R R E E NN N # # # "
set "$ed[3]=!$spacer! # # # EEEEE D D D D YY RRRR EEEEE EEEEE N N N # # # "
set "$ed[4]=!$spacer! # # # E D D D D Y R R E E N NN # # # "
set "$ed[5]=!$spacer! @ @ @ EEEEE DDD DDD Y R R EEEEE EEEEE N N @ @ @ "
for /l %%? in () do (
:: activate a randomly column if not already
rem (
if !$strings! lss !$cols! (
set /a $activateString = !random! %% !$cols!
for %%? in (
) do if !$string[%%?]! lss 1 (
set /a $string[%%?] = !random! %% !$lines! + 1
set /a $strings += 1
rem )
:: build array[memory]
rem (
set /a $ = !$lines! &for /l %%§ in (
!$lines!, -1, 2
) do set /a $ -= 1 &for %%? in (
) do set "$line[%%§]=!$line[%%?]!"
rem )
:: build array[1]
rem (
set "$line[1]=" &for /l %%? in (
1, 1, !$cols!
) do if !$string[%%?]! gtr 0 (
set /a $string[%%?] -= 1 &if !$string[%%?]! lss 1 (
set /a $strings -= 1
set /a $char = !random! %% $dictionary.length &for %%? in (
) do set "$line[1]=!$line[1]!!$dictionary:~%%?,1!"
) else set "$line[1]=!$line[1]! "
rem )
:: hover $ed[*]
rem (
for /l %%§ in (
1, 1, 6
) do set "$ed[%%§]=!$ed[%%§]:~1!!$ed[%%§]:~0,1!
rem )
:: combine[1-6], $line[1-6]
rem (
set "$combine[1]=$strings(!$strings!)!$spacer!"
set "$combine[10]=!$ed[1]!!$spacer!"
set "$combine[11]=!$ed[2]!!$spacer!"
set "$combine[12]=!$ed[3]!!$spacer!"
set "$combine[13]=!$ed[4]!!$spacer!"
set "$combine[14]=!$ed[5]!!$spacer!"
for %%§ in (
1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
) do set "$combine[%%§]=!$combine[%%§]:~0,%$cols%!" &for /l %%? in (
0, 1, !$cols!
) do set /a $ = %%? + 1 &for %%@ in (
) do if "!$combine[%%§]:~%%?,1!" == " " (
set "$combine[%%§]=!$combine[%%§]:~0,%%?!!$line[%%§]:~%%?,1!!$combine[%%§]:~%%@!"
for /l %%? in (
2, 1, 9
) do set "$combine[%%?]=!$line[%%?]!"
for /l %%? in (
15, 1, !$lines!
) do set "$combine[%%?]=!$line[%%?]!"
rem )
:: build raster
rem (
set "$raster="
for /l %%? in (
1, 1, !$lines!
) do set "$raster=!$raster! !$combine[%%?]! "
rem )
:: print raster
rem (
cls &<nul set /p "=!$raster:~0,-1!"
rem )
Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 04:00
by foxidrive
That one's not so good here in Win7 32 bit.

Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 04:06
by foxidrive
Ed Dyreen wrote:Hi Neorobin,
I rewrote it with a much simpler and less obfuscated algo.
I would have to take the set/a part apart because I don't think it's "good style".
Try to avoid the backSpace can cause flicker
This one has a running string on line one column 1 that is updated. Win7 32 bit.
It's a nice effort but not as polished as Neorobin's.
Neorobin's works fine in Win7 32 bit too.
Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 05:40
by Ed Dyreen
foxidrive wrote:That one's not so good here in Win7 32 bit.
set /p obviously works different on win7.

foxidrive wrote:Neorobin's works fine in Win7 32 bit too.
With me winXP, it flickers due to the backSpace.
Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 05:54
by Boombox
Code: Select all
set /a $ = !$lines! &for /l %%§ in (
!$lines!, -1, 2
) do set /a $ -= 1 &for %%? in (
One of many parts of this code that confuse me...
1: Are these characters used for any reason, other than, because you can? § $
2: And why do many of the variable names contain such characters?
No explanation needed for '!'
Re: A special visual effect code: The Matrix
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 06:22
by Ed Dyreen
Boombox wrote:.
Code: Select all
set /a $ = !$lines! &for /l %%§ in (
!$lines!, -1, 2
) do set /a $ -= 1 &for %%? in (
One of many parts of this code that confuse me...
1: Are these characters used for any reason, other than, because you can? § $
2: And why do many of the variable names contain such characters?
No explanation needed for '!'
There are many characters with some very special characteristics for example:
'?' and '*' will be dropped in a simple for loop.
'~' cannot be used for string substitution.
'$' cannot be used to strip quotes from metavariables.
';' as a variable name cannot be displayed by using the set command, only by echo.
'!' cannot be used as variable name if delayed expansion is enabled.
[meta]variables [a-Z,0-9] on the other hand are considered "safe" but sometimes problems can arise.
Bug in function :FormatThe reason I use them is to avoid these type of problems but also to keep the "normal" [meta]variables free.
Over time, I devellopped a preference for some characters like '?', '*', '~', '§' and '$'
Unless you fully understand their limitations, you should not use exotic characters
