I made quiet a small batch, about 280 lines, to get a program configured which feels like it is written anno domini, it's a 16bit program.
At a single point the batch refuses to work. I would like to quote this lines and the error, because I hope somebody can help me to find the errors, cause it's driving me mad and I can't find my mistake and I'm hunting it for some hours.
The systemlanguage ist German.
Code: Select all
SET ok=0
REM [...] some lines (over 200) left out to keep the abridgment
SET /P rechner= Please give in the PC name:
REM Antwort should be changed when systemlanuage is english
ping -n 1 -w 5 %rechner% | find /i "Antwort" && goto :PingOk || goto :PcNumb
Rem the following path is for german windows
NET USE R: \\%rechner%\C$\DOKUME~1\%vorname%.%nachname%\Desktop /persistent:no >Nul
REM this USE works in a cmd but not in this batch.
xcopy /E /C /H H:\path\to\data\%nachname%\progi~1\ R:\ >Nul
IF EXIST R:\prognam~1\ ( SET /a ok=%ok%+1 )
IF EXIST R:\prognam~1\FEHLER~1.LNK ( SET /a ok=%ok%+1 )
IF EXIST R:\prognam~1\progi.LNK ( SET /a ok=%ok%+1 )
IF EXIST R:\prognam~1\HILFEZ~1.LNK ( SET /a ok=%ok%+1 )
IF EXIST R:\prognam~1\ZINSSATZ.LNK ( SET /a ok=%ok%+1 )
REM variable ok seams to stay 0 and can't be echoed
IF "%ok%"!=="5" ( goto :PcNumb )
ECHO %ok% out of 5 files had been copied successfull :-^)
goto :EOF
ECHO %rechner% doesn't answer at %Time%
Errors that this batchpart produces are as following, translated by me:
* after the ping systemfailure 53 encountered
* networkpath not found
* %ok% in the Echo is missing it's like " out of 5 files had been copied successfull :-^)" without ""
* the data isn't copied to a PC btw.
thanks for any helpings