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Some MS-DOS Progs not working after hd put in new Compu

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 22:17
by The2edgesword
I recently had to put a customers hard drive into a different computer ,due to motherboard failure. The problem is after I loaded all the new drivers ,everything seemed to work fine . But the customer has some payroll programs that run in MS-DOS . Well they won't work ,but there are other MS-DOS programs that do . When I click on the EXE . I first get a blue screen say " now loading tax tables " and under it it flashes saying " please wait .... " then after 10 - 20 sec it just exits ?
I went to the folder where all the files are kept and clicked on the EXE there . And I get a Black window ( frozen ) with a curser not blinking, which after 10-20 sec turns into the blue window from above . But now it stays and nothing happens ( please wait still appearing but not blinking ) and after how ever much time I wait if I hit enter, it says " this MS-DOS program has terminated ...
Other MS-DOS programs in other folders work. Oh and all the .DTA in this folder also open in Word Pad . But of course you can't read them . I have no idea about DOS Programing , and my customer needs this running as soon as possible . Can someone please help ?
I recently found out this program is QuickBasic 1.0 . The payroll .exe is the one I am referring to .

Posted: 10 Feb 2009 11:47
by RElliott63
It's just a guess, but you might want to check the Root Folder and look for a Config.sys file. It might have a "FILES=" or other commands that are directly related to running that program.

RE: Some MS-DOS Progs not working after hd put in new Compu

Posted: 13 Feb 2009 20:09
by The2edgesword
What root folder ? I don't think it has one ? It is a MS-DOS batch file. It just has a desktop file and some windows files that I was able to locate . Maybe I am missing something ? I have no idea when it come to DOS . Don't know of any folders for this , how would I locate them ?

Posted: 18 Feb 2009 08:47
by RElliott63
A "Root" folder is the "C:\".

If you work from a DOS prompt, just type "CD \" and press <enter>. This is the ROOT folder.

Look for a file named CONFIG.sys If it doesn't exist, it probably isn't your problem. But, if it existed on your older hard drive, it needs to be on this one.
