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To copy the file name from a textfile

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 02:33
by aviva4500
Dear All,

I have a small clarification regarding the batch files,I am not too good in batch files except the basics.I have three folders which has 100 text files in each folder what has to be done is each file has 20 columns , need to copy the file name from each text file and need to add the file name in one more column inside the text file(i.e) the 21st column should have the file name for all the data present in the corresponding text files.Trying slightly in more technical angle but can't able to configure it out.Can anyone help me on this.

Thanks and Regards,

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 07:56
by RElliott63

Can you give us some data examples concerning what it is you're trying to do?

Does column 21 have the file name of another text file? How many bytes is that column? Need to add the file name into another column in the same text file?

Please give some examples and we might could help...
