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Batch Script File Color Error

Posted: 15 Apr 2009 00:35
by NZIdiot

I am currently writing a batch script for an assignment. There are 2 questions that are annoying me. First question asks that u create a new command windows with red colored text and green background. It says 2 commands need to be use, 1 is CMD and the other i think is /T:24 so it reads

CMD /T:24

Next question says i have to create another new command window with blue colored text and white background with a prompt to include the windows version number.

CMD /T:71

The problem is when i first change colors, CMD /T:24, all commands i have entered after this don't seem to work. How do i write up these commands?

A huge thank you in advance

Posted: 15 Apr 2009 10:16
by avery_larry
Hmmm . . . This is for an assignment?

I'm not sure what it means by needing 2 commands.

One clue, though -- you might want to think about "a NEW command window"