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Net View doesn't seem to work correctly!!!!!!!

Posted: 26 Jul 2009 17:18
by agarwaldvk
Hi Everybody

I have a batch file that essentially creates a backup of the drives of the file server computer on my home network - there are 4 PC's on my home network - 1 serving as the file server and the other 3 as PC's used by other users at home. This batch file is run on the file server PC and is run at Shutdown as a Shutdown script. It runs a "Genie Backup Pro 8" script file for to run the therein specified scheduled backup job.

As my batch file is run, it first detects if any of the other 3 PC's are still connected or turned on. If yes, then it sleeps for 15 minutes without doing anything, following which it does this check repeatedly at 15 minutes interval - the idea being that at the point where no other computers have been determined to be still connected or turned on, the backup job will start.

I tested it first with only one of the other PC's running and subsequently turning on the second computer. As the second computer was turned on, the "Net View" commands was able to detect this additional PC on the network. However, even after this second computer was turned off, the "Net View" command didn't stop seeing it.

Any reason why and what can I do to fix it?

Any assistance on this would be highly valued.

Best regards

Deepak Agarwal

If it is going to be of any help I can attach the batch file that I have written so far.