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Noobish question

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 20:17
by Hunterwould
I want to enter a command on opening of the command prompt. How would I go about doing so?

Code: Select all

 start "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe" {commands} 

this doesn't work and I couldn't find it elsewhere.
also as a side not what is the batch source variable? according to the dostips sit it is %0 but when you put in a batch

Code: Select all

 file echo %0 >file.txt 

it returns the source address.

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 08:41
by avery_larry
Hunterwould wrote:I want to enter a command on opening of the command prompt. How would I go about doing so?

Code: Select all

 start "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe" {commands} 

this doesn't work and I couldn't find it elsewhere.

start /? and cmd /?
will help you a lot. One tricky thing -- if you have more than 1 set of double quotes, then the 1st double quote is taken as the "title" of the start command. For the {commands} part, you'll need the /c OR /k argument to cmd.exe:

Code: Select all

start "The Window Title" cmd /c "c:\path\yourprogram.cmd"

also as a side not what is the batch source variable?
What do you mean by "batch source variable"? %0 is the program that is running (if that makes sense). Example:

At a dos prompt you type in:
c:\> mytest.cmd myargument

Then %1 will be myargument, and %0 will be mytest.cmd
according to the dostips sit it is %0 but when you put in a batch

Code: Select all

 file echo %0 >file.txt 

it returns the source address.