heredoc in batch
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:47
heredoc is way to determine multiline string literals in scripts. Unfortunately heredoc is not included to native batch scripts. The following link shows the way to embed heredoc in batch very close to the original definition:
I have made some modifications to allow heredoc be declared with the external script "heredoc.bat" or the embedded subroutine ":heredoc". To achieve the goal I used the idea described in the topic Tricky way to detect calls from another batch script.
I have made some modifications to allow heredoc be declared with the external script "heredoc.bat" or the embedded subroutine ":heredoc". To achieve the goal I used the idea described in the topic Tricky way to detect calls from another batch script.
Code: Select all
@if not defined CMDCALLER @(
(echo on & goto) 2>nul
call set "CMDCALLER=%%~f0"
call "%~f0" %*
@if /i "%CMDCALLER%" == "%%~f0" set "CMDCALLER="
@echo off
if defined CMDCALLER (
call :heredoc %*
goto :EOF
call :heredoc :HEREDOCHELP & goto :EOF
heredoc: attempt to embed the idea of heredoc to batch scripts.
There are few ways for using this solution:
1. call heredoc :LABEL & goto :LABEL
Calling the external script "heredoc.bat" passing the heredoc LABEL.
2. call :heredoc :LABEL & goto :LABEL
Embed the subroutine ":heredoc" into yuor script.
Both LABEL and :LABEL forms are possible. Instead of "goto :LABEL" it is
possible to use "goto" with another label, or "goto :EOF", or "exit /b".
Variables to be evaluated within the heredoc should be called in the
delayed expansion style ^("^!var^!" rather than "%var%", for instance^).
Literal exclamation marks "^!" and carets "^^" must be escaped with a
caret "^".
Additionally, parantheses "(" and ")" should be escaped, as well, if they
are part of the heredoc content within parantheses of the script block.
:heredoc LABEL
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not defined CMDCALLER set "CMDCALLER=%~f0"
set go=
for /f "delims=" %%A in ( '
findstr /n "^" "%CMDCALLER%"
' ) do (
set "line=%%A"
set "line=!line:*:=!"
if defined go (
if /i "!line!" == "!go!" goto :EOF
) else (
rem delims are ( ) > & | TAB , ; = SPACE
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=()>&| ,;= " %%i in ( "!line!" ) do (
if /i "%%i %%j %%k" == "call :heredoc %1" set "go=%%k"
if /i "%%i %%j %%k" == "call heredoc %1" set "go=%%k"
if defined go if not "!go:~0,1!" == ":" set "go=:!go!"
goto :EOF