Terminal font & codepage 437
Posted: 19 Aug 2015 20:40
I probed to display the chars in this articles
using dbenham char macros
With the Lucida console all work but if I choose Terminal Font don't work!
I want use the Terminal font because the "shadow char" are better.
Why the terminal font in codepage 437 don't show the same characters above (shadow chars+others)?
It's possible a workaround? Can anyone test and post results?
I think that American PC (like Dbenham's PC) can view the codepage 437 in terminal font without problem. It's right?
my result:
using dbenham char macros
With the Lucida console all work but if I choose Terminal Font don't work!
I want use the Terminal font because the "shadow char" are better.
Why the terminal font in codepage 437 don't show the same characters above (shadow chars+others)?
It's possible a workaround? Can anyone test and post results?
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
For %%C in (437 850 1252) do (
chcp %%C
call charMacros
call :print
exit /B
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "S="
for /l %%N in (0 1 255) do (
set /A "r=%%N %% 32"
if !r! equ 0 echo(!S!&set "S="
%@chr% %%N c
for %%E in (0 7 8 9 10 13) do if %%N equ %%E set "S=!S! "&&(call)
if NOT !Errorlevel! equ 1 set S=!S!!c!
exit /B
I think that American PC (like Dbenham's PC) can view the codepage 437 in terminal font without problem. It's right?
my result: