Moving large number of files yields strange results.
Posted: 13 Sep 2015 22:54
I received this code on this forum, which moves the first 40 images (out of 3000), to their own folder.
It's been working great!..
Recently I've needed to move the same number images from a larger total of 15120 images.
The first 9999 images seem to work fine but anything beyond this amount causes strange grouping orders,.
Is there any way to modify the code to handle larger volumes of images?
It's been working great!..
Recently I've needed to move the same number images from a larger total of 15120 images.
The first 9999 images seem to work fine but anything beyond this amount causes strange grouping orders,.
Is there any way to modify the code to handle larger volumes of images?
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "sourcedir=Z:\EV_3D_Scenes\3D_Renders"
set "destdir=Z:\EV_3D_Scenes\3D_Renders\Images_"
cd /d "%sourcedir%
for %%a in (*) do (
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=_." %%b in ("%%~a") do (
set /a "folderext=(10000%%c %% 10000 - 1) / 40 + 1" && set /a "newincr=(10000%%c %% 10000 - 1) %% 40 + 1"
md "%destdir%!folderext!" >nul 2>nul
set newincr=000!newincr!
move /y "%%~a" "%destdir%!folderext!\%%~b_!newincr:~-4!.%%~d"