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How to register MUltiple DLL's in one command??
Posted: 19 Oct 2009 10:07
by BILL Dos
Doing a Unattended Install of Windows 7 and I need to register multiple .dll files in the System32 directory. Without listing each .dll one by one does anyone have a Batch .cmd file that would do this automatically??
Posted: 24 Nov 2009 04:06
by skoku
do you want to register all dll's in system32 or you have list of files?
if all files - you can simply use
for /f %%i in ('dir /B c:\windows\system32\*.dll') do regsvr32 /s C:\Winnt\System32\%%i
if you have file list
for /f %%i in (files.txt) do regsvr32 /s C:\Winnt\System32\%%i
Posted: 02 Dec 2009 21:02
by BILL Dos
Thanks for the help...
go it working now.. just love access is denied errors.. lol