Add additional text to existing output file.
Posted: 29 Aug 2016 07:51
Awhile ago, Foxidrive helped me with some code to output some data from a file into another and show it based on a couple of parameters. The following is that code with a few modifications.
Now, I want to append the following code into this code to add additional output to the same file. Here is that code:
I know this should be relatively simple but my brain isn't working today. Any suggestions appreciated.
I realize this is a bit vague. I got called away from my desk right as I was writing it so I just hit send hoping someone might offer suggestions. I have searched for the original post here and on SO but I can't find it. Both of these scripts run just fine on their own but I'd prefer them to be combined together. I've tried putting the second script into a function but that just hangs when running it. I did try adding a pause and @echo off at the top of the function but that didn't help either. I'm really stuck on this one.
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "xmlpath=\\server\developer\inetpub\Ftproot\XMLs"
if exist "%temp%\filterEOD.txt" del "%temp%\filterEOD.txt"
If /i "%userdomain%" equ "DEV" (
set "dom=PROD"
set /p useris=Enter your production user name:
set /p pw=Enter your production password:
set Map1=Net use "%xmlpath%" !pw! /USER:!dom!\!useris! /PERSISTENT:NO
!Map1!&pushd "%xmlpath%"
) ELSE (
pushd "%xmlpath%"
dir /o:-d /a-d "%xmlpath%\*.xml" |find "/" >"%temp%\filterEOD.txt"
set "found=0"
set "files=0"
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4,*" %%a in ("%temp%\filterEOD.txt") do (
set "f3=%%e"
echo %%e %%a %%b %%c
if !found! GTR 0 set /a files+=1
IF /i "!f3:~0,3!" EQU "EOD" IF !found! GTR 0 (
set /a files-=1
echo located !files! files between EOD files in total
goto :out
IF /i "!f3:~0,3!" EQU "EOD" set /a found+=1 && Echo( && ECHO(
if !found! LSS 2 (
echo( & echo(
echo Only !found! EOD file found
echo !files! files were found from the first EOD file
start "Filter EOD Files" "%temp%\filterEOD2.txt"
del "%temp%\filterEOD.txt"
exit /b
Now, I want to append the following code into this code to add additional output to the same file. Here is that code:
Code: Select all
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=[]" %%a in (
'dir /o-d /a-d /b^|find /n /v ""' ) do (
echo %%~nxtb
if %%a geq 14 goto :out
I know this should be relatively simple but my brain isn't working today. Any suggestions appreciated.
I realize this is a bit vague. I got called away from my desk right as I was writing it so I just hit send hoping someone might offer suggestions. I have searched for the original post here and on SO but I can't find it. Both of these scripts run just fine on their own but I'd prefer them to be combined together. I've tried putting the second script into a function but that just hangs when running it. I did try adding a pause and @echo off at the top of the function but that didn't help either. I'm really stuck on this one.