Synchronization of file count
Posted: 16 Nov 2009 08:03
I'm having a problem a synchronization problem between dir and counting the nr of files with a given extension.
What I'm trying to the is the following:
1. All files with the extension *.abc in the current directory should be submitted for execution
2. A fluid dynamics simulation is started, which generates a *.RUN file for each calculation file. This has been mimicking in the code I'm posting with copy n_max.txt %filename%.RUN
3. However, I don't want the nr of files running simultaneously to exceed the value contained in the file n_max.txt (the file contains just one integer, for instance 2)
So, if the number of calculation already running (nr of *.RUN files) is less than n_max, a new calculation is started, otherwise it loops back to the beginning
This works fine, except that counting the nr of calculations already running is a big sluggish. It takes too long for the program to notice that a new Run file has been created, leading to the number of running cases exceeding the limit.
For instance:
Create a file called n_max.txt ( echo 2 > n_max.txt )
Create 3 files,,
Create 1 file A1.RUN (This means, 1 process is running out of a max of 2)
start the batch... only calc A2 should start, since n_max is reached
Calculation A2 AND A3 are started. When the loop tries to start A3, notice how the dir command clearly shows that there are 2 files, but the count is still 1.
In the next loop, it recognizes that there is a total of 3 files. It appears that the system does not immediately register the newly created A2.RUN
What am I doing wrong? How can I force it to get the latest count?
I tried imposing a 5s delay with the ping, and have tried writing the program in many different way, but the behavior doesn't change.
Thanks in advance
I'm having a problem a synchronization problem between dir and counting the nr of files with a given extension.
What I'm trying to the is the following:
1. All files with the extension *.abc in the current directory should be submitted for execution
2. A fluid dynamics simulation is started, which generates a *.RUN file for each calculation file. This has been mimicking in the code I'm posting with copy n_max.txt %filename%.RUN
3. However, I don't want the nr of files running simultaneously to exceed the value contained in the file n_max.txt (the file contains just one integer, for instance 2)
So, if the number of calculation already running (nr of *.RUN files) is less than n_max, a new calculation is started, otherwise it loops back to the beginning
This works fine, except that counting the nr of calculations already running is a big sluggish. It takes too long for the program to notice that a new Run file has been created, leading to the number of running cases exceeding the limit.
For instance:
Create a file called n_max.txt ( echo 2 > n_max.txt )
Create 3 files,,
Create 1 file A1.RUN (This means, 1 process is running out of a max of 2)
start the batch... only calc A2 should start, since n_max is reached
Calculation A2 AND A3 are started. When the loop tries to start A3, notice how the dir command clearly shows that there are 2 files, but the count is still 1.
In the next loop, it recognizes that there is a total of 3 files. It appears that the system does not immediately register the newly created A2.RUN
What am I doing wrong? How can I force it to get the latest count?
I tried imposing a 5s delay with the ping, and have tried writing the program in many different way, but the behavior doesn't change.
Thanks in advance
Code: Select all
rem read max nr of processes
for /f %%a in ('type n_max.txt') do (set /a b=%%a)
rem find files with extension abc
for /f %%n in ('dir /b ^| find ".abc"') do (
set /A c=0
for %%f in (*.RUN) do (set /A c+=1)
rem next line just for comparison
dir *.RUN
echo max %b% processes allowed, %c% running
if %b% gtr %c% (
call:Run_file %%n
ping -n 5 > nul
timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK
goto Big_loop
set b=%1
echo starting %1%
copy n_max.txt %filename%.RUN