i've got a little problem and i dont know where i failed cuz every tutorial i read didnt answer my specific question
everything works alone but together only the first part works
the plan:
take file 1 (file.txt)
read the lines
cut them
write them in file 2 (file_2.txt)
line syntax 123456789012testxxtest123456789012
i only want the "testxxtest" part
i got large files with up to 10000 lines with syntaxes look like the above
numbers in the front numbers in the back and a alphanumerical code in the middle
for the following steps i only need the code in the middle
re writing the existing output from the db is not possible
so i have to take the db output, manually change the whole txt (delete the unnecessary characters)
and then upload it again for further use
if necessary re write my batch code completely but please comment it =)
Code: Select all
@echo off
title EVA
FOR /F %%i in (file.txt) do (
set str=%%i
set str=%str:~11,-12%
echo EVA has done her work