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How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 15:22
by goodywp
Hi all,

I have my tools located in C drive as below
I have all my code and source under the folder of auto_pkg_build

This is my local but if my colleague want to install somewhere in his/her PC under autopackager folder like this as below


I used a lot command in my code referring to my path as C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts...or C:\Users\alex\autopackager\Sources

How Can I set up the relative path easy for everyone wherever he want to install the tool. He can still use this tool without any path issue...


Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 16:25
by aGerman
Your explanation is incomplete because you didn't say if the script from where you want to access those folders is inside of this folder structure.
My assumption:
You have subfolders Scripts, Sources, Tools, and Workspace. Now you want to call a script in Scripts but your current working directory is e.g. Workspace. In that case you can use a relative path like

Code: Select all

call "..\Scripts\example.bat"
The .. points to the parent folder of the working directory. If the working directory is already auto_pkg_build or autopackager in your case then you can simply begin with the subfolder like

Code: Select all

call "Scripts\example.bat"

Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:30
by goodywp
Thanks Steffen!

I should explain more precisely. Since I have a lot commands to use the absolutely path in my script, for example, I might call one command which path looks like this
call C:\auto_pkg_build\Tools\PACKAGER\scheme_replace.cmd
cd C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\pkg_data\temp
copy C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\data_profile.txt .

Is any way I can use relative path in this case? Since I already use my absolutely path in the code...
In particular, if some one want to install the tools in his favorable folder rather following my structure....:-(

I once tried to run one script to start up like set_path.cmd

Code: Select all

SET Sc_PATH=C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts
SET Sr_PATH=C:\auto_pkg_build\Sources
SET Tls_PATH=C:\auto_pkg_build\Tools
SET WK_PATH=C:\auto_pkg_build\Workspace
here auto_pkg_build can be replaced by any folder for user's preference.....

So later on whenever I wan to use these paths, just to call this script at the beginning like

call set_path.cmd (But here again it need its path)

How can I solve this problem....?


Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:44
by aGerman
Still don't get it.
Please try this script in order to see how things are related.

Code: Select all

@echo off &setlocal
cd /d "%systemroot%\System32"

echo script folder:     "%~dp0"
echo working directory: "%cd%\"
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo parent script folder: "%~dp0..\"
for %%i in ("%~dp0..") do echo that is:              "%%~fi\"
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo parent working directory: "..\"
for %%i in ("..") do echo that is:                  "%%~fi\"
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 14:10
by goodywp
Thanks a lot! Steffen

I think I know how to use %~dp0 now

But how I can use the sister folders as scripts folder, here is my code
the script is currently in ..\Scripts\scheme_replace\ folder
Here is the code

Code: Select all

call "%~dp0\get_src.cmd"
call "%~dp0\app_var.cmd"

::sdrv is you network mapping drive for QADATA
set drv=Z:

:: rel is the path from QA release to Tetra Packages
set rel=QA_AUTOMATION\QA_RELEASE\Tetra_Applications\Tetra_Packages

:: app is a general application group under Tetra release
set app_var=%app_var: =%

:: pkg is the source pkg to download from. 
:: T500 moukup pkg
:: T582 QA pkg
:: T592 Unsigned pkg

set optn=%optn: =%
set nptn=%nptn: =%
set opkg=%opkg: =%
set npkg=%npkg: =%

set url="%drv%\%rel%\%app_var%\%opkg%\*"
echo D|xcopy %url% C:\auto_pkg_build\Sources\Source_pkg\%opkg% /e
echo D|xcopy %url% C:\auto_pkg_build\Workspace\Build_pkg\%opkg% /e
I used %~dp0 to replace the original absolute path from
call C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\get_src.cmd
call "%~dp0\get_src.cmd"

Now how I can re-write these two in bold
echo D|xcopy %url% C:\auto_pkg_build\Sources\Source_pkg\%opkg% /e
echo D|xcopy %url% C:\auto_pkg_build\Workspace\Build_pkg\%opkg% /e


Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 14:31
by aGerman
say currently "%~dp0" targets "root\Scripts\scheme_replace\" where the script is placed

using "%~dp0.." you target "root\Scripts"
using "%~dp0..\.." you target "root"
using "%~dp0..\..\Sources" you target "root\Sources"
using "%~dp0..\..\Sources\Source_pkg" you target "root\Sources\Source_pkg"


Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 14:55
by goodywp
Hi Steffen,

Thanks a lot! I tried a test using your suggested and
the test.cmd is currently in C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\
Here is the code for test.cmd

Code: Select all

echo "%~dp0.."
echo "%~dp0..\.."
echo "%~dp0..\..\Sources"
echo "%~dp0..\..\Sources\Source_pkg"
here what I got:

that is not looking right? Is anything I messed up?

To my understanding based upon your explanation, it should looks like these after I ran the test.cmd



Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 15:05
by aGerman
I already wrote what it targets. If you want to evaluate the paths you have to use the FOR loop and ~f modifier as in my other example. But that only makes it clear for the ECHO output. It wouldn't be necessary for your CALL, XCOPY, or other commands.


Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 21:56
by Squashman
As Steffen has commented, the xcopy command will properly use the dotted paths and expand them correctly. You can test this very easily with the /F and /L switches using XCOPY.

I created a file named file.txt in the folder C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace. Using this xcopy command we can test to see how relative paths work.

Code: Select all

C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace>xcopy /f /l *.txt ..\
C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\file.txt -> C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\file.txt
1 File(s)

C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace>xcopy /f /l *.txt ..\..\
C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\file.txt -> C:\auto_pkg_build\file.txt
1 File(s)

C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace>xcopy /f /l *.txt ..\..\tools
C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\file.txt -> C:\auto_pkg_build\tools\file.txt
1 File(s)

C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace>xcopy /f /l *.txt ..\..\tools\packager
C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\file.txt -> C:\auto_pkg_build\tools\packager\file.txt
1 File(s)


Re: How to set up root directory ?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 15:28
by goodywp
Thanks Squashman!!
I had many commands using the root directory. For now, they can compromise my structure. Maybe later as enhancement....

