Center Window and Move Window (yet more Powershell hybrids)
Posted: 06 Sep 2018 13:44
Center Window:
Press [Ctrl]+[C] if you can't catch the red X
Move Window:
Both macros default to update the position of the console window. However, other windows can be moved by passing the ID of the belonging process as optional argument. In case of the Windows Terminal use the %TermPid% macro. Refer to:
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal
mode con cols=50 lines=20
call :init_Center
for /l %%i in () do (
%Center% middle
%Center% left
%Center% right
%Center% top
%Center% bottom
goto :eof
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
:: prefer PowerShell Core if installed
for %%i in ("pwsh.exe") do if "%%~$PATH:i"=="" (set "ps=powershell") else set "ps=pwsh"
:: - BRIEF -
:: Center the console window.
:: - SYNTAX -
:: %center% middle|left|top|right|bottom [pid]
:: middle|left|top|right|bottom either of them specifies the position where
:: to center the window on the monitor
:: pid (optional) ID of a process whose main window
:: is to be centered
:: Place the window in the middle of the monitor:
:: %Center%
:: Place the window in the middle of the top of the monitor:
:: %Center% top
set Center=for %%- in (1 2) do if %%-==2 (for /f "tokens=1,2" %%. in ("^^!arg^^! x") do^
%=% %ps%.exe -nop -ep Bypass -c ^"^
%===% $w=Add-Type -Name WAPI -PassThru -MemberDefinition '^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void SetProcessDPIAware();^
%=====% [DllImport(\"shcore.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void SetProcessDpiAwareness(int value);^
%=====% [DllImport(\"kernel32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, int[] rect);^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void GetClientRect(IntPtr hwnd, int[] rect);^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void GetMonitorInfoW(IntPtr hMonitor, int[] lpmi);^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int dwFlags);^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern int SetWindowPos(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hwndAfterZ, int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags);^
%===% ';^
%===% try {$w::SetProcessDpiAwareness($PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE)} catch {$w::SetProcessDPIAware()}^
%===% $tpid=0;^
%===% if ([Int32]::TryParse('%%~/', [ref]$tpid)) {^
%=====% $hwnd=(gps -id $tpid -ea SilentlyContinue).MainWindowHandle;^
%===% } else {^
%=====% $hwnd=$w::GetConsoleWindow();^
%===% }^
%=== The $moninf array is a replacement for the MONITORINFO structure. The elements at index =% ^
%=== 5, 6, 7, and 8 represent left, top, right, and bottom boundaries of the monitor's work space. =% ^
%===% $moninf=[int[]]::new(10);^
%===% $moninf[0]=40;^
%===% $w::GetMonitorInfoW($w::MonitorFromWindow($hwnd, $MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST), $moninf);^
%===% $monwidth=$moninf[7] - $moninf[5];^
%===% $monheight=$moninf[8] - $moninf[6];^
%=== The $wrect array is a replacement for the RECT structure. The elements at index =% ^
%=== 0, 1, 2, and 3 represent left, top, right, and bottom boundaries of the window. =% ^
%===% $wrect=[int[]]::new(4);^
%===% $w::GetWindowRect($hwnd, $wrect);^
%===% $winwidth=$wrect[2] - $wrect[0];^
%===% $winheight=$wrect[3] - $wrect[1];^
%===% $x=0; $y=0;^
%===% if ('%%~.' -eq 'middle') {^
%=====% $x=[int][math]::Round($moninf[5] + $monwidth / 2 - $winwidth / 2);^
%=====% $y=[int][math]::Round($moninf[6] + $monheight / 2 - $winheight / 2);^
%===% } elseif ('%%~.' -eq 'left') {^
%=====% $x=$moninf[5];^
%=====% $y=[int][math]::Round($moninf[6] + $monheight / 2 - $winheight / 2);^
%===% } elseif ('%%~.' -eq 'top') {^
%=====% $x=[int][math]::Round($moninf[5] + $monwidth / 2 - $winwidth / 2);^
%=====% $y=$moninf[6];^
%===% } elseif ('%%~.' -eq 'right') {^
%=====% $x=$moninf[7] - $winwidth;^
%=====% $y=[int][math]::Round($moninf[6] + $monheight / 2 - $winheight / 2);^
%===% } elseif ('%%~.' -eq 'bottom') {^
%=====% $x=[int][math]::Round($moninf[5] + $monwidth / 2 - $winwidth / 2);^
%=====% $y=$moninf[8] - $winheight;^
%===% } else {exit 1}^
%===% $SWP_NOSIZE=0x0001;^
%===% $SWP_NOZORDER=0x0004;^
%===% exit [int]($w::SetWindowPos($hwnd, [IntPtr]::Zero, $x, $y, 0, 0, $SWP_NOSIZE -bOr $SWP_NOZORDER) -eq 0);^
%=% ^" ^&endlocal) else setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ^&set arg=
endlocal &set "Center=%Center%"
if !!# neq # set "Center=%Center:^^=%"
exit /b
Move Window:
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal
call :init_MoveWindow
%MoveWindow% 100 50
echo %errorlevel%
exit /b
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
:: prefer PowerShell Core if installed
for %%i in ("pwsh.exe") do if "%%~$PATH:i"=="" (set "ps=powershell") else set "ps=pwsh"
:: - BRIEF -
:: Move the window to a certain position on the virtual screen.
:: - SYNTAX -
:: %MoveWindow% X Y [pid]
:: X left side of the window on the screen in dots
:: Y top of the window on the screen in dots
:: pid (optional) ID of a process whose main window is to be moved
:: Move the left side of the window to position 100, and its top to position 50:
:: %MoveWindow% 100 50
set MoveWindow=for %%- in (1 2) do if %%-==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%. in ("^^!args^^! x x x") do^
%=% %ps%.exe -nop -ep Bypass -c ^"^
%===% $w=Add-Type -Name WAPI -PassThru -MemberDefinition '^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void SetProcessDPIAware();^
%=====% [DllImport(\"shcore.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern void SetProcessDpiAwareness(int value);^
%=====% [DllImport(\"kernel32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();^
%=====% [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]^
%=======% public static extern int SetWindowPos(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hwndAfterZ, int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags);^
%===% ';^
%===% try {$w::SetProcessDpiAwareness($PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE)} catch {$w::SetProcessDPIAware()}^
%===% $x=0; $y=0; $tpid=0;^
%===% if (-not [Int32]::TryParse('%%~.', [ref]$x) -or -not [Int32]::TryParse('%%~/', [ref]$y)) {exit 1}^
%===% if ([Int32]::TryParse('%%~0', [ref]$tpid)) {^
%=====% $wnd=(gps -id $tpid -ea SilentlyContinue).MainWindowHandle;^
%===% } else {^
%=====% $wnd=$w::GetConsoleWindow();^
%===% }^
%===% $HWND_TOP=[IntPtr]::Zero;^
%===% $SWP_NOSIZE=0x0001;^
%===% $SWP_SHOWWINDOW=0x0040;^
%===% exit [int]($w::SetWindowPos($wnd, $HWND_TOP, $x, $y, 0, 0, $SWP_NOSIZE -bOr $SWP_SHOWWINDOW) -eq 0);^
%=% ^" ^&endlocal) else setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ^&set args=
endlocal &set "MoveWindow=%MoveWindow%"
if !!# neq # set "MoveWindow=%MoveWindow:^^=%"
exit /b