move (or copy) selection, rename incrementally when they exist in target folder
Posted: 30 Apr 2019 04:02
Following my moveto/copyto script viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9112
I try to implement "incremental rename" mecanism.
New text.txt to New text (2).txt, (3), (4) etc., still not sure if I should rename "New text (2).txt" to "New text (3)" or "New text (2) (2).txt" (2nd seemed more "logical")
I also started implementing a box (WBOX) for the user to choose either to overwrite or make new file (or choose for each item/file/folder if multiple selection).
But I have hard times understanding delayed expansion, and while it yet works for single file or folders it doesn't for multiple selection and it took me lots of tries.
For this example, the boxes are not important (already asked question about in the other thread) only the incremental mecanism and for / loop.
I can put target folder in a variable to save time while testing (and just choice instead the message box)
the script itself isn't so useful as it is but it will unlock many possibilities for me and other ideas.
Ideally I'd like to make the same with copy to.
So here's where I am at:
I try to implement "incremental rename" mecanism.
New text.txt to New text (2).txt, (3), (4) etc., still not sure if I should rename "New text (2).txt" to "New text (3)" or "New text (2) (2).txt" (2nd seemed more "logical")
I also started implementing a box (WBOX) for the user to choose either to overwrite or make new file (or choose for each item/file/folder if multiple selection).
But I have hard times understanding delayed expansion, and while it yet works for single file or folders it doesn't for multiple selection and it took me lots of tries.
For this example, the boxes are not important (already asked question about in the other thread) only the incremental mecanism and for / loop.
I can put target folder in a variable to save time while testing (and just choice instead the message box)
the script itself isn't so useful as it is but it will unlock many possibilities for me and other ideas.
Ideally I'd like to make the same with copy to.
So here's where I am at:
Code: Select all
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
@echo off
set "cnt=0"
set "SelectionName='%~nx1'"
set "NewName=New"
set "incr=1"
set "WBOX=C:\Program Files\System Tools\System Utilities\wbox64\Wbox.exe"
cd /d "%~dp1"
for %%A in (%*) do set /a cnt+=1
if %cnt% GTR 1 set "SelectionName=these %cnt% items"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" "Select the place where you want to move %SelectionName%, then click OK."') do set "TargetFolder=%%a"
if "%TargetFolder%" == "" goto :eof
if "%TargetFolder%" == "%~dp1" goto :eof
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (%*) do (
set "SRCName=%%~na"
set "SRCNameX=%%~nxa"
set "SRCPATH=%%~dpnxa"
set "Extn=%%~xa"
set "Target=%TargetFolder%\%%~nxa"
if not exist !Target! (
move /y "!SRCPATH!" "%TargetFolder%"
) else (
if not "!SelectionName!" == "these !cnt! items" (
"%WBOX%" "Warning" "!SRCNameX! already exists at target location, do you want to overwrite it or make a new file ?" " Overwrite ; Make New File ; Cancel "
goto Action_!errorlevel!
) else (
"%WBOX%" "Warning" "Some items already exist at target location, do you want to overwrite them or make new files ?" " Overwrite All ; Make New Files ; Choice by Item ; Cancel "
if !errorlevel! LEQ 2 ( goto :Action_!errorlevel!)
if "!errorlevel!" == "3" ( goto :WBOX1) else ( goto :Actionb_!errorlevel!)
move /y "!SRCPATH!" "%TargetFolder%"
goto :eof
goto :increment
goto :eof
goto :eof
goto :eof
goto :eof
set "baseName=!SRCName! ("
cd /d %TargetFolder%
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('
2^>nul dir /b /a-d "!baseName!%incr%)!Extn!"^
^|findstr /xri /c:"!baseName![0-9]*).*"
') do (
set "name=%%~nF"
set "name=!name:*!baseName!=!"
set "name=!name:)=!"
if !name! gtr !incr! set "incr=!name!"
set /a "incr+=1"
set "newName=!baseName!!incr!)!Extn!"
set "NewTarget=%TargetFolder%\!newName!"
if not exist !NewTarget! (
move /y "!SRCPATH!" "!NewTarget!"
) else (
set "baseName=!SRCName! ("
set "baseName=!baseName:~0,-2!"
for %%a in (%*) do (
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('
2^>nul dir /b /a-d "!baseName!!incr!)!Extn!"^
^|findstr /xri /c:"!baseName![0-9]*).*"
') do (
set "name=%%~nF"
set "name=!name:*!baseName!=!"
set "name=!name:)=!"
if !name! gtr !incr! set "incr=!name!"
set /a "incr+=1"
set "newName=!baseName! (!incr!)!Extn!"
set "Target=%TargetFolder%\!newName!"
move /y %%a "!Target!"
goto :eof
var shl = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
var folder = shl.BrowseForFolder(0, WScript.Arguments(0), 0x00000050,17);
WScript.Stdout.WriteLine(folder ? folder.self.path : "");