Setting variables in a for line?
Posted: 04 Apr 2010 09:20
I have a script im creating that searches your steam folder for missing texture files and creates them as they are found. So far its pretty much done, but I can't figure out why I can't set the variable "list" in the for loop. It comes up as undefined, but when i place it outside of the for loop, it sets fine. Is there an explanation for this? Any help is appreciated.
Heres the batch im making
Heres the batch im making
Code: Select all
@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
echo Pyromaniac's vmt creator!
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
set filefound= No files were missing!
set usrdir=C:\Steam\steamapps\pyromaniac1444\half-life 2\hl2\materials\
call :getlength "%usrdir%" length
cd C:\Steam\steamapps\pyromaniac1444\half-life 2\hl2\materials\
echo Searching...
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir *.vtf /s /b') do (
set list=%%~fA
echo Scanning %%~nA...
if not exist %%~pnA.vmt (
set filefound= Missing vmt's were found and generated.
echo "VertexLitGeneric" > %%~pnA.vmt
echo { >> %%~pnA.vmt
set list=%list:~-%length%%
echo "$basetexture" "%list%" >> %%~pnA.vmt
echo } >> %%~pnA.vmt
echo Missing vmt for file %%~nA.
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
echo File creation is complete!
echo %filefound%
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
set len=0
set str=%~1
if not defined str goto :eof
set str=%str:"=.%987654321
if not "%str:~18%"=="" set str=%str:~9%& set /a len+=9& goto loop
set num=%Str:~9,1%
set /a len=len+num
EndLocal&set %2=%len%&goto :eof