'Liviu wrote:Well... Sp1 is about 10 years old. XP has had two massive service packs since, plus countless updates. I am shocked that you'd find an Sp1 bug "shocking"
FWIW the Sp3 wmic.exe I have here is v5.1.2600.5512 and outputs Unicode with no double CRs or CR-CR-LF sequences.
What is that supposed to mean.
If I wait another 10 years, and then find a bug in win7, you'll say exactly the same !
I am shocked and irritated that MS sells bèta software as if it were alpha.
Alpha versions shouldn't have massive bugs. They certainly knew the problem was present,
just couldn't wait earning money with crap.
10 years ?. MS don't change, that would be naïeve
Maybe you are right, I consider updating to windows 3.1 ( no service packs )