looking for coding

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looking for coding

#1 Post by Ian » 12 May 2012 17:29

Hello i have made many batch files and i am looking for some coders and i what to see (more like i was challenged) to make a full os and i am looking if we can make a big os ( i mean BIG!)

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Re: looking for coding

#2 Post by aGerman » 13 May 2012 06:41

You try to tell us that you want to write an operating system with Batch?
Are you aware that Batch requires Windows? To write an operating system you would need a profound knowledge in Assembly and C. Here's not the place to discuss about these languages.


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Re: looking for coding

#3 Post by phillid » 18 May 2012 15:47

Maybe he means he wants to make a batch script that has all of the features as an operating system (eg. a window manager, terminal and some programs) which is inside a command prompt window.
I understand that this wouldn't actually have any advantage as you'd be running windows as well, but it's a good way to gain some experience.


Ed Dyreen
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Re: looking for coding

#4 Post by Ed Dyreen » 19 May 2012 21:34

The problem is not the problem but communicating good solutions.
Fast, cheap, good, choose any two !

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Re: looking for coding

#5 Post by aGerman » 20 May 2012 07:23

Well guys don't confuse yourself.
Ian wrote:... to make a full os ...

That has nothing to do with Batch! Batch can do what CMD can do and what external tools (written in C or other languages) can do. That's all! It requires Windows as OS on what it runs. That means you have no chance to write an OS with batch.
If somebody wants to have a look at a source code of an Operating System:

Ian wrote:... make a big os ( i mean BIG!)

... well, Linux Kernel (only the Kernel ! with a history of more than 20 years and more than 70 MB C and Assembly source code).

A simple OS which does nothing but booting.


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Re: looking for coding

#6 Post by phillid » 20 May 2012 19:33

aGerman, we're not confised, we do understand what OSes are and that batch scripts rely on CMD.exe which in turn relies on Windows so we (maybe not Ian, just until now) understand you cannot make an OS with batch. Then again, we don't know if Ian wants to create an OS or a script that emulates one...

Did you read my post?

Phillid wrote:Maybe he means he wants to make a batch script that has all of the features as an operating system (eg. a window manager, terminal and some programs) which is inside a command prompt window.
I understand that this wouldn't actually have any advantage as you'd be running windows as well, but it's a good way to gain some experience.

I pointed out that while you'd be relying on Windows and CMD, you could still learn quite a bit about batch scripting in writing a batch script that immitates an OS, but obviously isn't one. You could learn a lot with writing terminals, dealing with keypresses such as the arrow keys, mouse clicks etc.


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Re: looking for coding

#7 Post by aGerman » 21 May 2012 11:57

No offense, phillid, but I thought "make a full os" was clear enough :wink: And of course I read your comment.

phillid wrote:I pointed out that while you'd be relying on Windows and CMD, you could still learn quite a bit about batch scripting in writing a batch script that immitates an OS, but obviously isn't one.

Good luck :?

phillid wrote:You could learn a lot with writing terminals, dealing with keypresses such as the arrow keys, mouse clicks etc.

Unfortunately no chance with pure batch. Some ASCII is supported (eg. with CHOICE) but no arrow keys or something like that. Also no mouse input.
I already wrote a few small C and C++ console tools to return the ASCII or the virtual key codes across the entire keyboard, the position of a mouse click or some totally useless things like including a bitmap in a console window etc. I wrote that just for fun and to learn more about C and C++. For batch scripting it's more or less senseless since those tools are not part of the default Windows collection and nobody else can use a batch script where these applications are called :|


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Re: looking for coding

#8 Post by phillid » 21 May 2012 17:18

aGerman wrote:No offense, phillid, but I thought "make a full os" was clear enough

True, I guess I didn't take it as literally as I should have :)

aGerman wrote:Good luck :?

You forgot to wish hours and hours of time along with a cure for the insanity the person who embarks on such a journey must have ;)

aGerman wrote:I already wrote a few small C and C++ console tools...

I think I know the ones you're talking about I still use them sometimes :)

aGerman wrote:...nobody else can use a batch script where these applications are called

Unless they were included with the script, although this would lessen its portablity somewhat..

Anyway, this is beginning to de-rail, plus we've heard nothing back from Ian so we can assume he's not still looking at scripting anything like he wanted to in the first place...


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