Asterix Passwords
Moderator: DosItHelp
- Posts: 65
- Joined: 08 Jun 2012 07:48
Asterix Passwords
How do you configure a batch program so that everytime you type, you see asterixes but the actual thing you type is saved into a variable? THANK YOU
Re: Asterix Passwords
have alook at this topic: dostips
and this i think will be as far as possible in batch
and this i think will be as far as possible in batch
Re: Asterix Passwords
This is possible with an ascii binary.
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo Bj@jzh`0X-`/PPPPPPa(DE(DM(DO(Dh(Ls(Lu(LX(LeZRR]EEEUYRX2Dx=>
echo 0DxFP,0Xx.t0P,=XtGsB4o@$?PIyU WwX0GwUY Wv;ovBX2Gv0ExGIuht6>>
echo T}{z}~@GwkEG@OEKcUt`}}@MqqEsy?seHE}_Phxr?@zAB`LrPEyoDt@Cj?>>
echo pky_jN@QEKpEt@ij?jySjN@REKpEt@jj?jyGjN@SEKkjtlGuNw?p@pjirz>>
echo RFvAYXV?_YLTV@@?~VCo_R~RDY@?aY?@MV_AMy1GHs?Gw`LbLK@shM`S_d>>
echo bD_nsDddlTr_sPdlnTcnaTv_xP_ngD_rhDhsrT_kkDhrtT_fmDRNCTILk?>>
echo staThg_So_rPfnqTl`qTdq_ShtpTrdqThV_Sqrm@ILm?O?cOKRDP?@@?dx>>
echo OoGRO?URP?eRP?qRP?FYP?rdLTf`rTnAdTV@wD`hCTfnkTwnATcmHTdqhT>>
echo OsbT`q`TV@lDsdFTfkCTdsHTdSlT@swTdRVSkCsTsHfTSldTswdTDV@PCc>>
echo mTk`hTVfnDsdFTfkCTdsHTFXlPCsdTBfkTkqsTXCHDsdFTbnETXrtDsdRT>>
echo bTFVrPRsdTGcsTcm`TXdkDhqVTEdsTdkhTdFVSnBsT`llTKcmTdmhTFV@P>>
echo LsdTtcnTGdkTcm`T@dkTXgRCwT~B??OCgXgP?PjRXg?CQ{gHO??PCT~B??>>
echo OCOwOX??SC@1gNT~RK?OgOCJ?W=Gc?R@O?]CNgP=V?sR@O?pDo?OABcCJE>>
echo =eKCs?AO=ezDt?@OT~jN?O[O~O?sOWT?=??@tVNOOiZCcs~FT~GK?OSO~O>>
echo ?sO_T?w??`AV@o_?OOSX}E~??`iVNOVUOTcs~FT~oK?OGOE@?oLEFBdrIS>>
echo CEFFo_sPEF`\rrGSB?=_FJERO~@MOuVstEFvRIL?pO`H~O?vGcs@OT~B??>>
echo OC~djzOsT?G??Pw??HEs?C_w?A?tt\NiODcs~FT~KK?OKOBj?kGAR?X??J>>
echo I?E??I??Y?GRACYO?`?Cb?sP?g?CH?_O?m?Ct?oPYs?CO@EO?vX?w?IO?I>>
echo ??~?NoY@~J?_E?XO@C]?v??w?CO?I?~~?{EY@A@?@?wXOP?v??N?g??@??>>
echo ?~~n?N?CGYJ@XO@Cv?{??g??A?N?~~?{B??Q?`?Cb?mP?d?CEYk@ORAO?I>>
echo X?b?I??I??~?Lo?A~Jr?TP?d?Cm?qP?`?Cd?lPYy??RAC?IXO@?]??I?b?>>
echo ?M??A~~n?O?Cr?`P?r?Cn?vP?q?Cy?c@_CYOIEHm?GEoEGsPVDgB`qj1OB>>
echo O]SwaAp??@DB?B?SGPLt?C~ti=OkT?b??`?SGP?i?CSKgDi??Pwg@C??SC>>
echo T~OL?OoO?H?oi[tPxg?C??SCSxg@i??PT~?K?O?O?i?CgT~B??OCK=@Q??>>
echo SCtV@OBWWvqv?SdshTqd_SqnqTrJYO_sdDdrtTL=q@drISo_sPrr`TIL=?>>
echo Y~YKY~XM0x>> >inp.exe
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('inp.exe guest') do %%i
echo username: %user%
echo password: %pass%
Re: Asterix Passwords
Here's another one - no asterisks though.
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo hP1X500P[PZBBBfh#b##fXf-V@`$fPf]f3/f1/5++u5>%temp%\
set /p password=What is your password? <nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('%temp%\') do set password=%%i
del %temp%\
echo password is %password%
Re: Asterix Passwords
I like the first code Foxidive posted 

- Posts: 65
- Joined: 08 Jun 2012 07:48
Re: Asterix Passwords
Foxidrive, you genius. Can you PLEEASSEE explain the two pieces of code to me? Please...? :3
Re: Asterix Passwords
They use a program that was written by a talented fellow, Herbert Kleebauer, who arranges the code in such a way (with a tool) that they only use printable characters.
So you echo the statements into a file and that is a program. The program does the wizardry in presenting the prompt and getting the input.
Herbert monitors the usenet alt.msdos.batch.nt group and you'll find other ascii binaries by him in google.
So you echo the statements into a file and that is a program. The program does the wizardry in presenting the prompt and getting the input.
Herbert monitors the usenet alt.msdos.batch.nt group and you'll find other ascii binaries by him in google.