Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
you can't make two ftp server download files in the same folder, it will make troubles.
beside, i don't really understand what you are trying to do, so first take the codes again from the forum, the last one that was working for you then add the code that create the zerobyte code and test for 1 ftp server then add another ftp server and test again.
by that you will understand what is wrong and it will be easy to fix then.
beside, i don't really understand what you are trying to do, so first take the codes again from the forum, the last one that was working for you then add the code that create the zerobyte code and test for 1 ftp server then add another ftp server and test again.
by that you will understand what is wrong and it will be easy to fix then.
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
I hv tested on 1 target folder iits working fine....
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
i have tested, actually my FTP server is same, but i have given different folder name.
when i am giving diff. target folder its working fine and after copying all files creating zerobyte file, but when i am giving same target folder for both location, its looping,
i got your point , it wont work when i give 1 target folder for more than 1 ftp location/folder.
i have given
but its still giving error, *.zip not found.
when i am giving diff. target folder its working fine and after copying all files creating zerobyte file, but when i am giving same target folder for both location, its looping,
i got your point , it wont work when i give 1 target folder for more than 1 ftp location/folder.
i have given
Code: Select all
Del /F /Q "%~6\*.%zipped%" 2>nul
but its still giving error, *.zip not found.
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
just replace it with this:
Code: Select all
If Exist "%~6\*.%zipped%" Del /F /Q "%~6\*.%zipped%" 2>nul
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
Hi,My FTP location is replaced with SFTP
i am making changes in script.
to run it through command prompt I am using PSFTP
so when i am taking the file list into 1 temp file its giving me error , I have tried different ways , but its not working
file contents
pls help me out
i am making changes in script.
to run it through command prompt I am using PSFTP
so when i am taking the file list into 1 temp file its giving me error , I have tried different ways , but its not working
ssh_init: Host does not exist
file contents
-P 2200 -2
cd "abcdir"
pls help me out
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
PSFTP not like the usual FTP, I didn't use PSFTP before so i don't have any experience in that but i made few changes based on the PSFTP help page.
Added "Port" Variable
Line 20 : Add the Path of the PSFTP exe file.
Line 26 till 39 : removed the server, sername, password from script
Line 43 : changed the FTP command to the new one.
Line 53 to 62 : removed the server, username, password from script
Line 87 : changed the FTP command to the new one.
Also, changed the order of the variable as i added the Port variable as a 5th var.
It should work, but i think the dump.log will contain different form and I'm not sure if it will extract the files names correctly.
Code: Select all
@Echo OFF
Title FTP Main Download Script
:: IF The batch dosen't downloading your files make sure to provide full location
:: of these files in "FTP.set" and "Code.bat" at this Batchfile "Start.bat"
:: also provide the full location of the "FILE.lstX" inside "FTP.set file
set C1=0
set C2=%RANDOM%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
For /F "skip=1 tokens=1-8 delims=;" %%A in ('Type "FTP.set"') Do (
set /a C1 += 1
set "file_list=%%A
set "remote_server=%%B"
set "remote_server_username=%%C"
set "remote_server_password=%%D"
set "Port=%%E"
set "total_number=%%F"
set "local_folder=%%G"
set "remote_folder=%%H"
IF exist "%temp%\!C2!" (
Set /a C2 += 51
MD "%temp%\!C2!" >nul
) Else ( MD "%temp%\!C2!" >nul )
start "%%B" cmd.exe /c Code.bat "!file_list!" "!remote_server!" "!remote_server_username!" "!remote_server_password!" "!Port!" "!total_number!" "!local_folder!" "!remote_folder!" "!C2!"
Code: Select all
:: Don't Forget to Specify the Zipped file type in line 20
::"file_list" --------------------> %~1
::"remote_server" ----------------> %~2
::"remote_server_username" -------> %~3
::"remote_server_password" -------> %~4
::"Port_Number" ------------------> %~5
::"total_number" -----------------> %~6
::"local_folder" -----------------> %~7
::"remote_folder" ---------------> %~8
::"FTP servers temp folder" ------> %~9
::Create Local Folder if not exist
::Echo Creating LOCAL FOLDER
IF not Exist "%~7" MD "%~7" >nul
set "FTPapp=C:\Program Files\PSFTP\PSFTP.exe"
set "zip_program=%programfiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe"
set "zipped=zip"
:: FTP commands to get list of files from the server
::Echo Creating Commands_1.ftp file
IF "%~8"=="" (
Echo ls
Echo disconnect
Echo Bye
) Else (
Echo cd "%~8"
Echo ls
Echo disconnect
Echo Bye
:: start FTP session and log output
::Echo Connicting to FTP server to get files list
"%FTPapp%" %~3@%~2 -pw %~4 -P %~5 -b "%temp%\%~9\commands_1.ftp" >"%temp%\%~9\dump.log"
:: extract file name from the ftp dump file
::Echo Processing dump.log File and creating server_list.lst
For /F "delims=" %%a in ('Type "%temp%\%~9\dump.log"') Do (
Echo "%%a"|findstr /I /V /R ^ftp^>|findstr /I /V /R ^bye>>"%temp%\%~9\server_list.lst"
:: 2nd FTP commands to download only new files that dosn't exist locally [Part1]
::Echo Creating commands_2.ftp File (part1)
IF "%~8"=="" (
Echo lcd "%~8"
) Else (
Echo lcd "%~7"
Echo cd "%~8"
:: compare files that will be downloaded with the file.list and if there is a match
:: it see if this match isn't in the local folder so it can download that file. [Part2]
::Echo Creating commands_2.ftp File (part2)
For /F "delims=" %%a in ('Type "%~1"') Do (
For /F "delims=" %%b in ('Type "%temp%\%~9\server_list.lst"') Do (
Set "sf=%%b"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
IF "%%a"=="!sf:~1,-1!" (
IF NOT EXIST "%~7\%%b" echo get %%b>>"%temp%\%~9\commands_2.ftp"
:: Add disconnect & bye commands to 2nd FTP command file [Part3]
::Echo Creating commands_2.ftp File (part3)
Echo disconnect
Echo Bye
:: start FTP session and download new files
::Echo Connecting to FTP server to download files
"%FTPapp%" %~3@%~2 -pw %~4 -P %~5 -b "%temp%\%~9\commands_2.ftp"
:: Check files count
::Echo Counting files in local folder
set Fcount=0
For /F "delims=" %%a in ('Dir /B "%~7\*.*"') Do set /a Fcount += 1
:: Check Condition to Exit or Continue Looping
::Echo Check count number
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
IF "%Fcount%" EQU "%~6" (
"%zip_program%" x -y "%~7\*.%zipped%" -o"%~7" >nul
Del /F /Q "%~7\*.%zipped%" >nul
RMDIR /S /Q "%temp%\%~9" >nul
Goto :EOF
) Else (
Del /F /Q "%temp%\%~9\server_list.lst" >nul
:: Wait 5 min
Ping Localhost -l 1 -n 300 >nul
Goto :loop )
Line 20 : Add the Path of the PSFTP exe file.
Line 26 till 39 : removed the server, sername, password from script
Line 43 : changed the FTP command to the new one.
Line 53 to 62 : removed the server, username, password from script
Line 87 : changed the FTP command to the new one.
Also, changed the order of the variable as i added the Port variable as a 5th var.
It should work, but i think the dump.log will contain different form and I'm not sure if it will extract the files names correctly.
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
"%FTPapp%" %~3@%~2 -pw %~4 -P %~5 -b "%temp%\%~9\commands_1.ftp" >"%temp%\%~9\dump.log"
above code is not executing properly, seems like its not be able to append var.
when i am doing this thing on cmd with actual value its working fine.
but with these variables its not working
giving same error
ssh_init: Host does not exist
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
I think we missed this, Did you changed the FTP_SERVER column in the FTP.set from ?
Remove The "ftp."
The Error is a host related, and by using the already existing settings, it will look like this:
Code: Select all
Remove The "ftp."
The Error is a host related, and by using the already existing settings, it will look like this:
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
I hv changed all the things, but it was not working .
but when i run thro CMD with actual values its working fine......
seems like its not be able to append varriable in username/pswd/hostname
I have tried other seq also , but still not working
but when i run thro CMD with actual values its working fine......
seems like its not be able to append varriable in username/pswd/hostname
I have tried other seq also , but still not working
Re: Move from FTP and count in Target folder automated
have you tried this:
starting from line 23 (in the above script) in Code.bat, add these lines:
Now Replace %~2, %~3, %~4, %~5 and %~9 in lines 43 and 87 ( lines that starts with "%FTPapp%" )
with it's corresponding variables we just add in the previous step and see if it will work.
For Example:
will be:
starting from line 23 (in the above script) in Code.bat, add these lines:
Code: Select all
set "Rserver=%~2"
set "RserverU=%~3"
set "RserverP=%~4"
set "Pnum=%~5"
set "ftpTMP=%~9"
Now Replace %~2, %~3, %~4, %~5 and %~9 in lines 43 and 87 ( lines that starts with "%FTPapp%" )
with it's corresponding variables we just add in the previous step and see if it will work.
For Example:
Code: Select all
"%FTPapp%" %~3@%~2 -pw %~4 -P %~5 -b "%temp%\%~9\commands_2.ftp"
Code: Select all
"%FTPapp%" %RserverU%@%Rserver% -pw %RserverP% -P %Pnum% -b "%temp%\%ftpTMP%\commands_2.ftp"