So I've been searching on the web for a math script I and found one, you guys can check it out here or here.
The batch works perfecly, it can process numbers bigger than 10 digits and can also use decimal numbers.
The problem is that I can't capture the output when I start it with another batch.
I use this to start the file in the first script:
Code: Select all
start /wait /i %ComSpec% /c STR_MATH.bat (commands)
But I want to get the output of STR_MATH.bat to the first script.
Documentation of the math batch says that it can be captured with a "for /f" command but since I can't get my head around those "for"'s I can't seem to code one.
I've tried:
Code: Select all
start /wait /i %ComSpec% /c STR_MATH.bat (commands) > file
< file set /p output=
But apperantly the math script won't save anything into files.
I would like a code that captures the output of STR_MATH.bat
Thanks for reading and Please Help.