carlos wrote:If someone can get the source code of the batch, please sendme
I believe this is the top left corner of the source batch
Code: Select all
@Echo Off
Call :Color 8 "##################" \n
Call :Color F ""
Call :Color A "Final"
Call :Color B " Version"
Call :Color C " 21"
Call :Color F "" \n
Call :Color 8 "##################" \n
Pause >Nul
Exit /B
SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelay
Set "Color=%~1"
Set "Text=%~2"
Set "NewLine=%~3"
If ""=="!Text!" (Set Text=^")
Subst.exe -: "!Temp!" >Nul &-: &Cd \
If Not Exist -.7 (
Echo(|(Pause >Nul &Findstr.exe "^" >-
Set /P "=." >>- <Nul
For /F "delims=;" %%# In ('"Prompt $H
Set /P "=%%#%%#%%#" <Nul >-.3
carlos wrote:and giveme information by personal message, for improve this application.
Don't really have suggestions for improvement, other than repeat what I've said before: interpreted code, batch in particular, will always be vulnerable to snooping.
P.S. One other drawback of your approach is that it doesn't fully duplicate the source behavior. For example, assuming the source was called "test.cmd", then "test <nul" prints and exits without waiting for "pause" (as expected), while the "compiled" version gets confused and fails.