Change in date input
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Change in date input
I have a script the collect the date and do processing on this directory
FOR /F " tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/,-,. " %%i IN ('date /T') DO set currentdate=%%k%%j
I want to add 1 to the day (of today) and then doing
xcopy /e /o /h /k "G:\Clear\%currentdate%\*.*" "H:\*.*"
current date varible will be current date +1
I have a script the collect the date and do processing on this directory
FOR /F " tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/,-,. " %%i IN ('date /T') DO set currentdate=%%k%%j
I want to add 1 to the day (of today) and then doing
xcopy /e /o /h /k "G:\Clear\%currentdate%\*.*" "H:\*.*"
current date varible will be current date +1
Re: Change in date input
Do you want a batch that uses a VBS script? You can pull out the bits to calculate the day +1 or use it as is.
Code: Select all
:: Date forward & backward
@echo off
if "%~2"=="" (
echo to get todays date use call "%~n0" today 0
echo to get yesterdays date use call "%~n0" today -1
echo to get 25 days before 19441213 call "%~n0" 1944/12/13 -25
echo to get 1250 days in the future call "%~n0" today 1250
echo Add a third parameter if you want a separator in the date string
echo EG: for this format YYYY-MM-DD using today's date
echo call "%~n0" today 0 -
goto :EOF)
set date1=%1
set qty=%2
set separator=%~3
if /i "%date1%" EQU "TODAY" (set date1=now) else (set date1="%date1%")
echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%qty%,%date1%)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d=weekday(s)
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+month(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+day(s),2)^&_
echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set result=%%a
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
endlocal& (
set "YY=%result:~0,4%"
set "MM=%result:~4,2%"
set "DD=%result:~6,2%"
set "daynum=%result:~-1%"
if %daynum% EQU 1 set "weekday=Sunday"
if %daynum% EQU 2 set "weekday=Monday"
if %daynum% EQU 3 set "weekday=Tuesday"
if %daynum% EQU 4 set "weekday=Wednesday"
if %daynum% EQU 5 set "weekday=Thursday"
if %daynum% EQU 6 set "weekday=Friday"
if %daynum% EQU 7 set "weekday=Saturday"
set "day=%YY%%separator%%MM%%separator%%DD%"
echo %%day%% is set to "%day%" (without the quotes)
echo %%YY%% is set to %YY%
echo %%MM%% is set to %MM%
echo %%DD%% is set to %DD%
echo The weekday turns out to be: %weekday%
Re: Change in date input
But I only want the 2 lines to adding to my script to add 1 to the current day and get the new variblr to use after...
But I only want the 2 lines to adding to my script to add 1 to the current day and get the new variblr to use after...
Re: Change in date input
You have to calculate day, month, and year changes. Allow for leap years, and also calculate the days in the month.
2 lines in plain batch isn't really going to do it.
2 lines in plain batch isn't really going to do it.
Re: Change in date input
That question came up frequently before. Just search the forum and you'll find threads like that.
Perhaps some information to understand why that can't be solved within two lines of batch code. Basically the command processor knows only one data type. That is a "null terminated string of characters". The meaning of that complicated expression is "text". The reason is that the black console window is a text-based window. Also the manner how data is saved in the computer memory is text in case of variables and their values. Using some commands (SET /A, IF, FOR /F, EXIT in particular) a numeric string is implicitely casted into an integer value.
That's all. Other data types like floating point numbers, date/time values, arrays, class objects etc. are not supported. Knowing that you can imagine what you have to do for date calculations:
- Split the date string into separate values for year, month and day. These are integer numbers that the command processor can handle.
- Use algorithms to calculate the number of days counted from a certain date on.
- Add the number of days you want.
- Calculate it back to year, month and day.
Those algorithms you'll find in the function refeference (:date2jdate and :jdate2date).
There are some more difficulties you have to fight though.
- Often a zero is prepended to month and day that lets the command processor parse them as octal numbers. You have to get rid of it.
- Both the order of year, month and day and the separator between them are language dependent. You have to figure it out before you split the date string.
Perhaps some information to understand why that can't be solved within two lines of batch code. Basically the command processor knows only one data type. That is a "null terminated string of characters". The meaning of that complicated expression is "text". The reason is that the black console window is a text-based window. Also the manner how data is saved in the computer memory is text in case of variables and their values. Using some commands (SET /A, IF, FOR /F, EXIT in particular) a numeric string is implicitely casted into an integer value.
That's all. Other data types like floating point numbers, date/time values, arrays, class objects etc. are not supported. Knowing that you can imagine what you have to do for date calculations:
- Split the date string into separate values for year, month and day. These are integer numbers that the command processor can handle.
- Use algorithms to calculate the number of days counted from a certain date on.
- Add the number of days you want.
- Calculate it back to year, month and day.
Those algorithms you'll find in the function refeference (:date2jdate and :jdate2date).
There are some more difficulties you have to fight though.
- Often a zero is prepended to month and day that lets the command processor parse them as octal numbers. You have to get rid of it.
- Both the order of year, month and day and the separator between them are language dependent. You have to figure it out before you split the date string.
Re: Change in date input
First of all, you have not show us the format of 'date /T' in your computer, but I assumed that is Dow MM/DD/YYYY. Well, perhaps not two additional lines, but close:
Note that if the format of 'date /T' in your computer is different, a small modification is needed. If you want to run this Batch file in several computers with possible different date formats, then you must follow the advice of aGerman above...
Code: Select all
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F " tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/,-,. " %%i IN ('date /T') DO set /A dd=1%%k+1, mm=1%%j, mmPos=(1%%j%%100-1)*2, leap=%%l%%4
if %leap% neq 0 (set dpm=3128) else set dpm=3129
set dpm=%dpm%31303130313130313031
if %dd% gtr 1!dpm:~%mmPos%,2! set /A dd=101, mm+=1 & if !mm! gtr 112 set mm=101
set currentdate=%dd:~-2%%mm:~-2%
xcopy /e /o /h /k "G:\Clear\%currentdate%\*.*" "H:\*.*"
Note that if the format of 'date /T' in your computer is different, a small modification is needed. If you want to run this Batch file in several computers with possible different date formats, then you must follow the advice of aGerman above...
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Re: Change in date input
Code: Select all
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('mshta vbscript:Execute("createobject(""scripting.filesystemobject"").GetStandardStream(1).write(date+1):close"^)') do echo(%%a
Re: Change in date input
Nice find, einstein1969!
I never used the GetStandardStream method in VBScript but in connection with mshta it may come in handy also for other tasks.
I never used the GetStandardStream method in VBScript but in connection with mshta it may come in handy also for other tasks.
Re: Change in date input
Here are some powershell examples.
Code: Select all
@echo off
for /f "usebackq" %%x in (`powershell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-8).ToString('dd-MMM-yyyy')"`) do set "d8=%%x"
echo 8 days ago was %d8%
@echo Off
:: change -1 to 0 for todays date.
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell get-date((get-date^).addDays(-1^)^) -uformat "%%Y%%m%%d"') do set "d8=%%a"
echo yesterday was %d8%
@echo Off
For /F "delims=" %%a In ('PowerShell -Command "&{((Get-Date).AddDays(+1)).ToString('yyyyMMdd')}"') Do Set "d8=%%a"
Echo tomorrow is %d8%
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Re: Change in date input
Hi mor.bas!
Use Carlos’s pure Batch getDate function to acquire the date in locale-independent form. Once you have that nailed down, you can use xcopy’s /d switch to validate dates n days ago/from now as detailed in Paul Tomasi’s Validating Dates article.
- SB
Use Carlos’s pure Batch getDate function to acquire the date in locale-independent form. Once you have that nailed down, you can use xcopy’s /d switch to validate dates n days ago/from now as detailed in Paul Tomasi’s Validating Dates article.
- SB
Re: Change in date input
Sponge Belly wrote:Hi mor.bas!
Use Carlos’s pure Batch getDate function to acquire the date in locale-independent form.
mor.bas wants a 2 line solution.
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Re: Change in date input
I used to chnange in dos .....Changes the DOS command prompt. ... (the indicator that DOS is ready for input) ... \DOS> TIME=11:07:54.23 like that
Re: Change in date input
shayanjameel08 wrote:I used to chnange in dos .....Changes the DOS command prompt. ... (the indicator that DOS is ready for input) ... \DOS> TIME=11:07:54.23 like that
Not understanding how this helps the user with their problem.