Hi all,
I've just joined this group because I have run into a problem:
I have a large number of files that I want to rename. The format of the current name is IMG_0???.CR2. What I want to change them to is IMG_10???.CR2, i.e. 1 character longer before the extension. For example, the file IMG_0034.CR2 would become IMG_10034.CR2. Is there a DOS command that will let me do this?
I have tried REN IMG_0*.* IMG_10*.*, and REN IMG_0???.* IMG_10???.*, but both these maintain the length of the file name before the extension (8 chars), so that the end character of the original file name is dropped. I also tried the same with the COPY command with the same results. A simple line command would be a whole lot easier than individually changing them via Windows Explorer.
At this point I have run out of options. Can anyone assist?
Extending file names with a rename command
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Extending file names with a rename command
Save this as RenIN.bat and use it in your case like this:
It will take 5 characters from the start of each *.CR2 filename, and add another character "1" and then continue with the original filename and extension from character 6
To undo the most recent change then execute this command
Code: Select all
RenIn *.CR2 5 "1" 6
It will take 5 characters from the start of each *.CR2 filename, and add another character "1" and then continue with the original filename and extension from character 6
To undo the most recent change then execute this command
Code: Select all
RenIN !
Code: Select all
@echo off
if "%~1"=="!" (call "%temp%\renin!.bat" & goto EOF)
if not "%~4"=="" goto start
echo. Syntax: %0 filespec.ext num1 char$ num2 [ext]
echo. UNDO: "%~nx0" !
echo. Takes list of filespec.ext and renames them using:
echo. num1 - The number of characters from the start of each filename
echo. char$ - The characters to insert next (non-alphanumerics must be "quoted")
echo. num2 - The character position from the original filename to take as the
echo. remainder of the new filename
echo. ext - optional new extension with no period
echo. (wildcards supported - requires W2K and higher)
echo. EG:
echo. %0 *.JPG 0 "Cat & Dogs" 4
echo. Then all matching filenames become "Cat & Dogs*.JPG"
echo. where * is from character 4 of the original filenames
goto :EOF
del "%temp%\renin!.bat" 2>nul
set num1=%2
for /f "delims=" %%a in ("%~3") do set "partb=%%~a"
set /a num2=%4-1
set ext=%5
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir %1 /a-d /b /o:n') do call :next "%%~fa"
goto :eof
if defined ext (set "e=.%ext%") else (set "e=%~x1")
set "fn=%~n1"
call set "parta=%%fn:~0,%num1%%%"
call set "partc=%%fn:~%num2%%%"
echo renaming "%~nx1" to "%parta%%partb%%partc%%ext%"
ren "%~1" "%parta%%partb%%partc%%e%"
>>"%temp%\renin!.bat" echo ren "%parta%%partb%%partc%%e%" "%~nx1"
goto :EOF
Re: Extending file names with a rename command
Many, many thanks for that. It's probably been more than 20 years since I have had the need to write a DOS batch script, and I know the capabilities of the language has gone well beyond my knowledge. This is by way of saying that your script is well beyond my capabilities to generate. So again, many thanks for your help. It works just as I want it to.
Cheers and best wishes from a delighted forum member,
Many, many thanks for that. It's probably been more than 20 years since I have had the need to write a DOS batch script, and I know the capabilities of the language has gone well beyond my knowledge. This is by way of saying that your script is well beyond my capabilities to generate. So again, many thanks for your help. It works just as I want it to.
Cheers and best wishes from a delighted forum member,
Re: Extending file names with a rename command
I'm glad it helps Paul.
I had it here for my own use in the past - so t'was but a quick copy and paste.
I had it here for my own use in the past - so t'was but a quick copy and paste.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 23 Apr 2017 05:58
Re: Extending file names with a rename command
I just happened to find your post when searching for an identical problem as "cplloyd42" and I'm so happy I found it. Even though it's a few years old.
Just like another another guy from the history books, veni vidi vici, thanks to you.
As "cplloyd42" said, your knowledge is way above mine regarding this.
Just like another another guy from the history books, veni vidi vici, thanks to you.
As "cplloyd42" said, your knowledge is way above mine regarding this.