I followed the steps described at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20896597/how-to-create-two-very-simple-bitmap-fonts post to create a "Terminal" raster font of 1x1 pixel size that effectively convert the "text pixel" into a graphics one, so it provides Batch files with the capability to draw graphics at pixel resolution in the same way of standard graphics functions of other programming languages. The result is amazing:

In order to use this resolution you have to install the 1x1 font, create a shortcut to MS-DOS command-line window that use it and modify its buffer and window sizes to large values. It is suggested to use standard graphic screen sizes, like 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768, and include window and font sizes in the shorcut name as reference; for example: "MS-DOS 800x600 @ 1x1.lnk". Note that when this command-line window is open, you can not distinguish any text in the screen! Most characters different than space will appear as dots, so just type the name of the program you want run and press Enter. The Batch file below create "Terminal 1x1.FNT" font file and display instructions on how to install it if the font file does not exists; the program use :ExtractBinaryFile subroutine described at http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4842&p=31616#p31616 post to do that.
The 1x1 size font allows to use the 16 standard text colors for the "pixels", but a larger font would allow to define a color gradient via the combination of different foreground and background colors at several percentages ("dithering"); for example, a 2x2 size font would allow 25%, 50% and 75% combinations (I am working on this point). The existent "show color text" methods (like ColorChar.exe auxiliary program or the findstr method) can draw individual "pixels", so they are equivalent to C's "putpixel" graphic function. These routines can be combined with CursorPos.exe cursor positioning auxiliary program in order to develop a "draw line" subroutine. This way, any standard graphic function can be written in Batch, like line, box, circle, etc, and even a floodfill function can be developed with the aid of an auxiliary program that return the color of "pixels" in the screen (equivalent to C's "getpixel"). These operations may be slow because the number of processed pixels is large, so I am planning to also develop additional .exe auxiliary programs to draw lines, boxes, circles, show text, floodfill operations, etc. in a much faster way.
The Batch file below is a modified version of the original Mandelbrot Set program with the code that calculate the points converted to JScript, because the pure Batch code is too slow given the larger number of points in the new screen resolutions. The program create two parallel processes, the first one calculate the points and the other one display them, so it should run faster in a multi-core CPU computer. The image shown above was created by this program running in a 912x684 resolution screen and maxLevel value changed to 1024.
EDIT 2014-01-23: I fixed a small bug in ColorChar.exe program that incorrectly show results when the number of adjacent pixels of same color is larger than 1024.
Code: Select all
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
@echo off
rem Mandelbrot Set graphic in text mode
rem Batch-JScript hybrid version optimized for high resolution screens
rem Include "Terminal 1x1.FNT" font file and installation instructions
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ "DrawLines" goto DrawLines
rem Create "Terminal 1x1.FNT" file if not exists
if not exist "Terminal 1x1.FNT" (
call :ExtractBinaryFile "Terminal 1x1.FNT"
echo In order to install a "Terminal" raster font right-click on it and select
echo "Install", or open Fonts via Control Panel and drag^&drop the font file.
echo To use the installed font in a Command-line window, follow these steps:
echo 1. Right-click on any MS-DOS Command-line icon and select "Create shortcut"
echo or "Copy".
echo 2. Open the folder that contain the programs that will be used in this window
echo and type Ctrl-V (paste^); a new MS-DOS shortcut icon is created.
echo 3. Open the new icon, right-click on the title bar and select "Properties".
echo 4. Open "Font" tab, select "Bitmap fonts" and "1x1" size.
echo 5. Open "Layout" tab and enter a large size in Buffer and Window sizes; for
echo example: Width: 800, Height: 600 (same values in BOTH Buffer and Window^).
echo 6. Click OK, type EXIT and press Enter.
echo After that, it is suggested to rename the new icon to include the resolution
echo and the font size; for example: "MS-DOS 800x600 @ 1x1". To use this icon:
echo open it, type the name of the program to execute and press Enter.
goto :EOF
rem Working values: maximum screen coordinates
rem The Command-line window MUST have the same values in BOTH Buffer and Window sizes
set /A maxY=0, maxX=0
for /F "skip=2 tokens=2" %%a in ('mode con') do (
if !maxY! equ 0 ( set /A maxY=%%a-2
) else if !maxX! equ 0 ( set /A maxX=%%a-1
if not exist ColorChar.exe call :ExtractBinaryFile ColorChar.exe
rem Create the semaphore-signal file and start the asynchronous process
echo X > Flag.out
if exist Flag.in del Flag.in
rem Get output lines from JScript section and show they with ColorChar.exe
CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" %maxY% %maxX% | "%~F0" DrawLines
del Flag.out
goto :EOF
rem Wait for "Data Available" signal
if not exist Flag.in goto DrawLines
rem Read the input line sent by JScript code
set line=
set /P "line="
rem Set "Data Read" acknowledgement
ren Flag.in Flag.out
rem Check the standard "End Of piped File" mark
if not defined line goto :EOF
ColorChar %line%
goto DrawLines
rem ExtractBinaryFile from hexadecimal digits placed in a "resource" in this .bat file
:ExtractBinaryFile filename.ext
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "start="
set "end="
for /F "tokens=1,3 delims=:=>" %%a in ('findstr /N /B "</*resource" "%~F0"') do (
if not defined start (
if "%%~b" equ "%~1" set start=%%a
) else if not defined end set end=%%a
(for /F "skip=%start% tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "%~F0"') do (
if "%%a" == "%end%" goto decodeHexFile
echo %%b
)) > "%~1.hex"
< "%~1.hex" Cscript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" Extract "%~1"
del "%~1.hex"
exit /B
<resource id="Terminal 1x1.FNT">
<resource id="ColorChar.exe">
if ( WScript.Arguments(0) != "Extract" ) {
// Calculate Mandelbrot Set points and output they to Batch section
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// Horizontal range: for 4:3 screen use range=3 (-1,2), for 16:9 screen use range=4 (-1.5,2.5)
var yTop=1.1250,
xLeft=-1.0000, xRight=2.0000,
yBottom=-1.1250, maxLevel=32, // larger maxLevel values produce finer image details
maxY=parseInt(WScript.Arguments(0)), maxX=parseInt(WScript.Arguments(1)),
xStep=(xRight-xLeft)/maxX, yStep=(yBottom-yTop)/maxY, yPos=yTop-yStep,
for ( var y = 0; y <= maxY; y++ ) {
var xPos=xLeft-xStep, line="", prevPixel="", count=0, pixel;
for ( var x = 0; x <= maxX; x++ ) {
var xIter=xPos, yIter=yPos, xSquare=xIter*xIter, ySquare=yIter*yIter, root=xSquare+ySquare, level=0;
for ( var i = 1; i <= maxLevel; i++ ) {
if ( root < 4 ) {
yIter=2*xIter*yIter-yPos; xIter=xSquare-ySquare-xPos; xSquare=xIter*xIter; ySquare=yIter*yIter; root=xSquare+ySquare;
} else {
pixel = (level<color.length) ? color.charAt(level) : "F";
// Use next line instead of previous one when maxLevel > 500
// pixel = (level<color.length) ? color.charAt(level) : ((level<36)?"1":"F");
if ( pixel != prevPixel ) {
line+=" /"+prevPixel+" 219*"+count;
if ( line.length > 1000 ) {
line = "";
} else {
line+=" /"+prevPixel+" 219*"+count;
// Wait for last "Data Read" acknowledgement
while ( ! fso.FileExists("Flag.out") ) {
// Send the standard "End Of piped File" mark
fso.MoveFile("Flag.out", "Flag.in");
} else {
// Extract a hexadecimal "resource" into a binary file
// Convert Ascii hexadecimal digits from Stdin to a binary string
var count, byte, output = "";
while ( !WScript.Stdin.AtEndOfStream ) {
var input = WScript.Stdin.ReadLine();
for ( var index = 0; index < input.length; ) {
if ( input.charAt(index) == '[' ) {
for ( count = ++index; input.charAt(index) != 'x' &&
input.charAt(index) != ']' ; index++ ) ;
count = parseInt(input.slice(count,index++));
if ( input.charAt(index-1) == 'x' ) {
byte = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(input.substr(index,2),16));
index += 3;
} else {
byte = String.fromCharCode(0);
for ( var i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) output += byte;
} else {
output += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(input.substr(index,2),16));
index += 2;
// Write the binary string to the output file
var ado = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream");
ado.Type = 2; // adTypeText = 2
ado.CharSet = "iso-8859-1"; // right code page for output (no adjustments)
ado.SaveToFile(WScript.Arguments(1),2); // adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
function sendLine ( line ) {
// Wait for "Data Read" acknowledgement
while ( ! fso.FileExists("Flag.out") ) {
// Send the line to Batch code
// Set "Data Available" signal
fso.MoveFile("Flag.out", "Flag.in");
