
Moderator: DosItHelp
Code: Select all
:: BF.BAT - BrainF*** interpreter in Batch
:: Usage:
:: bf sourceFile
:: The memory array consists of unsigned bytes. Increment and decrement
:: operations simply rollover when the limits are exceeded.
:: The memory array is unbounded both to the left and right
:: In theory, the code pointer can range from 1 to 2147483647,
:: and the memory pointer can range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
:: But performance will become unbearable long before those limits are
:: reached.
:: BF.BAT can only read input from the keyboard. Input will fail
:: if data is piped into BF.BAT or if stdin is redirected to a file.
:: The <Enter> key is read as <CR>
:: All other inputs are normal.
:: Any byte value (except 0x00) may be entered by holding down the <Alt> key
:: and entering a decimal code on the numeric keypad.
:: The only way to enter <LF> is via <Alt> and the numeric keypad.
:: BF.BAT was developed by the following DosTips users:
:: Antonio Perez Ayala (aka Aacini)
:: Dave Benham (aka dbenham)
:: This version was derived from Aacini's version 2.0
:: Development efforts can be traced at
:: http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5751
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ ":run" goto :run
:: Validate parameters
if "%~1" equ "" >&2 echo Usage: %~N0 filename.ext&exit /b 1
if not exist "%~1" >&2 echo File not found: %1&exit /b 1
:: Parse the code and for each op, store the op followed by a number
:: For [ and ] the number represents the address of the matching loop boundary
:: For all other ops the number represents the repeat count for that op.
set "operators=+-<>.,[]"
set /a ip=sp=count=0
set "lastOp="
for /f %%b in ('cmd /U /C type %1^|find /V ""') do (
if "!operators:%%b=!" neq "%operators%" (
if "!lastOp!" equ "%%b" (
set /a count+=1
) else (
if defined lastOp (
set /a ip+=1
set code[!ip!]=!lastOp! !count!
set "lastOp="
set "count=0"
if "%%b" equ "[" (
set /a "ip+=1, sp+=1"
set /a "stack[!sp!]=ip"
) else if "%%b" equ "]" (
for %%s in (!sp!) do (
set /a ip+=1, sp-=1
set "code[!ip!]=] !stack[%%s]!"
set "code[!stack[%%s]!]=[ !ip!"
) else (
set "lastOp=%%b"
set "count=1"
if %count% gtr 0 (
set /a ip+=1
set "code[!ip!]=%lastOp% %count%"
:: Error if unbalanced brackets
if %sp% neq 0 >&2 echo ERROR: Unbalanced brackets&exit /b 1
:: Create character files if they don't already exist
set "needChars="
for /l %%N in (0 1 255) do for %%F in (%%N.bf.chr) do if "%%~zF" neq "1" set "needChars=1"
if defined needChars call :genAllChr
:: Initialize memory to undefined (equivalent to 0)
for /f "delims==" %%A in ('set m[ 2^>nul') do set "%%A="
:: Define CR to hold <CarriageReturn> for use in input routine
for /f %%A in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%A"
:: Define SUB to hold <0x1A>
for /f "delims=" %%A in (26.bf.chr) do set "SUB=%%A"
:: Establish line one of input routine for this locale
set "line1="
for /f "delims=" %%L in (
'echo .^|xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined line1 set "line1=%%L"
set "line1=!line1:~0,-1!"
:: Launch the interpreter
cmd /c "%~f0" :run&&exit /b 0||exit /b 1
:run - This is the main interpreter loop
set /a "ip=1, mp=0"
for /l %%. in () do for %%I in (!ip!) do for /F "tokens=1-3" %%A in ("!mp! !code[%%I]!") do (
if "%%B" equ "+" (
set /a "m[%%A]=(m[%%A]+%%C)&255"
) else if "%%B" equ "-" (
set /a "m[%%A]=(m[%%A]-%%C)&255"
) else if "%%B" equ ">" (
set /a "mp+=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "<" (
set /a "mp-=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "[" (
if not defined m[%%A] set "ip=%%C"
if "!m[%%A]!" equ "0" set "ip=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "]" (
if defined m[%%A] if "!m[%%A]!" neq "0" set "ip=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "." for /l %%N in (1 1 %%C) do (
if defined m[%%A] (
if "!m[%%A]!" equ "26" (set /p "=!SUB!" < NUL) else type !m[%%A]!.bf.chr
) else type 0.bf.chr
) else if "%%B" equ "," for /l %%N in (1 1 %%C) do (
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
for /f "delims=" %%K in (
'xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined key (
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "key=%%K"
) else set "CtrlC="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
set "m[%%A]=3"
) else if "!key!" equ "!line1!" (
set "m[%%A]=10"
) else if "!key:~-1!" equ "!CR!" (
set "m[%%A]=13"
) else (
>key.txt.tmp echo(!key:~-1!
for /f "delims=." %%K in ('findstr /lg:key.txt.tmp *.bf.chr') do set "m[%%A]=%%K"
) else exit
set /a ip+=1
::This code creates 256 1 byte files, one for each possible byte value.
::This is encoded in a macro way to be called asynchronously with start cmd /c
::Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham, einstein1969
::Tested under Win7 and XP
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set ^"genchr=(^
for /l %%N in (%%A !cnt! 255) do (^
if %%N equ 26 (^
copy /y nul + nul /a 26.bf.chr /a ^>nul^
) else (if %%N geq 35 if %%N leq 126 if %%N neq 61 (^
^<nul set /p "=!ascii:~%%N,1!" ^>%%N.bf.chr^
if not exist %%N.bf.chr (^
makecab /d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26 /d reserveperfoldersize=%%N %%A.tmp %%N.bf.chr ^>nul^&^
type %%N.bf.chr ^| ((for /l %%n in (1 1 38) do pause)^>nul^&findstr "^^" ^>%%N.temp)^&^
^>nul copy /y %%N.temp /a %%N.bf.chr /b^&^
del %%N.temp^
del %%A.tmp^"
del /f /q /a *bf.chr >nul 2>&1
set "ascii= #$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
set /a cnt=number_of_processors
if %cnt% lss 1 set cnt=1
if %cnt% gtr 256 set cnt=256
set /a "end=cnt-1"
for /l %%A in (0 1 %end%) do (
type nul >%%A.tmp
if %%A equ %end% (
cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
) else (
start "" /b cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
for /l %%N in (0 1 %end%) do if exist %%N.tmp goto :genAllChr.check
exit /b
dbenham wrote:That is highly dependent on the performance characteristics of the storage media. It would simply die on my shared network drives at work![]()
I did a quick test, storing the code in files, one op/count per file, instead of in environment variables. I didn't bother storing the memory in files.
I tested (very crudely) both the Towers of Hanoi, as well as Sierpinski triangle.
The Towers of Hanoi never finished in either case. But the file based version seemed to be running perhaps more than 10 times faster.
But the Sierpinski triangle was around 30% slower using the file based version.
I think that by the time the bf program becomes large enough to make the file based version advantageous, the program will still be too slow to be practical. (As if brainf*** is ever practical)
Dave Benham
dbenham wrote:I've re-factored your code with the following substantive changes.
- The input routine is now locale independent, and it also can differentiate between <Ctrl-C> and <LF>! Now all byte values from 0x01 to 0xFF can be entered via the keyboard. Only 0x00 is impossible.
dbenham wrote:- Removed the outer FOR /F loop from the code parser. This dramatically speeds the parsing process. I don't understand why you thought it necessary to read the code one line at a time instead of going directly to one character at a time.
dbenham wrote:- Explicitly undefine lastOp before parsing, and undefine all m[ before running... just in case.
dbenham wrote:- I verify that all 256 character files are length 1. If any file is missing or the wrong length, then I rebuild all character files.
dbenham wrote:- I highly optimized the character generation process to use parallel processing. It's a lot more code, but it generates the files much faster.
dbenham wrote:- Added the repetition loop for the input routine. This seems a little silly when getting input from the keyboard. But it may be important when the interpreter is expanded to support redirected/piped input. I have some ideas on how to do this.
dbenham wrote:- Removed the feature that sets the returned ERROLEVEL to the value at the memory pointer upon termination. I don't believe that is part of the spec. My version sets ERRORLEVEL to 0 upon normal termination, and 1 if the program was aborted via <Ctrl-Break>.
dbenham wrote:- The artificial memory array boundary of 4095 has been removed. The array is now (virtually) unbounded on both the left and the right.
- Output <LF> as <LF> instead of <CR><LF>
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
;[1] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
"code[1]=+ 32" // m[0]=32 (space) |m[0]|m[1]|m[2]|m[3]|m[4]|
"code[2]=> 1" // m[1] | SP |
;[2] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>>
"code[3]=+ 40" // =40 (left paren) | SP | "("|
"code[4]=> 2" // m[3]
;[3] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
"code[5]=+ 41" // =41 (right paren) | SP | "("| | ")"|
"code[6]=> 1" // m[4]
;[4] ++++++++++<<
"code[7]=+ 10" // =10 (new line) | SP | "("| | ")"| NL |
"code[8]=< 2" // m[2]
;[5] +
"code[9]=+ 1" // =1 to enter the next loop
;[6] [,<<.>.>.>.>.<<-------------]
"code[10]=[ 24" // while m[2]
"code[11]=, 1" // input m[2] | SP | "("|char| ")"| NL |
"code[12]=< 2" // m[0]
"code[13]=. 1" // show Space
"code[14]=> 1" // m[1]
"code[15]=. 1" // show "("
"code[16]=> 1" // m[2]
"code[17]=. 1" // show the char read
"code[18]=> 1" // m[3]
"code[19]=. 1" // show ")"
"code[20]=> 1" // m[4]
"code[21]=. 1" // new line
"code[22]=< 2" // m[2]
"code[23]=- 13" // m[2]-=13, =zero if key read was Enter
"code[24]=] 10" // endwhile
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ ":runCode" goto %1
rem bf.bat: Brainf*ck interpreter in Batch
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
rem Version 1.1: - Bug fixed in arithmetic overflow
rem - Full support of 256 Ascii characters in "." (output) command
rem Version 2: - Change "goto" main loop by a "while" one
rem - No define memory tape array.
rem - Optimize groups of the same + - > < . commands in a single one
rem - Use Dave Benham's code for "," (input) command
rem Version 2.1: - Small bug fixed when "*" or "~" characters appear in the input file
rem - Delete *all* variables, excepting the parsed program code and "PATH"
rem - Optimize "[-]" loop as m[%mp%]=0
rem - Optimize "[-]+++..." or "[-]---..." constructs as m[%mp%]=N or m[%mp%]=-N
rem - Save/load a "parsed-version" of the input file that include source lines as comments
rem For precise line numbering, don't leave empty lines: just put a / in first character
rem May be a maximum of 4 comment lines between lines with code
rem Additional comments may be inserted *in the parsed file* starting they with //
if "%~1" equ "" echo Usage: %~N0 filename.ext & goto :EOF
if exist "%~PN1.bp" (
echo A parsed version of this file exists
choice /M "Do you want to load it "
if !errorlevel! equ 1 (
set /P "=Loading parsed file." < NUL
for /F "usebackq delims=/" %%a in ("%~PN1.bp") do set %%a
goto Ascii
if not exist "%~1" echo File not found: %1 & goto :EOF
set "operators=+-<>.,[]"
set "lastOp="
set /A ip=0, sp=0, count=0, numLine=0, maxLevel=0
set /P "=Parsing file." < NUL
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%~1") do (
set /A numLine+=1, nextIp=ip+2
if !nextIp! equ 2 set nextIp=1
set nextLine[!nextIp!]=!numLine!
for /F "delims=" %%b in ('cmd /U /C echo "%%a"^| find /V ""') do (
if "!operators:%%b=!" neq "%operators%" if "%%b" neq "*" if "%%b" neq "~" (
if "!lastOp!" equ "%%b" (
set /A count+=1
) else (
if defined lastOp (
for %%i in (!ip!) do set "oper=!code[%%i]!"
set /A ip+=1
if "!oper!" equ "= 0" (
if "!lastOp!" equ "+" (
set /A ip-=1
set "lastOp=="
) else if "!lastOp!" equ "-" (
set /A ip-=1
set "lastOp=="
set "count=-!count!"
set "code[!ip!]=!lastOp! !count!"
set "lastOp="
set count=0
if "%%b" equ "[" (
set /A ip+=1, sp+=1
set stack[!sp!]=!ip!
if !sp! gtr !maxLevel! set maxLevel=!sp!
) else if "%%b" equ "]" (
set /A numOpers=ip-stack[!sp!]
for %%i in (!ip!) do set "oper=!code[%%i]!"
if "!numOpers! !oper!" equ "1 - 1" (
set /A ip-=1
set "code[!ip!]== 0"
) else (
set /A ip+=1
for %%s in (!sp!) do (
set "code[!ip!]=] !stack[%%s]!"
set "code[!stack[%%s]!]=[ !ip!"
set /A sp-=1
) else (
set "lastOp=%%b"
set count=1
set /P "=." < NUL
if %count% gtr 0 (
set /A ip+=1
set "code[!ip!]=%lastOp% %count%"
if %sp% neq 0 echo ERROR: Unbalanced brackets & goto :EOF
set /P "=Saving parsed file." < NUL
set "spaces="
for /L %%i in (1,1,%maxLevel%) do set "spaces=!spaces! "
set /A numLine=0, margin=0
< "%~1" (for /L %%i in (1,1,%ip%) do (
if defined nextLine[%%i] (
for /L %%j in (1,1,5) do if !numLine! neq !nextLine[%%i]! (
set /A numLine+=1, mod=numLine %% 10
set "line="
set /P line=
echo ;[!numLine!] !line!
if !mod! equ 0 set /P "=." < NUL > CON
if "!code[%%i]:~0,1!" equ "]" set /A margin-=3
for %%m in (!margin!) do echo !spaces:~0,%%m!"code[%%i]=!code[%%i]!"
if "!code[%%i]:~0,1!" equ "[" set /A margin+=3
)) > "%~PN1.bp"
set /P "=Creating Ascii tables." < NUL
type nul > t.tmp
set "options=/d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26"
for /L %%i in (0,1,255) do (
if not exist %%i.chr call :genchr %%i
set /A mod=%%i %% 16
if !mod! equ 0 set /P "=." < NUL
set "options="
del t.tmp temp.tmp
echo Running.
cmd /Q /C "%~F0" :runCode
exit /B %errorlevel%
set zVar=0
for /F "delims==" %%v in ('set') do (
set "zVar=%%v"
if "!zVar:~0,5!" neq "code[" if /I "!zVar!" neq "PATH" set "!zVar!="
rem Define CR to hold <CarriageReturn> for use in input routine
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z "%~F0" NUL') do set "CR=%%a"
rem Define SUB to hold <0x1A>
for /F "delims=" %%a in (26.chr) do set "SUB=%%a"
rem Establish line one of input routine for this locale
set "line1="
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('echo .^|xcopy /W "%~F0" "%~F0" 2^>NUL') do if not defined line1 set "line1=%%a"
set "line1=!line1:~0,-1!"
rem Start run code cycle
set /A ip=1, mp=0
for /L %%? in () do for %%i in (!ip!) do for /F "tokens=1-3" %%a in ("!mp! !code[%%i]!") do (
if "%%b" equ "+" (
set /A "m[%%a]=(m[%%a]+%%c) & 255"
) else if "%%b" equ "-" (
set /A "m[%%a]=(m[%%a]-%%c) & 255"
) else if "%%b" equ "=" (
set "m[%%a]=%%c"
) else if "%%b" equ ">" (
set /A "mp=(mp+%%c) & 4095"
) else if "%%b" equ "<" (
set /A "mp=(mp-%%c) & 4095"
) else if "%%b" equ "[" (
if not defined m[%%a] ( set ip=%%c
) else if "!m[%%a]!" equ "0" set ip=%%c
) else if "%%b" equ "]" (
if defined m[%%a] if "!m[%%a]!" neq "0" set ip=%%c
) else if "%%b" equ "." (
for /L %%i in (1,1,%%c) do (
if defined m[%%a] (
if "!m[%%a]!" equ "10" (
) else if "!m[%%a]!" equ "26" (
set /P "=!SUB!" < NUL
) else (
type !m[%%a]!.chr
) else (
type 0.chr
) else if "%%b" equ "," (
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
for /F "delims=" %%K in ('xcopy /W "%~F0" "%~F0" 2^>NUL') do if not defined key (
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "key=%%K"
) else set "CtrlC="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=3"
) else if "!key!" equ "!line1!" (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=10"
) else if "!key:~-1!" equ "!CR!" (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=13"
) else (
> key.txt.tmp echo(!key:~-1!
endlocal & endlocal
for /F "delims=." %%K in ('findstr /LG:key.txt.tmp *.chr') do set "m[%%a]=%%K"
) else del key.txt.tmp 2>NUL & exit !m[%%a]!
set /A ip+=1
REM This code creates one single byte. Parameter: int
REM Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham
REM Tested under Win2000, XP, Win7, Win8
if %~1 neq 26 (
makecab %options% /d reserveperfoldersize=%~1 t.tmp %~1.chr > nul
type %~1.chr | ( (for /l %%N in (1,1,38) do pause)>nul & findstr "^" > temp.tmp )
>nul copy /y temp.tmp /a %~1.chr /b
) else (
copy /y nul + nul /a 26.chr /a >nul
exit /B
Parsing file:
dbenham BF 14:41:22,88 - 14:51:35,93 elapsed 61305 cs (old result)
aacini BF 17:06:43,16 - 17:16:18,57 elapsed 57541 cs
Loading parsed file:
aacini BF 17:38:31,51 - 17:39:05,96 elapsed 3445 cs
Saving parsed file
aacini BF 17:16:18,59 - 17:17:52,29 elapsed 9370 cs
dbenham BF about 55 cycles/s (old result)
aacini BF about 59 cycles/s
Parsing file:
dbenham BF 17:52:39,35 - 17:52:39,59 elapsed 24 cs
aacini BF 17:41:46,55 - 17:41:48,98 elapsed 243 cs
Loading parsed file:
aacini BF 18:08:33,67 - 18:08:33,70 elapsed 3 cs
Saving parsed file:
aacini BF 17:41:48,99 - 17:41:49,05 elapsed 6 cs
dbenham BF about 800 cycles/s
aacini BF about 750 cycles/s
Parsing file:
dbenham BF 14:41:22,88 - 14:51:35,93 elapsed 61305 cs (old result)
aacini BF 17:06:43,16 - 17:16:18,57 elapsed 57541 cs
dbenham BF optimized about 3600-4000 cs
Loading parsed file:
aacini BF 17:38:31,51 - 17:39:05,96 elapsed 3445 cs
Saving parsed file
aacini BF 17:16:18,59 - 17:17:52,29 elapsed 9370 cs
dbenham BF about 55 cycles/s (old result)
aacini BF about 59 cycles/s
dbenham BF optimized about 800-1100 cycles/s
Code: Select all
:: BF.BAT - BrainF*** interpreter in Batch
:: Usage:
:: bf sourceFile
:: The memory array consists of unsigned bytes. Increment and decrement
:: operations simply rollover when the limits are exceeded.
:: The memory array is unbounded both to the left and right
:: In theory, the code pointer can range from 1 to 2147483647,
:: and the memory pointer can range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
:: But performance will become unbearable long before those limits are
:: reached.
:: BF.BAT can only read input from the keyboard. Input will fail
:: if data is piped into BF.BAT or if stdin is redirected to a file.
:: The <Enter> key is read as <CR>
:: All other inputs are normal.
:: Any byte value (except 0x00) may be entered by holding down the <Alt> key
:: and entering a decimal code on the numeric keypad.
:: The only way to enter <LF> is via <Alt> and the numeric keypad.
:: BF.BAT was developed by the following DosTips users:
:: Antonio Perez Ayala (aka Aacini)
:: Dave Benham (aka dbenham)
:: This version was derived from Aacini's version 2.0
:: Development efforts can be traced at
:: http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5751
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ ":run" goto :run
:: Validate parameters
if "%~1" equ "" >&2 echo Usage: %~N0 filename.ext&exit /b 1
if not exist "%~1" >&2 echo File not found: %1&exit /b 1
:: Speed up portion : prepare
if not exist %tmp%\bf md %tmp%\bf
del /q %tmp%\bf
copy %1 %tmp%\bf >nul
pushd %tmp%\bf
:: Parse the code and for each op, store the op followed by a number
:: For [ and ] the number represents the address of the matching loop boundary
:: For all other ops the number represents the repeat count for that op.
set "operators=+-<>.,[]"
set /a ip=sp=count=0
set "lastOp="
:: Speed up portion : other speed up for big files
cmd /U /C type %1|find /V "" >tmp.bf
for /f %%b in (tmp.bf) do (
:: Speed up portion : empty environment at 1% frequency
if "!random:~-2!"=="00" for /F "delims==" %%v in ('2^>nul set code[') do (>%%v echo !%%v!&set %%v=)
if "!operators:%%b=!" neq "%operators%" (
if "!lastOp!" equ "%%b" (
set /a count+=1
) else (
if defined lastOp (
set /a ip+=1
set code[!ip!]=!lastOp! !count!
set "lastOp="
set "count=0"
if "%%b" equ "[" (
set /a "ip+=1, sp+=1"
set /a "stack[!sp!]=ip"
) else if "%%b" equ "]" (
for %%s in (!sp!) do (
set /a ip+=1, sp-=1
set "code[!ip!]=] !stack[%%s]!"
set "code[!stack[%%s]!]=[ !ip!"
) else (
set "lastOp=%%b"
set "count=1"
if %count% gtr 0 (
set /a ip+=1
set "code[!ip!]=%lastOp% %count%"
:: Speed up portion : empty environment from code[ , final part.
for /F "delims==" %%v in ('2^>nul set code[') do (>%%v echo !%%v!&set %%v=)
:: Error if unbalanced brackets
if %sp% neq 0 >&2 echo ERROR: Unbalanced brackets&exit /b 1
:: Create character files if they don't already exist
set "needChars="
for /l %%N in (0 1 255) do for %%F in (%%N.bf.chr) do if "%%~zF" neq "1" set "needChars=1"
if defined needChars call :genAllChr
:: Initialize memory to undefined (equivalent to 0)
for /f "delims==" %%A in ('set m[ 2^>nul') do set "%%A="
:: Define CR to hold <CarriageReturn> for use in input routine
for /f %%A in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%A"
:: Define SUB to hold <0x1A>
for /f "delims=" %%A in (26.bf.chr) do set "SUB=%%A"
:: Establish line one of input routine for this locale
set "line1="
for /f "delims=" %%L in (
'echo .^|xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined line1 set "line1=%%L"
set "line1=!line1:~0,-1!"
:: Launch the interpreter
cmd /c "%~f0" :run&&exit /b 0||exit /b 1
:run - This is the main interpreter loop
set /a "ip=1, mp=0"
for /l %%. in () do for %%I in (!ip!) do (
:: Speed up portion : empty environment at 0.1% frequency
if "!random:~-3!"=="000" for /F "delims==" %%v in ('2^>nul set code[') do set %%v=
if not defined code[%%I] (<"code[%%I]" set/p "code[%%I]=")
for /F "tokens=1-3" %%A in ("!mp! !code[%%I]!") do (
if "%%B" equ "+" (
set /a "m[%%A]=(m[%%A]+%%C)&255"
) else if "%%B" equ "-" (
set /a "m[%%A]=(m[%%A]-%%C)&255"
) else if "%%B" equ ">" (
set /a "mp+=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "<" (
set /a "mp-=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "[" (
if not defined m[%%A] set "ip=%%C"
if "!m[%%A]!" equ "0" set "ip=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "]" (
if defined m[%%A] if "!m[%%A]!" neq "0" set "ip=%%C"
) else if "%%B" equ "." for /l %%N in (1 1 %%C) do (
if defined m[%%A] (
if "!m[%%A]!" equ "26" (set /p "=!SUB!" < NUL) else type !m[%%A]!.bf.chr
) else type 0.bf.chr
) else if "%%B" equ "," for /l %%N in (1 1 %%C) do (
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
for /f "delims=" %%K in (
'xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined key (
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "key=%%K"
) else set "CtrlC="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
set "m[%%A]=3"
) else if "!key!" equ "!line1!" (
set "m[%%A]=10"
) else if "!key:~-1!" equ "!CR!" (
set "m[%%A]=13"
) else (
>key.txt.tmp echo(!key:~-1!
for /f "delims=." %%K in ('findstr /lg:key.txt.tmp *.bf.chr') do set "m[%%A]=%%K"
) else exit
set /a ip+=1
::This code creates 256 1 byte files, one for each possible byte value.
::This is encoded in a macro way to be called asynchronously with start cmd /c
::Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham, einstein1969
::Tested under Win7 and XP
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set ^"genchr=(^
for /l %%N in (%%A !cnt! 255) do (^
if %%N equ 26 (^
copy /y nul + nul /a 26.bf.chr /a ^>nul^
) else (if %%N geq 35 if %%N leq 126 if %%N neq 61 (^
^<nul set /p "=!ascii:~%%N,1!" ^>%%N.bf.chr^
if not exist %%N.bf.chr (^
makecab /d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26 /d reserveperfoldersize=%%N %%A.tmp %%N.bf.chr ^>nul^&^
type %%N.bf.chr ^| ((for /l %%n in (1 1 38) do pause)^>nul^&findstr "^^" ^>%%N.temp)^&^
^>nul copy /y %%N.temp /a %%N.bf.chr /b^&^
del %%N.temp^
del %%A.tmp^"
del /f /q /a *bf.chr >nul 2>&1
set "ascii= #$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
set /a cnt=number_of_processors
if %cnt% lss 1 set cnt=1
if %cnt% gtr 256 set cnt=256
set /a "end=cnt-1"
for /l %%A in (0 1 %end%) do (
type nul >%%A.tmp
if %%A equ %end% (
cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
) else (
start "" /b cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
for /l %%N in (0 1 %end%) do if exist %%N.tmp goto :genAllChr.check
exit /b
Parsing file:
JWinslow23 BF about 100 cs
dbenham BF 17:52:39,35 - 17:52:39,59 elapsed 24 cs
Aacini BF 17:41:46,55 - 17:41:48,98 elapsed 243 cs
dbenham BF optimized about 25 cs
JWinslow23 BF optimized about 180 cs
Prepare memory:
JWinslow23 BF about 300 cs
JWinslow23 BF optimized about 800 cs
Loading parsed file:
Aacini BF 18:08:33,67 - 18:08:33,70 elapsed 3 cs
Saving parsed file:
Aacini BF 17:41:48,99 - 17:41:49,05 elapsed 6 cs
JWinslow23 BF about 75-100 cycles/s
dbenham BF about 800 cycles/s
Aacini BF about 750 cycles/s
dbenham BF optimized about 800 cycles/s
JWinslow23 BF optimized about 130-140 cycles/s
Parsing file:
JWinslow23 BF about 126600 cs
dbenham BF 14:41:22,88 - 14:51:35,93 elapsed 61305 cs (old result)
Aacini BF 17:06:43,16 - 17:16:18,57 elapsed 57541 cs
dbenham BF optimized about 3600-4000 cs
JWinslow23 BF optimized about 10400 cs
Prepare memory:
JWinslow23 BF about 17400 cs
JWinslow23 BF optimized about 800 cs
Loading parsed file:
Aacini BF 17:38:31,51 - 17:39:05,96 elapsed 3445 cs
Saving parsed file
Aacini BF 17:16:18,59 - 17:17:52,29 elapsed 9370 cs
JWinslow23 BF about 5-6 cycles/s
dbenham BF about 55 cycles/s (old result)
Aacini BF about 59 cycles/s
dbenham BF optimized about 800-1100 cycles/s
JWinslow23 BF optimized about 140-160 cycles/s
Code: Select all
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
for /f "delims=" %%K in (
'xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined key (
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "key=%%K"
) else set "CtrlC="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
set "m[%%A]=3"
) else if "!key!" ...
Code: Select all
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%K in ('xcopy /W "%~F0" "%~F0" 2^>NUL') do (
if not defined key (set "key=%%K") else set "CtrlC="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=3"
) else if "!key!" ...
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ ":runCode" goto %1
rem bf.bat: Brainf*ck interpreter in Batch
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
rem Version 3: - Minor mod in Dave Benham's input routine
rem - Define subroutines from common code segments and modify the code to call they,
rem parse each subroutine into its own file
rem and load subroutine code on demand / delete all subs code on return from 1st-level subroutines
if "%~1" equ "" echo Usage: %~N0 filename.ext & goto :EOF
set "dir=%~PN1"
if exist "%dir%\sub0.bp" (
echo A parsed version of this file exists
choice /M "Do you want to use it "
if !errorlevel! equ 1 goto Ascii
if not exist "%~1" echo File not found: %1 & goto :EOF
rem Phase I: Identify common subroutines, define they and shrink the code accordingly
set "input="
set "operators=+-<>.,[]"
set /A sp=0, sub=0
rem Initialize the main program
set "block[0]="
set discardNextBlock[0]=True
rem Initialize "[-]" subroutine (set m[%mp%]=0)
set "subTable[1][0]=-"
set /P "=Extracting subroutines." < NUL
for /F "delims=" %%b in ('cmd /U /C type "%~1" ^| find /V ""') do (
if "!operators:%%b=!" neq "%operators%" if "%%b" neq "*" if "%%b" neq "~" (
if "%%b" equ "[" (
rem Start a new code block, don't include starting "["
set /A sp+=1
set "block[!sp!]="
set "len[!sp!]=0"
) else if "%%b" equ "]" (
rem Close this block
for %%s in (!sp!) do (
set "block=!block[%%s]!"
set "block[%%s]="
set "len=!len[%%s]!"
set "len[%%s]="
set /A sp-=1
if not defined discardNextBlock[!sp!] (
rem Search this block in the subroutine table
set "subNum="
for /F "tokens=3* delims=[]=" %%i in ('set subTable[!len!] 2^>NUL') do (
if "!block!" equ "%%j" set subNum=%%i
if not defined subNum (
rem Define a new subroutine with this block
set /A sub+=1, subNum=sub
set "subTable[!len!][!sub!]=!block!"
set /P "=." < NUL > CON
rem Get the length of this number (4 digits max)
for /L %%i in (0,1,3) do if "!subNum:~%%i,1!" neq "" set len=%%i
rem Replace this block by its subroutine number ("call") in the nesting code
for %%s in (!sp!) do set "block[%%s]=!block[%%s]!!subNum!" & set /A len[%%s]+=len+1
set discardNextBlock[!sp!]=True
) else (
rem Normal operator: insert it in current block
for %%s in (!sp!) do (
set "block[%%s]=!block[%%s]!%%b"
set /A len[%%s]+=1
set "discardNextBlock[%%s]="
if "%%b" equ "," set input=True
if %sp% neq 0 echo ERROR: Unbalanced brackets & goto :EOF
rem Delete subroutine "[-]" (special case)
set "subTable[1][0]="
rem Transfer main program code to "subroutine 0"
set "subTable[0][0]=!block[0]!"
set "block[0]="
rem Phase II: Parse subroutines into their own files
set /P "=Parsing subroutines." < NUL
if not exist "%dir%" (md "%dir%") else del /Q "%dir%\*.*"
set "digits=0123456789"
for /F "tokens=3* delims=[]=" %%i in ('set subTable[') do (
rem Initialize values for *each* subroutine
set "sub="
set "lastOp="
set /A ip=1, count=0
( rem Start of redirected block
for /F "delims=" %%b in ('cmd /U /C set /P "=%%j" ^<NUL ^| find /V ""') do (
if "!lastOp!" equ "%%b" (
set /A count+=1
) else (
if defined lastOp (
set /A ip+=1
echo "s%%i[!ip!]=!lastOp! !count!"
set "lastOp="
set count=0
if "!digits:%%b=!" neq "%digits%" (
rem Digit: assemble subroutine name
set "sub=!sub!%%b"
) else (
if defined sub (
rem Insert subroutine call
set /A ip+=1
if !sub! equ 0 (echo "s%%i[!ip!]== 0") else echo "s%%i[!ip!]=C !sub!"
set "sub="
set "lastOp=%%b"
set count=1
if defined sub (
set /A ip+=1
if !sub! equ 0 (echo "s%%i[!ip!]== 0") else echo "s%%i[!ip!]=C !sub!"
if defined lastOp (
set /A ip+=1
echo "s%%i[!ip!]=!lastOp! !count!"
rem Insert "[" and "]" at begin and end of subroutines
if %%i neq 0 (
set /A ip+=1
echo "s%%i[1]=[ !ip!"
echo "s%%i[!ip!]=] 1"
rem Be sure that subroutine code ends here (insert "return")
set /A ip+=1
echo "s%%i[!ip!]="
rem End of redirected block
) > "%dir%\sub%%i.bp"
set /P "=." < NUL
set /P "=Creating Ascii tables." < NUL
type nul > t.tmp
set "options=/d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26"
for /L %%i in (0,1,255) do (
if not exist %%i.chr call :genchr %%i
set /A mod=%%i %% 16
if !mod! equ 0 set /P "=." < NUL
set "options="
del t.tmp temp.tmp
echo Running.
cmd /Q /C "%~F0" :runCode
exit /B %errorlevel%
rem Delete *all* environment variables, excepting "dir", and "Path" if input routine will be used
if defined input (for %%a in (xcopy.exe) do set "Path=%%~DP$Path:a") else set "Path="
for /F "delims==" %%v in ('set') do if "%%v" neq "dir" if /I "%%v" neq "Path" set "%%v="
if defined Path (
rem Define variables for input routine
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z "%~F0" NUL') do set "CR=%%a"
for /F "delims=" %%a in (26.chr) do set "SUB=%%a"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('echo .^|xcopy /W "%~F0" "%~F0" 2^>NUL') do if not defined line1 set "line1=%%a"
set "line1=!line1:~0,-1!"
rem Read main program code and start run cycle
for /F "usebackq delims=/" %%a in ("%dir%\sub0.bp") do set %%a
set /A nSub=0, ip=2, ps=0, mp=0
set "tk[0]=0 0"
for /L %%? in () do for /F "tokens=1,2" %%i in ("!nSub! !ip!") do for /F "tokens=1-3" %%a in ("!mp! !s%%i[%%j]!") do (
if "%%b" equ "+" (
set /A "m[%%a]=(m[%%a]+%%c) & 255"
) else if "%%b" equ "-" (
set /A "m[%%a]=(m[%%a]-%%c) & 255"
) else if "%%b" equ "=" (
set "m[%%a]=%%c"
) else if "%%b" equ ">" (
set /A "mp=(mp+%%c) & 4095"
) else if "%%b" equ "<" (
set /A "mp=(mp-%%c) & 4095"
) else if "%%b" equ "[" (
if not defined m[%%a] ( set ip=%%c
) else if "!m[%%a]!" equ "0" set ip=%%c
) else if "%%b" equ "]" (
if defined m[%%a] if "!m[%%a]!" neq "0" set ip=%%c
) else if "%%b" equ "." (
for /L %%i in (1,1,%%c) do (
if defined m[%%a] (
if "!m[%%a]!" equ "10" (
) else if "!m[%%a]!" equ "26" (
set /P "=!SUB!" < NUL
) else (
type !m[%%a]!.chr
) else (
type 0.chr
) else if "%%b" equ "," (
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%K in ('xcopy /W "%~F0" "%~F0" 2^>NUL') do (
if not defined key (set "key=%%K") else set "CtrlC="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=3"
) else if "!key!" equ "!line1!" (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=10"
) else if "!key:~-1!" equ "!CR!" (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=13"
) else (
> key.txt.tmp echo(!key:~-1!
endlocal & endlocal
for /F "delims=." %%K in ('findstr /LG:key.txt.tmp *.chr') do set "m[%%a]=%%K"
) else if "%%b" equ "C" ( rem Call subroutine %%c:
rem If the subroutine code is not defined, load it
if not defined s%%c[1] for /F "usebackq delims=/" %%v in ("%dir%\sub%%c.bp") do set %%v
rem Push return address in the "stack"
set /A ps+=1
set "tk[!ps!]=!nSub! !ip!"
rem Jump to the subroutine
set /A nSub=%%c, ip=0
) else ( rem Subroutine ends
rem Pop return address from the "stack"
for %%s in (!ps!) do for /F "tokens=1,2" %%x in ("!tk[%%s]!") do set /A nSub=%%x, ip=%%y
set "tk[!ps!]="
set /A ps-=1
rem If return to main program, delete code of all subroutines, excepting main program
if !ps! equ 0 for /F "delims==" %%v in ('set s') do (
set "v=%%v"
if "!v:~0,3!" neq "s0[" set "%%v="
rem If main program ends, end run
if !ps! equ -1 del key.txt.tmp 2>NUL & exit !m[%%a]!
set /A ip+=1
REM This code creates one single byte. Parameter: int
REM Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham
REM Tested under Win2000, XP, Win7, Win8
if %~1 neq 26 (
makecab %options% /d reserveperfoldersize=%~1 t.tmp %~1.chr > nul
type %~1.chr | ( (for /l %%N in (1,1,38) do pause)>nul & findstr "^" > temp.tmp )
>nul copy /y temp.tmp /a %~1.chr /b
) else (
copy /y nul + nul /a 26.chr /a >nul
exit /B
Aacini wrote:@einstein1969:
Implementing Demand paging memory-management in Batch? Crazy idea... But implement it in order to achieve a faster execution? This is the second most crazy idea I lately heard! (the first one was to develop a Brainf*ck interpreter in a Batch file). Usually the paging code insert some overhead so the code becomes slower, but it seems that the most important point in this case is to keep the environment as small as possible. Your "optimization" method is somewhat strange. Do you empty the environment at random intervals? The funny thing is that it works!
Aacini wrote:In order to develop a better optimization scheme based on keep the environment small, we need a way to identify and isolate code sections, so complete sections that will no longer be used for a while can be deleted, and complete sections that will be used can be reloaded in a more efficient way than line by line.
The version 3 of my BF interpreter allows to identify common code segments that are reused at several places, extract one of them in a "subroutine" and replace all repeated sections by an invocation of the just created subroutine. This subdivision instantly decrease the size of the executable code in a factor that may be important, and that usually increase as the original code is larger. Each subroutine is stored in a file, so it may be completely loaded in just one FOR /F loop. The program below use a very simple optimization approach: each subroutine is loaded before it is executed if its code is not defined, and the whole code (excepting the main program) is deleted each time that a first-level subroutine returns to the main program. However, this version also allows to get data that may be used to implement and test different optimization schemes. For example, keep small subroutines and delete the big ones, or keep the most frequently called subroutines and delete the rest, etc. You may also trace the subroutine tree used by all subroutines in a program and assemble "modules" that keep the subroutines used by everyone, and delete the rest, etc.
Aacini wrote:@dbenham:
I think this code execute an unmatched ENDLOCAL if the user press Ctrl-C:Code: Select all
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
for /f "delims=" %%K in (
'xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined key (
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "key=%%K"
) else set "CtrlC="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
set "m[%%A]=3"
) else if "!key!" ...
In this case this point does not matter, but in other scenarios it may cause problems if an environment is improperly released. I slightly modified previous code this way:Code: Select all
set "key="
set "CtrlC=1"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%K in ('xcopy /W "%~F0" "%~F0" 2^>NUL') do (
if not defined key (set "key=%%K") else set "CtrlC="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined CtrlC (
endlocal & endlocal
set "m[%%a]=3"
) else if "!key!" ...
Aacini wrote:This Batch file will fail if the BF program have this wrong code: "[any loop][...]". This code have no sense, because after exit from first loop it will not enter to the second one, unless the second loop is used to clear the current cell: "[any loop][-]", but this is also meaningless, because at that point the current cell is zero already! This type of code indicate that the program was not originally written in BF, but perhaps it was translated from another source, like TowerOfHanoi.b (in my opinion, this is cheating). If you want to test TowerOfHanoi.b in my BF interpreter Version 3 (or any BF program, for that matter), be sure to first replace all "][-]" segments by just "]".
Code: Select all
::BF.BAT - BrainF*** interpreter in Batch, dbenham version 3.0
:: Usage:
:: bf sourceFile [-option [value]]...
:: Options
:: -z = <Ctrl-Z> terminates keyboard input (forces EOF).
:: -e Value = EOF value: Sets value read into memory upon End-Of-File.
:: Default is no change to memory.
:: -ee = terminate with Error if attempt is made to read past EOF.
:: -eo = terminate with Error if +/- results in Overflow.
:: -em = terminate with Error if < yields a negative Memory address.
:: -ea = terminate with Error on Any fault. Same as -ee -eo -em
:: -s = Silent mode. Don't print initialization messages or elapsed
:: times.
:: -d Filename = Dump the parsed op codes to Filename.
:: Use con to print to screen.
:: -m Filename = write the interpreter Macro to Filename.
:: Use con to print to screen.
:: -t = Trace mode: Show op address/value, memory address/value
:: each cycle.
:: -# Count = Enables # op: Show current state. Count specifies the number
:: of values to display before and after the current address.
:: -p = Parse only.
:: The memory array consists of unsigned bytes. Increment and decrement
:: operations simply wrap when the limits are exceeded unless -eo is specified.
:: The memory array is unbounded both to the left and right. If -em is specified
:: then the array is unbounded to the right only.
:: In theory, the code pointer can range from 0 to 2147483647,
:: and the memory pointer can range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
:: But performance will become unbearably long before those limits are
:: reached.
:: BF.BAT can only read input from the keyboard. Input will fail
:: if data is piped into BF.BAT or if stdin is redirected to a file.
:: The <Enter> key is read as <CR>
:: All other inputs are normal.
:: Any byte value (except 0x00) may be entered by holding down the <Alt> key
:: and entering a decimal code on the numeric keypad.
:: The only way to enter <LF> is via <Alt> and the numeric keypad.
:: This code was written by Dave Benham (aka dbenham)
:: with major contributions from Antonio Perez Ayala (aka Aacini).
:: This version was derived from Aacini's version 2.0
:: Development efforts can be traced at
:: http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5751
@echo off
:: Rentry point when running the bf program
if "%~1" equ ":run" ( rem
:: Clear environment except for critical standard values
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for /f "eol== delims==" %%V in ('set^|findstr /rc:"^[^=]*!"') do set "%%V="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "eol== delims==" %%V in ('set') do (
if defined %%V if "!preserve: %%V =!" equ "!preserve!" set "%%V="
set "preserve="
:: Validate parameters
if "%~1" equ "" >&2 echo Usage: %~N0 filename.ext&exit /b 1
if not exist "%~1" >&2 echo File not found: %1&exit /b 1
:: Define options
set options=-d:"" -s: -z: -e:"" -m:"" -ee: -eo: -em: -ea: -t: -#:"" -p:
:: Set option defaults
for %%O in (%options%) do for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ("%%O") do set "%%A=%%~B"
:loop Parse the option arguments
if not "%~2"=="" (
set "test=!options:*%~2:=! "
if "!test!"=="!options! " (
echo Error: Invalid option %~2
exit /b 1
) else if "!test:~0,1!"==" " (
set "%~2=1"
) else (
set "%~2=%~3"
shift /2
shift /2
goto :loop
:: Begin macro defnitions --------------
:: Define LF to contain a linefeed (0x0A) character
set ^"LF=^
^" The above empty line is critical - DO NOT REMOVE
:: define a newline with line continuation
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"
set showTime=(%\n%
set "t2=^!time^!"%\n%
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("^!t1: =0^!"^) do set /a "t1=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100"%\n%
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("^!t2: =0^!"^) do set /a "t2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100"%\n%
set /a "tDiff=t2-t1"%\n%
if ^^!tDiff^^! lss 0 set /a tDiff+=24*60*60*100%\n%
set /a "s=tDiff/100, f=tDiff+100"%\n%
echo Elapsed time = ^^!s^^!.^^!f:~-2^^! s%\n%
if defined -ea (
set -eo=1
set -em=1
set -ee=1
if defined -eo (
set "inc=set /a m[%%A]+=%%C&if ^!m[%%A]^! gtr 255 >&2 echo ERROR: Overflow at ip=%%I mp=%%A&exit 1"
set "dec=set /a m[%%A]-=%%C&if ^!m[%%A]^! lss 0 >&2 echo ERROR: Overflow at ip=%%I mp=%%A&exit 1"
) else (
set inc=set /a "m[%%A]=(m[%%A]+%%C)&255"
set dec=set /a "m[%%A]=(m[%%A]-%%C)&255"
if defined -em (
set "leftError=&if ^!mp^! lss 0 >&2 echo ERROR: Invalid memory access at ip=%%I mp=%%A&exit 1"
if defined -t set "trace=echo c[%%I]=^!c[%%I]^! m[%%A]=^!m[%%A]^!"
if defined -e set ^"setEOF=set "m[%%A]=!-e!"^"
if defined -z (
set "ifNotEOF=if not defined EOF ("
set ifSub=else if "^!key:~-1^!" equ "^!SUB^!" (%\n%
set EOF=1%\n%
if defined -ee (
set "elsePastEOF=) else (>&2 echo ^!LF^!ERROR: Read past EOF at ip=%%I mp=%%A&exit 1)"
) else if defined -e (
set "elsePastEOF=) else (!setEOF!)"
) else set "elsePastEOF=)"
set getInput=else if "%%B" equ "," (!ifNotEOF! for /l %%N in (1 1 %%C) do (%\n%
set "key="%\n%
set "CtrlC=1"%\n%
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion%\n%
for /f "delims=" %%K in (%\n%
'xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^^^^^>nul'%\n%
^) do if not defined key (set "key=%%K") else set "CtrlC="%\n%
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion%\n%
if defined CtrlC (%\n%
set "m[%%A]=3"%\n%
^) else if "^!key^!" equ "^!line1^!" (%\n%
set "m[%%A]=10"%\n%
^) else if "^!key:~-1^!" equ "^!CR^!" (%\n%
set "m[%%A]=13"%\n%
^) !ifSub! else (%\n%
^>key.txt.tmp echo(^^!key:~-1^^!%\n%
for /f "delims=." %%K in ('findstr /lg:key.txt.tmp *.bf_chr'^) do set "m[%%A]=%%K"%\n%
^) !elsePastEOF!^)
if defined -# (
set #=#
set #Parse=else if "%%b" equ "#" (%\n%
set /a "ip+=1, #Found=1"%\n%
set "c[^!ip^!]=#"%\n%
if !-#! equ 0 (
set #Exec=else if "%%B" equ "#" (%\n%
set /a next=ip+1%\n%
for %%N in (^^!next^^!^) do echo c[%%N]=^^!c[%%N]^^! m[%%A]=^^!m[%%A]^^!%\n%
) else set #Exec=else if "%%B" equ "#" (%\n%
set /a next=ip+1, m1=mp-!-#!, m2=mp-1, m3=mp+1, m4=mp+!-#!%\n%
for %%N in (^^!next^^!^) do set "msg=c[%%N]=^!c[%%N]^! mp=%%A: "%\n%
for /l %%N in (^^!m1^^! 1 ^^!m2^^!^) do set "msg=^!msg^!| ^!m[%%N]^! "%\n%
set "msg=^!msg^!< ^!m[%%A]^! >"%\n%
for /l %%N in (^^!m3^^! 1 ^^!m4^^!^) do set "msg=^!msg^! ^!m[%%N]^! |"%\n%
echo ^^!msg^^!%\n%
:: End macro definition ------------------
:: Create character files if they don't already exist
if not defined -s (
echo ----------------------------
echo Begin Initialization
echo Testing ASCII character files.
set "needChars="
for /l %%N in (0 1 255) do for %%F in (%%N.bf_chr) do if "%%~zF" neq "1" set "needChars=1"
if defined needChars (
if not defined -s (
echo Creating ASCII character files...
set "t1=!time!"
call :genAllChr
if not defined -s %showTime%
:: Parse the code and for each op, store the op followed by a number.
:: For [ and ] the number represents the address of the matching loop boundary
:: For all other ops the number represents the repeat count for that op.
:: Optionally treats # as an additional show state op code with constant count.
:: Optimization collapses [-] into special 0 op (no count).
:: Detects if input is not used so getInput can be removed from interpreter loop.
:: Treats loops at beginning or immedieately following ] as comments (ignores them)
if not defined -s (
<nul set /p "=Parsing code."
set "parseProgress=set /a n=(n+1^^)%%500&if ^!n^! equ 0 <nul set /p "=.""
set "t1=!time!"
for %%C in (+ - "<" ">" . "," #) do set "comment%%~C=0"
set /a ip=comment]=-1, sp=count=comment=0, comment[=1
cmd /u /c type %1|find /v ""|findstr "[+\-<>.,[\]!#!]" >src.bf_tmp
for /f %%b in (src.bf_tmp) do ( %parseProgress%
if !comment! gtr 0 (
set /a comment+=!comment%%b!
) else if "!lastOp!" equ "%%b" (
set /a count+=1
) else (
if defined lastOp (
set /a ip+=1
set c[!ip!]=!lastOp! !count!
set "lastOp="
if "%%b" equ "[" (
if defined comment (set /a comment+=1) else (
set /a "ip+=1, sp+=1"
set /a "stack[!sp!]=ip"
) else if "%%b" equ "]" for %%s in (!sp!) do for %%i in (!ip!) do (
2>nul set /a "1/^!(%%i-stack[%%s]-^!(1+!c[%%i]!))" && (
set /a "c[!stack[%%s]!]=0, ip-=1, sp-=1"
set "c[%%i]="
) || (
set /a ip+=1, sp-=1
set "c[!ip!]=] !stack[%%s]!"
set "c[!stack[%%s]!]=[ !ip!"
set "comment=0"
) %#Parse% else (
set "comment="
set "lastOp=%%b"
set "count=1"
if "%%b" equ "," set inputRequired=1
if defined lastOp (
set /a ip+=1
set "c[!ip!]=%lastOp% %count%"
if not defined -s (
set "t2=!time!"
:: Error if unbalanced brackets
if %sp% neq 0 >&2 echo ERROR: Unbalanced brackets&exit /b 1
if defined comment if "%comment%" neq "0" >&2 echo ERROR: Unbalanced brackets&exit /b 1
:: Dump the parsed op codes
if defined -d (
for /l %%N in (0 1 !ip!) do set c[%%N]
) >!-d!
:: Undefine getInput and/or #Parse if not needed
if not defined inputRequired set "getInput="
if not defined #Found set "#Exec="
:: Define CR to hold <CarriageReturn> for use in input routine
for /f %%A in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%A"
:: Define SUB to hold <0x1A>
for /f "delims=" %%A in (26.bf_chr) do set "SUB=%%A"
:: Establish line one of input routine for this locale
set "line1="
for /f "delims=" %%L in (
'echo .^|xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul'
) do if not defined line1 set "line1=%%L"
set "line1=!line1:~0,-1!"
:: Create final interpreter macro
set bfInterpreter=^
set /a "ip=mp=0"%\n%
for /l %%. in () do for %%I in (^^!ip^^!) do for /F "tokens=1-3" %%A in ("^!mp^! ^!c[%%I]^!") do (!trace!%\n%
if "%%B" equ "+" (%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ "-" (%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ "0" (%\n%
set "m[%%A]=0"%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ ">" (%\n%
set /a "mp+=%%C"%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ "<" (%\n%
set /a "mp-=%%C"!leftError!%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ "[" (%\n%
if not defined m[%%A] set "ip=%%C"%\n%
if "^!m[%%A]^!" equ "0" set "ip=%%C"%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ "]" (%\n%
if defined m[%%A] if "^!m[%%A]^!" neq "0" set "ip=%%C"%\n%
) else if "%%B" equ "." for /l %%N in (1 1 %%C) do (%\n%
if defined m[%%A] (%\n%
if "^!m[%%A]^!" equ "26" (set /p "=^!SUB^!" ^<nul) else type ^^!m[%%A]^^!.bf_chr%\n%
) else type 0.bf_chr%\n%
) !getInput! !#Exec! else exit 0%\n%
set /a ip+=1%\n%
:: Print out the finalized brainF*** interpreter macro
if defined -m >!-m! echo bfInterpreter=!lf!!bfInterpreter:%%=%%%%!
if not defined -s (
echo Initialization complete
echo ============================
set t1=%time%
if defined -p exit /b 0
:: Launch the interpreter
cmd /v:on /c "%~f0" :run&&(call )||(call)
if not defined -s (
set t2=%time%
echo ============================
exit /b %errorlevel%
::This code creates 256 1 byte files, one for each possible byte value.
::This is encoded in a macro way to be called asynchronously with start cmd /c
::Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham, einstein1969
::Tested under Win7 and XP
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set ^"genchr=(^
for /l %%N in (%%A !cnt! 255) do (^
if %%N equ 26 (^
copy /y nul + nul /a 26.bf_chr /a ^>nul^
) else (if %%N geq 35 if %%N leq 126 if %%N neq 61 (^
^<nul set /p "=!ascii:~%%N,1!" ^>%%N.bf_chr^
if not exist %%N.bf_chr (^
makecab /d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26 /d reserveperfoldersize=%%N %%A.tmp %%N.bf_chr ^>nul^&^
type %%N.bf_chr ^| ((for /l %%n in (1 1 38) do pause)^>nul^&findstr "^^" ^>%%N.temp)^&^
^>nul copy /y %%N.temp /a %%N.bf_chr /b^&^
del %%N.temp^
del %%A.tmp^"
del /f /q /a *bf.chr >nul 2>&1
set "ascii= #$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
set /a cnt=number_of_processors
if %cnt% lss 1 set cnt=1
if %cnt% gtr 256 set cnt=256
set /a "end=cnt-1"
for /l %%A in (0 1 %end%) do (
type nul >%%A.tmp
if %%A equ %end% (
cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
) else (
start "" /b cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
for /l %%N in (0 1 %end%) do if exist %%N.tmp goto :genAllChr.check
exit /b
dbenham wrote:Aacini wrote:This Batch file will fail if the BF program have this wrong code: "[any loop][...]". This code have no sense, because after exit from first loop it will not enter to the second one, unless the second loop is used to clear the current cell: "[any loop][-]", but this is also meaningless, because at that point the current cell is zero already! This type of code indicate that the program was not originally written in BF, but perhaps it was translated from another source, like TowerOfHanoi.b (in my opinion, this is cheating). If you want to test TowerOfHanoi.b in my BF interpreter Version 3 (or any BF program, for that matter), be sure to first replace all "][-]" segments by just "]".
No, putting a loop immediately after the close of another loop is a safe way to embed comments containing op codes. It is frequently used by many brainF*** geeks. (brainF*** developer just doesn't seem to be an appropriate term). The only restriction to such comments is that they not contain unbalanced square brackets.
Code: Select all
A parsed version of this file exists
Do you want to use it [S,N]?S
Creating Ascii tables.................
Code: Select all
A parsed version of this file exists
Do you want to use it [S,N]?S
Creating Ascii tables.................
Code: Select all
@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do if /I NOT %%v == USERPROFILE set "%%v="
set C=0
>t0.dat echo !time!
For /L %%N in (1,1,30000) do (
::Do some work
set /a A=A+2+A/2
if !random:~-2! equ 00 (
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set A') do set "%%v="
set /a C+=1
set t1=!time!
for /F "tokens=1-8 delims=:.," %%a in ("!t0: =0!:!t1: =0!") do set /a "a=(((1%%e-1%%a)*60)+1%%f-1%%b)*6000+1%%g%%h-1%%c%%d, a+=(a>>31) & 8640000"
echo %t0% - %t1% Elapsed %a%
echo Counter=!C!
Code: Select all
@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do if /I NOT %%v == USERPROFILE set "%%v="
set C=0
>t0.dat echo !time!
For /L %%N in (1,1,30000) do (
::Do some work
set /a A=A+2+A/2
if %%N gtr !N! (
set /a N+=100
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set A') do set "%%v="
set /a C+=1
set t1=!time!
for /F "tokens=1-8 delims=:.," %%a in ("!t0: =0!:!t1: =0!") do set /a "a=(((1%%e-1%%a)*60)+1%%f-1%%b)*6000+1%%g%%h-1%%c%%d, a+=(a>>31) & 8640000"
echo %t0% - %t1% Elapsed %a%
echo Counter=!C!
Code: Select all
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do if /I NOT %%v == USERPROFILE set "%%v="
Code: Select all
Aacini wrote:...
This Batch file will fail if the BF program have this wrong code: "[any loop][...]". This code have no sense, because after exit from first loop it will not enter to the second one, unless the second loop is used to clear the current cell: "[any loop][-]", but this is also meaningless, because at that point the current cell is zero already! This type of code indicate that the program was not originally written in BF, but perhaps it was translated from another source, like TowerOfHanoi.b (in my opinion, this is cheating). If you want to test TowerOfHanoi.b in my BF interpreter Version 3 (or any BF program, for that matter), be sure to first replace all "][-]" segments by just "]".
Code: Select all
E:\x264\provini>bf_aacini_3.cmd hanoi_mod.bf
Extracting subroutines................................................................................................................................
Parsing subroutines...................................................................................................................................
Creating Ascii tables.................
←[H←[2J←[2;27HTowers of Hanoi in Brainf*ck←[3;15HWritten by Clifford Wolf <http://www.clifford.at/bfcpu/>Impossibile trovare il file \x264\provini\han
←[14;^CTerminare il processo batch (S/N)? s
Terminare il processo batch (S/N)? s
Code: Select all
macro delay()
var a = 200;
while (a) {
var b = 200;
while (b) {
var c = 100;
while (c) c -= 1;
b -= 1;
a -= 1;
Code: Select all
............................ [any loop]
Code: Select all
............................ [any loop][
Code: Select all
macro delay()
var a = 200;
while (a) {
var b = 200;
while (b) {
var c = 100;
while (c) c -= 1;
b -= 1;
a -= 1;